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Children and Families

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A Kid Again

Contact: Website, or 614-797-9500
Population Served:

Families with kids facing a life-threatening medical condition in the United States. 


To provide year-round free fun-filled adventures that allows children with life-threatening conditions to feel like A Kid Again.

  • Provides a community of other families navigating life while raising a medically complex child with in-person adventures arranged by local chapters
  • Coordinates chats groups during virtual adventures, gaming teams in ESports, and Facebook groups
  • Sends “Adventures in a Box” a program that delivers a box packed full of activities you can do together as a family.

A Moment of Magic

Contact: Website or email
Population Served:

Children and adolescents in the U.S.


To improve the quality of life of vulnerable and underserved children and inspire them to be brave, strong, and fearless through fun and engaging social wellness activities.

  • Provides in-person and virtual creative programming.
  • Offers Direct family support, Bravery bags, and Care packages.

Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)

Contact: 610-649-3034 or 866-333-1213
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, young adults, healthcare professionals and researchers related to childhood cancer


To change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.

  • Travel For Care Program offers financial assistance to eligible families for travel for childhood cancer treatment at medical institutions in the U.S. and Canada.  Patient must be diagnosed by age 18 and be under 21 and in active oncology treatment following a relapse, or enrolling in or currently participating in a clinical trial for active oncology treatment or a treatment innovation not available at their local institution. Applications must be submitted by a social worker or medical representative. 
  • Childhood Cancer Treatment Journal is a free treatment organizer for families of childhood cancer to help parents keep track of important treatment information.
  • Ambassadors Program involves family members and friends of a childhood cancer hero who choose to get more involved with ALSF.
  • My Childhood Cancer: Survey Series aims to better understand how childhood cancer affects families.
  • SuperSibs Programs aim to comfort, encourage and empower siblings during their family’s battle against childhood cancer and has a Grief & Loss Program that sends age-appropriate support to children ages 4-18 residing in the U.S. who have experienced the death of a sibling from childhood cancer.
  • Offers a free guide for education professionals to help patients, their siblings, and classmates cope with a diagnosis or death in their school community.

American Childhood Cancer Organization (ACCO)

Contact: 855-858-2226
Population Served:

Children and adolescents who are currently fighting cancer


To provide information and support for children and adolescents with cancer and their families, to provide grassroots leadership through advocacy and awareness, and to support research leading to a cure for all children diagnosed with this life-threatening disease.

  • Provides support for parents with children fighting cancer both locally through its affiliates and online
  • Offers books, medical play kit, comfort kit
  • Online peer support and local groups in some geographic areas

Angels for Change

Contact: Website or
Population Served:

U.S. and International, anyone affected by drug shortages


Angels for Change is a volunteer supported organization on a mission to end drug shortages through advocacy, awareness, and a resilient supply chain.

  • The focus is to advocate on behalf of any patient in a life-saving drug shortage, while building relationships with patients and members of the pharmaceutical supply chain ending all healthcare crises created by drug shortages.

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation

Contact: 800-747-2820 or
Population Served:

Patients and families living with Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), and related bone marrow failure diseases


To support, connect and educate patients, caregivers and health professionals on bone marrow failure diseases worldwide

  • Free educational materials: Information on research, treatment, and clinical trials
  • Online Academy: Live webinars, webcasts, interviews with experts, and interactive learning modules
  • Peer Support Network: Patients and caregivers can speak with trained patient volunteers who share treatment experiences and provide emotional support
  • Community Connections: Volunteer-led regional support groups connecting patient and families
  • Educational Conferences: Our free conferences in cities around the country offer learning opportunities from leading medical experts, and the ability to connect directly with other patients and caregivers
  • Find A Specialist: online search tool.

Bright Spot Network

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Young cancer survivors who are parents or guardians of small children


To provide young cancer survivors who are parents of small children with a safe space for individual and familial healing, recovery, and reconnection.

  • Offers a variety of virtual support groups and programs 
  • Offers “Bright Box” art project kits to families with children 10 years old and younger
  • Provides free age-appropriate books about dealing with big emotions, cancer and illness, and grief and loss, to the children of parents going through cancer
  • Provides small grants to families/parents/caregivers in need. Priority is given to families with a child 6 years old and under (including those diagnosed while pregnant) where a parent or child’s primary caregiver is in active treatment or is a recent survivor (within 6 months of last treatment)

CAC2 Coalition Against Childhood Cancer

Population Served:

U.S. and international childhood cancer foundations, organizations, and advocates, as well as families in the U.S. impacted by childhood cancer. 


To foster and sustain greater levels of collaboration, information exchange, and learning across the childhood cancer community through agreed upon initiatives in the areas of advocacy & awareness building, family support & survivorship, and research & treatment.

  • Offers professional membership, networking opportunities, and collaboration/advocacy initiatives
  • Offers professional/community resources, including the CAC2 Survivorship Toolkit and Childhood Cancer Fact Library
  • Offers family resource directories through the Childhood Cancer Hub, which includes the Hope Portal (in-treatment resources) and Better Together (survivorship resources)


Contact: 800-813-4673
Population Served:

Individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved in the U.S. affected by a cancer diagnosis


To provide free, professional support services to individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved to help them cope with and manage the emotional and practical challenges of cancer. (English and Spanish)

  • Professional resource navigators and oncology social workers are available to provide telephone resource navigation to people living with cancer, post treatment survivors, and caregivers affected by cancer.
  • Offers short term counseling to residents of NY and NJ. 
  • Offers online support groups, educational programs, and local community support programs.
  • Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp - a free retreat for families with children coping with the loss of a loved one to cancer
  • Financial assistance for transportation, home care, childcare, pet care (through PAW program), or medication/durable medical equipment may be available for patients in active treatment. Eligibility guidelines vary depending on diagnosis, gender, and geographic location. 
  • Financial assistance for insured cancer patients in treatment in the US to help with co-payments for chemotherapy and targeted treatment medications who meet certain financial, medical and insurance eligibility criteria. Check the website for funding availability ( or call 866-552-6729 for details.

Cancer Commons

Contact: 877-971-1200
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals impacted by cancer in the U.S.


Cancer Commons is a non-profit network of patients, physicians, and scientists united by a shared goal to optimize each patient’s outcome and maximize collective learning to benefit the next patient.

  • Navigators and oncology experts will review a patient’s current care, explore options for further testing and/or treatment plans, and offer personally curated resources and options with no charge for services. 

Cancer Support Community (CSC)

Contact: 888-793-9355
Population Served:

People affected by cancer in the U.S. and Canada


To provide support, education and hope to people affected by cancer; to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.

  • Offers support through a network of more than 52 local affiliates and 175 locations
  • Cancer Support Helpline® - offers resources and emotional support via phone or live chat, and is staffed by licensed mental health professionals
  • MyLifeLine - create a private, personal webpage to help keep family and friends stay involved and informed
  • Frankly Speaking About Cancer® – education series that provides trusted information on a variety of topics important to people affected by cancer; information is available in a variety of formats
  • Virtual Home - resources to connect you to education, support, and action opportunities to enhance your health and well-being from the comfort of your computer
  • Open to Options – provides general information about clinical trials, helps patients identify important questions about treatment options and decisions based upon personal needs
  • CancerSupportSource® - a tool that assesses distress in key areas (such as sleep, nutrition, worry about the future) and provides referral and follow-up care for all patients
  • Cancer Experience Registry - a unique online community that brings people impacted by cancer together to make their voices heard, connect with each other, share experiences, learn from and help others
  • Cancer Transitions – an evidence-based programs for cancer survivors who have completed their treatment (in partnership with LIVESTRONG)

Cassie Hines Shoes Cancer Foundation for Young Adults

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Adolescent and young adult cancer patients and survivors


To guide young adults with cancer to social support programs and services that can help them manage their mental healing as well as their physical battle.

  • Survivorship program in Northern Michigan consists of 6 days of adventure-based learning at no cost
  • Travel Assistance for young adults to attend an approved survivorship program in the US
  • Annual Base2Summit Scholarship for a Michigan resident who is accepted to an accredited school of higher learning; see website for details
  • Lists a variety of survivorship resources related to support, finances, legal, etc.

Chemo Angels

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Pediatric (age 4 and up) and adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in the US


To offer support and encouragement to cancer patients in treatment

  • Volunteers send cards and uplifting messages to cancer patients via postal mail
  • Website provides links to patient resources.

Childhood Cancer Canada

Contact: 416-489-6440 or 800-363-1062
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families in Canada


To create victories for Canadian children with cancer through investment in national, collaborative, lifesaving research, empowering education and community programs.

  • Provides information and support for families of newly diagnosed children plus special events.
  • Offers an emergency fund to children and young adult patients and families experiencing financial hardship. 
  • Provides scholarships for childhood cancer survivors.
  • Offers a benevolent fund to assist with funeral expenses.

Childhood Cancer Guides

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families, survivors, healthcare professionals


As a part of Alex’s Lemonade Stand, the childhood cancer community publishes books that provide information, support, and resources. 

  • Books feature stories from parents, children with cancer, and survivors of childhood cancers
  • Covers various types of childhood cancers and their treatments, emotional support, helpful resources

Childrens Cancer Cause

Population Served:

Pediatric cancer survivors, families, healthcare professionals, and advocates


Children’s Cancer Cause is a leading national advocacy organization working to achieve access to less toxic and more effective pediatric cancer therapies; to expand resources for research and specialized care; and to address the unique needs and challenges of childhood cancer survivors and their families.

  • Offers college scholarship for pediatric cancer survivors who demonstrate a commitment to cancer advocacy
  • Provides information and resources for pediatric cancer survivors and families
  • Supports research and advocacy efforts across the country

Clayton Dabney for Kids with Cancer

Contact: Website or 214-361-2600
Population Served:

Terminally ill children throughout the United States, diagnosed with cancer and in the late stages of their illness, who qualify as low income or financially needy PRIOR to diagnosis, are 18 years old or younger (however, if child is 21 or younger and was diagnosed with their cancer before turning 18 and is still being treated in a pediatric facility, the patient may still qualify), and the application must be submitted by the referring hospital or hospice are team.


Provides anonymous assistance to financially struggling families throughout the country with children in the final stages of terminal cancer, allowing them to create everlasting memories with their child.  Provides direct financial assistance depending on the needs of the child/family.


Population Served:

Children and adolescents ages 5-18 impacted by serious illness in the US


To improve the social and emotional wellbeing by providing free online & in-person arts and athletic lessons.

  • Offers 1:1 or group instruction in English and Spanish in a variety of activities including visual art, culinary arts, sports and fitness, music, literary arts, digital arts, science and more.
  • Ships all materials, at no cost, directly to the participant. Lessons can be done from anywhere. 

Connecting Champions

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Kids and young adult cancer patients/survivors ages 3-26


Connecting kids and young adults by teaming them up with a mentor or friend in a profession/field they are interested in or who shares their interests.

  • In-person and virtual programs
  • Activity kits provided

Courageous Parents Network

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Families caring for children with serious illness and clinicians who support them. 


To orient and empower parents and others caring for children with serious illness, by providing resources and tools that reflect the experience and perspective of families and clinicians.

  • Shares the voices of families through videos, podcasts, blog posts, and downloadable guides.
  • Provides guidance on decision-making, advocating for your child, working with the medical team, caring for siblings, and more.
  • Offers monthly educational events on a variety of topics.
  • Website available in English and Spanish.


Contact: 858-859-2873 or
Population Served:

Pediatric and adult cancer patients, healthcare professionals


To provide a report to a patient’s oncologist of ranked drug therapies targeting cancer at the genomic level.

  • Patients who have had genomic sequencing of a sample of cancer/blood can provide the results to CureMatch.  Their software will then analyze the data, compare it to other sources of information, and provide a report to the oncologist.
  • The price of the report is free for children with cancer under age 18.

CureSearch for Children's Cancer

Contact: 800-458-6223
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families


To fund and support targeted and innovative children's cancer research with measurable results, and be the authoritative source of information and resources for all those affected by children's cancer.

  • Website offers information about tests and procedures, treatment options, medications, side effects and many other issues.

Express, Create, Heal

Contact: Website or email
Population Served:

Children and adolescents ages 3 to 18 in the U.S. affected by cancer, along with the healthcare professionals who serve them.


Powered by A Moment of Magic, the goal of Express Create Heal is to improve mental health outcomes for children affected by cancer

  • Offers volunteer-led social emotional learning programs (in-person and virtual) to children impacted by cancer
  • Virtual resource video library (in English & Spanish) available on their website
  • Provides trainings and networking opportunities for community members and healthcare professionals serving the childhood cancer community

Get Palliative Care

Contact: Website Only
Population Served:

Patients with life-threatening illness and their caregivers


To increase the availability of quality palliative care services for all people living with serious illness. 

  • Provides information about palliative care: specialized medical care which provides patients with relief from symptoms, pain and stress
  • Explains how palliative care helps people with specific diseases
  • Provides a directory of hospitals with palliative care teams
  • Offers videos, blog, printed material and other resources including a quiz to help individuals know if palliative care is right for them.

Give an Hour

Contact: Website only
Population Served:

Rare disease caregivers, military/veterans and their families, and other communities in need


To create resilient communities by improving mental health and emotional wellbeing, one hour at a time.

  • Free individual mental health counseling services for military service members, veterans, and their loved ones. Services are donated by community mental health professionals.
  • 1:1 Peer Support and Group Peer Support for the military community, as well as rare disease caregivers and individuals affected by interpersonal and community violence.

Grahamtastic Connection

Contact: 207-324-0888 ext. 210
Population Served:

Critically ill children, ages 3 to 18 years living in the US with priority to children in the Northeast


To provide free laptops, tablets, and robotics to seriously ill children for educational purposes. 

  • Provides laptops and other technology to children during treatment so they can continue their education and connect with their teachers as well as with family, friends, and medical providers
  • Professional from child’s medical team must submit request.

Hear Your Song

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Children and adolescents with serious illness ages 6-18 (US and International)


Empowers children and teens with serious illnesses and complex health needs to make their voices heard through collaborative songwriting.

  • Volunteers work with youth participants to guide them through writing their own song and then volunteer musicians/composers use the ideas to set the words to music and record the song.  Some youth just write the lyrics and others choose to sing on the recording themselves—the journey is up to them!
  • All Programs are free of charge


Contact: 703-364-5609
Population Served:

Children in treatment for cancer in grades Pre-K through 12


Overcome the social isolation of children in treatment for cancer through technology

  • Connects homebound children to their classmates and family at no cost to the participant or school via web cameras, internet and laptops.
  • Child must be in active treatment and in grade Pre-K through 12th grade

Imaginary Friends Society

Population Served:

Children and adolescents with cancer and their families in the U.S.


To explain a wide range of complicated cancer topics in a way that kids can understand. Because the more they understand about their treatment, the less scary it will be.

  • Produced by the Pediatric Brain Tumor Foundation, The Imaginary Friend Society is a short film series to help young patients make sense of the many different aspects of cancer.  It provides kid-friendly videos covering a wide range of cancer-related topics – everything from defining cancer itself to chemotherapy and MRIs.
  • Videos are available in English and Spanish.

Inheritance of Hope

Contact: Website or (914) 213-8435
Population Served:

Young families with children 18 or under, facing the loss of a parent to a life-threatening illness or living with loss


To inspire hope in young families facing the loss of a parent

  • Offers online weekly support groups (Hope@Home) for all ages, whether living with illness or life after loss.
  • Offers local monthly in-person gatherings (Hope Hub) in various locations throughout the country.
  • Offers in-person retreats (Legacy Retreats) in various locations throughout the country.
  • Offers assisted creation of a Legacy Video for terminally ill parents to leave messages for loved ones.

Kids Kicking Cancer Heroes Circle

Contact: Website or (248) 864-8238
Population Served:

Children (ages 3-18+) with serious/chronic illness, siblings, as well as children of adult cancer patients


To ease the pain and trauma of children impacted by a serious illness while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually, and emotionally, by offering evidence-based martial arts therapy to kids. 

  • Offers therapeutic martial arts classes through both virtual and in-person programming.
  • All martial arts are non-contact and adapted to the needs of the child.
  • Classes are offered globally and in multiple languages.

Make-A-Wish America

Contact: 800-722-9474
Population Served:

Children with life-threatening medical conditions that have reached the age of 2½ and are under the age of 18 at the time of referral. Children must be referred within one year of the end of treatment. Children must not have already have had a wish granted by any other wish granting organization.


The mission of Make-A-Wish America is to grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

  • Every wish experience is driven by the wish child’s interests, creativity and personality.
  • Healthcare professionals, parents, legal guardians, family members and potential wish recipients can initiate the referral inquiry process.
  • The child's treating physician will be contacted to determine whether the child meets our eligibility criteria at the time they are referred.

Oliver Patch Project

Population Served:

Child and adolescent cancer patients in active treatment who reside in the U.S.


To create an engaging platform where young cancer patients can connect through a series of unique patches and animations created just for them.

  • The Jacket/Tote Patch Program is a free program that provides each child with a jacket or tote and 20 of their favorite patches designed just for them. 
  • Oliver Patch Project’s National Patch Day Program is a 365-day initiative that encourages everyone to send message of support and a FREE patch to any child or teen who may be facing physical and mental health challenges. 


Contact: Website or
Population Served:

Caregivers to children with cancer, healthcare professionals


To help empower, inform, and heal caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer through peer support and evidence-based programs.

  • Provides online communities for parents seeking peer connections
  • Retreat program offers a weekend of self-care,  peer connecting and the opportunity to develop the tools to obtain balanced living in the aftermath of a pediatric cancer diagnosis
  • Caregiver Coffee Breaks empower a parent to build an in-person or virtual peer support community
  • In-hospital support groups available in certain geographic areas
  • Connects caregivers to patient family engagement opportunities and approved caregiver studies.

Pablove Foundation

Contact: 323-657-5557 ext. 1
Population Served:

Kids and teens with cancer ages 6-18


Improve the lives of children with cancer through the arts and invests in underfunded, cutting-edge, pediatric cancer research.

  • Pablove Shutterbugs: Located nationwide, and now virtually, this arts education program teaches children and teens living with cancer to develop their creative voice through the art of photography.
  • Childhood Cancer Research which includes: Seed grants are awarded to the most innovative, groundbreaking childhood cancer researchers around the country and world, committed to improving treatment options and finding cures for childhood cancers. Accelerator Award is a joint venture between Pablove and a partner research institution, this award makes a significant investment in a single promising researcher, with the aim of catapulting their research forward.

Patient Resource Cancer Guides

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Patients and caregivers


To empower people who are suffering with life-altering diseases by giving them the most comprehensive and up-to-date guides to treatment and facilities for their disease free of charge.

  • Provides free educational materials, written for ease of understanding, in print and online.

Pickles Group

Contact: Website or
Population Served:

Children and adolescents whose parent/guardian has cancer (US, Canada, and International)


To provide free peer-to-peer support and resources to kids affected by their parent or guardian’s cancer.

  • In-person and virtual programs that support the wellbeing of kids of adult cancer patients
  • "How to Talk to Kids About Cancer" kits and webinars
  • Resource navigation for parents and caregivers on navigating cancer with kids at home

Pinky Swear Foundation

Contact: Website, or 952-974-9600
Population Served:

Families with kids fighting cancer anywhere in the United States


Helping kids with cancer and their families with financial and emotional support.

  • Programs include Orange Envelope, All-Star Fund, and PACK Experience.  Each program has its own set of eligibility requirements, please see website for eligibility requirements and how to apply for support.

Rally Foundation

Contact: 404-847-1270
Population Served:

Children with any type of cancer and their families, supporters, researchers


To empower volunteers across the country to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research, to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures.

  • Become a Rally Researcher- Supports research projects affiliated with Children's Oncology Group or supported by the National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute. Awards one year research grants through a rigorous competitive peer review process.
  • Rally Family Emergency Fund- Offers financial assistance for children under age 21 in current cancer treatment. Fund has an annual cap of $500 and a lifetime cap of $750. Funds may be used to cover a patient's cancer-related medical bills or other family costs related to treatment, e.g. transitional housing.
  • Become a Rally Kid- Personal stories of cancer patients and survivors, which are inspirational and encourage everyone to Rally in our efforts to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research.
  • Rally Athlete Training Team- Provides independent athletes with personalized fundraising pages and the opportunity to run for a Rally Kid.

Shining Stars Foundation

Contact: 970-726-8009
Population Served:

Children ages 8 to 18 with pediatric cancer or other life-threatening illness and their families, primarily in Colorado; other regions served include Arizona, Illinois, Oklahoma, Virginia, and Indiana


To transform lives through outdoor recreational and social programs for children and their families challenged with pediatric cancer or other life-threatening illness

  • Provides a wide variety of year-round recreational and social activities free of charge
  • Services are delivered through overnight, week-long programs and single day events
  • Special focus is placed on children living with a physical or mental disability as a result of their treatment and/or disease.

Sofia's Hope

Contact: Website or (786) 730-4545
Population Served:

Childhood cancer patients and survivors, and their families; healthcare professionals


To raise childhood cancer awareness, to offer programs that enhance the quality of life of children with cancer, and to fund childhood cancer research.

  • Childhood cancer survivors or their siblings may inquire about possible scholarships for a college education.  Call or check website for details.
  • Child-life specialists and social workers may refer children with cancer and their families for a variety of local programs and activities in the South Florida area
  • Helps to fund pediatric cancer research.

Songs of Love Foundation

Contact: Website or 800-960-7664
Population Served:

Children and teens age 21 or younger, worldwide, battling a life-threatening or life-limiting physical, mental or emotional medical challenge


To provide uplifting songs for children and teens currently facing tough medical, physical or emotional challenges.

  • Creates an original, personalized song, free of charge, based on the child’s interests and favorite music.

Starlight Childrens Foundation

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Children and teens with chronic or life-threatening medical conditions in the U.S., Canada, United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, New Zealand; teens ages 13-20 with medical issues worldwide and their teen siblings


Partners with experts to create programs that help brighten the lives of seriously ill children and their families.

  • Partner facilities offer in-hospital programs such as parties and entertainment
  • Check with your child’s treatment center to see if a Starlight Comfort Kit is available (backpack filled with toys, games, books).

Sunrise Association

Contact: Website or 516-634-4144
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their siblings age 3 ½ - 16


To bring back the joys of childhood to children with cancer and their siblings worldwide. Sunrise accomplishes this through the creation and oversight of welcoming, inclusive summer day camps, year-round programs and in-hospital recreational activities, all offered free of charge.

  • Free day camps in multiple locations throughout the United States and Israel
  • Free virtual Sunshine Day Camp program available to hospitalized pediatric cancer patients regardless of location
  • In-hospital recreational programs in certain partner hospitals in the United States and Israel
  • Video entertainment series focused on travel and exploration - Wheels Up! 


Contact: (617) 801-0248
Population Served:

Children in the US ages 5 to 16 diagnosed with serious and chronic illnesses (including cancer) that has resulted in treatment or extended hospital stays within the past 3 years, who could benefit from a boost to improve their quality of life both socially and psychologically


To connect children facing serious and chronic illnesses with college teams, forming life-long bonds and life-changing outcomes

  • Staff and team members build relationships with the children, and offer support and encouragement to the children as they face medical challenges.

Teen Cancer America

Contact: 310-208-0400
Population Served:

Teens and young adults with cancer, survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals


To improve the experience, outcomes, and survival of teens and young adults with cancer by providing facilities and programs designed especially for them in hospitals across the USA.

  • Partners with hospitals around the country to provide strategic guidance to establish specialized facilities and services for the teenage and young adult cancer community
  • Offers stories, videos, a newsletter, and list of resources through the website.

The Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation

Contact: 212-838-3029 or 800-365-1336
Population Served:

Cancer and transplant patients and families, caregivers, survivors


To improve the quality of life for cancer and transplant patients and their families by providing vital financial assistance, comprehensive resources, educational information, physician referrals, and emotional support programs.

  • CancerBuddy provides a user-friendly digital experience to help people affected by cancer across the US find buddies, share experiences and resources, provide support, and build a supportive community of peers
  • Clinical Care Counseling provides confidential individual and family supportive counseling, financial guidance and resource referrals for cancer, transplant patients, and family members
  • Patient Navigators provide guidance and support to anyone faced with a cancer diagnosis or needing a bone marrow transplant
  • Ask the Expert enables individuals to anonymously pose questions concerning transplantation and to have them answered by transplant specialists
  • Lifeline Fund provides financial support to help cover the costs of donor searches, medications, home and child care services, medical equipment, transportation, cord blood banking, housing costs and other expenses associated with transplant
  • Carelines provides social media tools for crowdfunding, journaling and a volunteer task calendar for anyone with a cancer diagnosis or receiving a bone marrow, stem cell or cord blood transplant 
  • Your Transplant Journey Handbook provides comprehensive transplant information and resources

The National Childrens Cancer Society

Contact: 314-241-1600 or 800-532-6459
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, survivors, health professionals


To improve the quality of life for children with cancer and their families worldwide.

  • Provides financial and emotional support to families throughout the United States during their child’s cancer treatment. Financial assistance includes transportation fund and emergency assistance fund (See website for specific financial eligibility criteria.)
  • The "Beyond the Cure" Survivorship Program (BTC) provides the most up-to-date information on survivorship to help survivors and their families adapt and celebrate life after diagnosis
  • Online community provides a private network for parents, caregivers and survivors of childhood cancer to connect, share and offer support to one another
  • Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship Program awards college scholarships to childhood cancer survivors who have demonstrated the ability to overcome the difficult challenges of cancer with determination and motivation; call or see website for details
  • Provides resources to healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of childhood cancer and the many challenges associated with survivorship
  • Global Outreach Program partners with pharmaceutical companies to distribute donated cancer treatment drugs and medical supplies around the world.

Together by St. Jude

Population Served:

Families with children and adolescents facing cancer


Produced by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Together by St. Jude is an online resource providing information and education for families facing childhood and adolescent cancer, no matter where the patient receives treatment. The website offers trusted information, practical resources, and shared stories of hope and healing.

  • Website offered in multiple languages
  • Offers an online peer support platform for families
  • Includes mini-site for adolescents and young adults ages 13-25 facing childhood cancer: Together Teens & 20s

Twist Out Cancer

Contact: Website or (847)-802-9183
Population Served:

Cancer survivors, previvors (individuals who are genetically predisposed to cancer), and caregivers


Twist Out Cancer provides psychosocial support to cancer survivors and their loved ones through creative arts programming. We are a global community that enables anyone touched by cancer to connect, create, support and inspire. 

  • Virtual and in-person programming throughout the United States and various other countries.
  • Brushes with Cancer: Program that matches those touched by cancer with artists to create a unique piece of artwork that reflects on their journey with cancer.
  • Twistshops: Art therapy-focused workshops that promote healing, relaxation, and emotional recovery.
  • Podcast featuring stories of extraordinary artists and courageous individuals who have been touched by cancer.

Warrior Horses

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Children and adolescents ages 2 -19 years with cancer in the US


To bring joy and a unique experience to pediatric cancer patients by matching them with a "warrior" horse.

  • Matches pediatric cancer patients with a horse that participates in the show ring.  Patients may visit their horse in person or virtually, and follow the horse’s journey in competitions.

Wonders & Worries

Contact: Website or 1-844-939-66337
Population Served:

Parents with serious illness, their children, and healthcare professionals who serve them in the US, Canada, and internationally.


To provide free, professional support for children and teenagers through a parent’s serious illness or injury, so that they can reach their full potential.

  • Offers an educational & coping curriculum which addresses a child’s wonders and alleviates their worries when their parent is diagnosed with a serious illness or injury. Delivered through parent and professional apps (W&W2GO), podcasts, webinars, and other online materials which are free and available in 175 countries.
  • Provides parent and professional consultation via national helpline along with local in-person Texas-based services.
  • Offers an international directory of child life specialists and licensed mental health professionals whose fees vary.
  • Provides professional education, credentialing opportunities, and training materials.

You Are The Hero

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Families with children aged 18 or younger with a chronic illness


To empower youth in need who are living with chronic, potentially life-long illnesses, to help them embrace their superhero identity, and share their heroic stories.

  • Offers free professional illustrations for children with chronic illness, transforming them into superheroes. 
  • Shares stories of “heroes” on their website.