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American Cancer Fund (ACF)

Contact: 908-431-9800
Population Served:

Anyone affected by cancer and needing information


ACF™ is dedicated to the education, support and empowerment of those diagnosed with cancer by organizing and clarifying information. Provides information about:

  • Living with Cancer
  • Clinical Trials
  • Complementary and Alternative Medicine
  • Nutrition and Exercise
  • Oral Health

American Cancer Society (ACS)

Contact: 800-227-2345
Population Served:

People affected by a cancer internationally; programs and services offered to patients and caregivers residing in the United States


In the U.S., ACS is a community-based voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem.

  • Provides educational materials both online and in print about cancer, including blood cancers, as well as related information on topics such as diet, exercise, complementary and alternative medicine, and disease statistics
  • Offers support services via online discussion boards and in-person support groups through local chapters
  • Cancer Survivors NetworkSM, a global online community, transcends geographic boundaries and builds bonds among cancer survivors and caregivers through shared experiences and feelings
  • Road to Recovery, a program offered locally by some chapters, has volunteer drivers who transport patients to and from treatment appointments
  • Hope Lodges are temporary housing accommodations for patients traveling far from home for treatment. There are more than 30 lodges.

Amys Rays of Sunshine

Population Served:

Patients ages 18-50 who are having a bone marrow transplant in the U.S.


Provides encouragement, positivity, and hope to patients who are starting their bone marrow transplants by giving them a box of handwritten inspirational cards, notes, and other items during this physically and emotionally challenging time.

Angels for Change

Contact: Website or
Population Served:

U.S. and International, anyone affected by drug shortages


Angels for Change is a volunteer supported organization on a mission to end drug shortages through advocacy, awareness, and a resilient supply chain.

  • The focus is to advocate on behalf of any patient in a life-saving drug shortage, while building relationships with patients and members of the pharmaceutical supply chain ending all healthcare crises created by drug shortages.

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation

Contact: 800-747-2820 or
Population Served:

Patients and families living with Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), and related bone marrow failure diseases


To support, connect and educate patients, caregivers and health professionals on bone marrow failure diseases worldwide

  • Free educational materials: Information on research, treatment, and clinical trials
  • Online Academy: Live webinars, webcasts, interviews with experts, and interactive learning modules
  • Peer Support Network: Patients and caregivers can speak with trained patient volunteers who share treatment experiences and provide emotional support
  • Community Connections: Volunteer-led regional support groups connecting patient and families
  • Educational Conferences: Our free conferences in cities around the country offer learning opportunities from leading medical experts, and the ability to connect directly with other patients and caregivers
  • Find A Specialist: online search tool.

Cancer Commons

Contact: 877-971-1200
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals impacted by cancer in the U.S.


Cancer Commons is a non-profit network of patients, physicians, and scientists united by a shared goal to optimize each patient’s outcome and maximize collective learning to benefit the next patient.

  • Navigators and oncology experts will review a patient’s current care, explore options for further testing and/or treatment plans, and offer personally curated resources and options with no charge for services. 

Cancer Hope Network

Contact: 877-467-3638
Population Served:

People diagnosed with cancer and their families in the U.S. and Canada


To provide one-on-one support to people undergoing treatment for cancer and their families.

  • Provides training to individuals who have recovered from cancer so they can be matched with cancer patients currently undergoing a similar experience.

Cancer Support Community (CSC)

Contact: 888-793-9355
Population Served:

People affected by cancer in the U.S. and Canada


To provide support, education and hope to people affected by cancer; to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.

  • Offers support through a network of more than 52 local affiliates and 175 locations
  • Cancer Support Helpline® - offers resources and emotional support via phone or live chat, and is staffed by licensed mental health professionals
  • MyLifeLine - create a private, personal webpage to help keep family and friends stay involved and informed
  • Frankly Speaking About Cancer® – education series that provides trusted information on a variety of topics important to people affected by cancer; information is available in a variety of formats
  • Virtual Home - resources to connect you to education, support, and action opportunities to enhance your health and well-being from the comfort of your computer
  • Open to Options – provides general information about clinical trials, helps patients identify important questions about treatment options and decisions based upon personal needs
  • CancerSupportSource® - a tool that assesses distress in key areas (such as sleep, nutrition, worry about the future) and provides referral and follow-up care for all patients
  • Cancer Experience Registry - a unique online community that brings people impacted by cancer together to make their voices heard, connect with each other, share experiences, learn from and help others
  • Cancer Transitions – an evidence-based programs for cancer survivors who have completed their treatment (in partnership with LIVESTRONG)


Contact: 800-813-4673
Population Served:

Individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved in the U.S. affected by a cancer diagnosis


To provide free, professional support services to individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved to help them cope with and manage the emotional and practical challenges of cancer. (English and Spanish)

  • Professional resource navigators and oncology social workers are available to provide telephone resource navigation to people living with cancer, post treatment survivors, and caregivers affected by cancer.
  • Offers short term counseling to residents of NY and NJ. 
  • Offers online support groups, educational programs, and local community support programs.
  • Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp - a free retreat for families with children coping with the loss of a loved one to cancer
  • Financial assistance for transportation, home care, childcare, pet care (through PAW program), or medication/durable medical equipment may be available for patients in active treatment. Eligibility guidelines vary depending on diagnosis, gender, and geographic location. 
  • Financial assistance for insured cancer patients in treatment in the US to help with co-payments for chemotherapy and targeted treatment medications who meet certain financial, medical and insurance eligibility criteria. Check the website for funding availability ( or call 866-552-6729 for details.

Contact: 800-973-1540 or Website
Population Served:



To provide information and support for people caring for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones.

  • Provides elder care information and support, including information about senior living options and in-home care
  • Offers an online section covering a wide variety of relevant caregiving-related topics (e.g. insurance, benefits, coping)
  • Offers one-on-one guidance with a Family Advisor at no cost.

Contact: 844-268-3901
Population Served:

Anyone seeking information on chemotherapy or cancer

Mission® is a website designed to provide the latest information about chemotherapy to patients and their families, caregivers and friends. The site focuses on care during chemotherapy including information about FDA approved chemotherapy medications, nutrition, managing side effects and self-care tips. The content is continually updated and reviewed by oncology specialists.

Chemo Angels

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Pediatric (age 4 and up) and adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in the US


To offer support and encouragement to cancer patients in treatment

  • Volunteers send cards and uplifting messages to cancer patients via postal mail
  • Website provides links to patient resources.

Chemo Divas

Contact: Website or
Population Served:

Individuals in the U.S. affected by cancer, with special emphasis on equity for women of color


To improve women of color’s access, education, and community support as they navigate disparities in cancer care.

  • Offers a financial assistance grant to patients, survivors, and caregivers facing financial hardships in relation to a cancer diagnosis. See website for more eligibility details. 
  • Offers stories of cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers to increase representation of underserved communities impacted by cancer
  • Provides a community resource directory.

Cleveland Clinic 4th Angel Mentoring Program

Contact: 866-520-3197
Population Served:

Adults over the age of 18 impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide


To provide personalized peer support empowering those affected by cancer and its treatment

  • Matches individuals impacted by cancer for one-on-one support with a trained volunteer mentor. 
  • English and Spanish-speaking mentors available.
  • Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one.

Eldercare Locator

Contact: 800-677-1116 or Website
Population Served:

Older adults, caregivers in the U.S.


To connect older adults and their caregivers with trustworthy support resources.

  • Links those who need assistance with state and local agencies on aging as well as community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers
  • Provides information on topics such as housing, insurance, transportation, etc.
  • Is a public service of the Administration on Aging, an agency of the U.S. Administration for Community Living.

Elephants and Tea

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Adolescent and young adult cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals worldwide


To help adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors, and caregivers know they are not alone in their fight with cancer

  • Provides a free quarterly print magazine and online site with stories and experiences written by young adult cancer patients and survivors
  • Offers digital programs and events to bring the AYA community together to interact and empower each other
  • Collaborates with AYA organizations across the US.

Get Palliative Care

Contact: Website Only
Population Served:

Patients with life-threatening illness and their caregivers


To increase the availability of quality palliative care services for all people living with serious illness. 

  • Provides information about palliative care: specialized medical care which provides patients with relief from symptoms, pain and stress
  • Explains how palliative care helps people with specific diseases
  • Provides a directory of hospitals with palliative care teams
  • Offers videos, blog, printed material and other resources including a quiz to help individuals know if palliative care is right for them.

Give an Hour

Contact: Website only
Population Served:

Rare disease caregivers, military/veterans and their families, and other communities in need


To create resilient communities by improving mental health and emotional wellbeing, one hour at a time.

  • Free individual mental health counseling services for military service members, veterans, and their loved ones. Services are donated by community mental health professionals.
  • 1:1 Peer Support and Group Peer Support for the military community, as well as rare disease caregivers and individuals affected by interpersonal and community violence.

Global Resource for Advancing Cancer Education (GRACE)

Contact: Website
Population Served:

People with blood cancer (and lung or head & neck cancer), caregivers, health professionals


To provide expert-mediated information on current and emerging cancer management options in order to empower patients, caregivers, and health professionals to become direct partners in cancer care.

  • Offers cancer information and video library, podcasts, email newsletter and online discussion forums.

Healthy Ukulele

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Adult cancer survivors, caregivers, and family members


Healthy Ukulele exists to provide all adults who are impacted by cancer's challenges with the fun of music and learning the ukulele in the hawaiian style. Provides free virtual live group ukulele classes.

Hirsch Wellness Network

Contact: Website or 336-209-0259
Population Served:

Cancer patients 18 and older, caregivers, healthcare professionals in the U.S.


To support the emotional and physical needs of cancer survivors, patients in treatment, and caregivers by providing therapeutic arts and wellness programs that celebrate the power of self-expression and self-healing to cultivate strength, renew spirit, and foster hope.

  • Offers virtual/online national programs and in-person programs in Greensboro, NC

Imerman Angels

Contact: 866-463-7626
Population Served:

Anyone impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide


To provide personalized connections that enable one-on-one support among cancer fighters, survivors and caregivers. These one–on–one relationships inspire hope and offer support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience.

  • Provides a unique matching program in which a volunteer peer “Mentor Angel” is partnered with an individual seeking cancer support.
  • Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one with “Caregiver Mentor Angels” who can help provide support and comfort throughout the journey.

International Myeloma Foundation (IMF)

Contact: 800-452-2873 (US & Canada) or 818-487-7455 (Worldwide)
Population Served:

Anyone needing information on myeloma, including patients, caregivers and health professionals


To improve the quality of life of myeloma patients and their families while working toward prevention and a cure through four founding principles: research, education, support, and advocacy.

  • Offers disease and treatment information via toll free number and publications in multiple languages
  • Makes referrals to support groups and hosts an on-line support group
  • Offers seminars, workshops and webcasts
  • Provides Veterans Against Myeloma (VAM), a resource for patients who have served in the military and developed myeloma through their service
  • IMF Advocacy group helps guide individuals to advocate for critical health issues that affect the myeloma community
  • Supports research initiatives.


Contact: 855-220-7777
Population Served:

Cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers in the U.S.


To inspire and empower people affected by cancer; to provide support to guide people through the cancer experience, bring them together to fight cancer—and work for a world in which their fight is no longer necessary.

  • Provides free, confidential, one-on-one support to anyone affected by cancer, not just patients, through education, guidance, and referrals.
  • Offers The LIVESTRONG Guidebook and other materials to help cancer patients and survivors as they navigate the health care system.
  • Additional resources include a prescription discount card, cancer-focused education resources for teachers/families, and cancer survivor exercise programs through the YMCA. 
  • LIVESTRONG Fertility - Dedicated to providing reproductive information, resources and financial support to survivors whose cancer and its treatment presents risks to their fertility.

MPN Advocacy and Education International

Contact: 517-899-6889
Population Served:

Patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (Essential Thrombocythemia, Idiopathic Myelofibrosis, Polycythemia Vera), caregivers, professionals worldwide


To make a difference in the lives of those affected by myeloproliferative neoplasms.

  • Offers disease, treatment and clinical trial information
  • Website lists online and in-person support groups worldwide
  • Offers an email digest, educational events and webcasts
  • Provides outreach to the entire MPN community to grow awareness, understanding, and a better quality of life for MPN patients
  • Engages legislators and governmental bodies on behalf of their constituents to ensure the MPN Community is represented.

MPN Cancer Connection

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Patients diagnosed with Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs), caregivers, professionals


To empower patients to better understand their disease and treatment options; to improve patient care

  • Provides information about the MPNs such as Essential Thrombocythemia, Polycythemia Vera and Myelofibrosis
  • Provides links to recent news, articles, Facebook groups and resources

National Bone Marrow Transplant Link (nbmtLINK)

Contact: 800-546-5268
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers who have had or will have a bone marrow/stem cell transplant in the U.S.


To help patients, caregivers, and families cope with the social and emotional challenges of bone marrow/stem cell transplant from diagnosis through survivorship by providing vital information and personalized support services.

  • Offers educational publications, webcasts, online library
  • Provides an extensive volunteer peer support program
  • Offers Telephone Education and Support Group for Bone Marrow/Stem Cell Transplant Survivors: Coping with Chronic Graft versus Host Disease (4 week program).

National Coalition for Cancer Survivorship (NCCS)

Contact: 877-622-7937
Population Served:

People touched by cancer in the U.S.


To advocate for quality cancer care for all people touched by cancer.

  • Advocates for changes in how the nation researches, regulates, finances and delivers quality cancer care
  • Empowers cancer survivors through its publications and programs, which provide tools for self-advocacy
  • Convenes other cancer organizations to address nationwide public policy issues affecting cancer survivors
  • Cancer Survival Toolbox is a free, self-learning audio program to help people develop important skills to better meet and understand the challenges of their illness.

Patient Resource Cancer Guides

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Patients and caregivers


To empower people who are suffering with life-altering diseases by giving them the most comprehensive and up-to-date guides to treatment and facilities for their disease free of charge.

  • Provides free educational materials, written for ease of understanding, in print and online.

PREPARE for your care

Contact: Website or
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, survivors, healthcare professionals worldwide


To ensure all people are prepared and able to make informed medical decisions for themselves and their loved ones and to have a voice in their health care.

  • Offers free easy-to-read advance directives for all 50 states in both English and Spanish
  • Information is available in a step-by-step program with video stories
  • Provides pamphlets, question guide, and movie with toolkit for group events
  • Offers a newsletter and links to related research topics

The Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation

Contact: 212-838-3029 or 800-365-1336
Population Served:

Cancer and transplant patients and families, caregivers, survivors


To improve the quality of life for cancer and transplant patients and their families by providing vital financial assistance, comprehensive resources, educational information, physician referrals, and emotional support programs.

  • CancerBuddy provides a user-friendly digital experience to help people affected by cancer across the US find buddies, share experiences and resources, provide support, and build a supportive community of peers
  • Clinical Care Counseling provides confidential individual and family supportive counseling, financial guidance and resource referrals for cancer, transplant patients, and family members
  • Patient Navigators provide guidance and support to anyone faced with a cancer diagnosis or needing a bone marrow transplant
  • Ask the Expert enables individuals to anonymously pose questions concerning transplantation and to have them answered by transplant specialists
  • Lifeline Fund provides financial support to help cover the costs of donor searches, medications, home and child care services, medical equipment, transportation, cord blood banking, housing costs and other expenses associated with transplant
  • Carelines provides social media tools for crowdfunding, journaling and a volunteer task calendar for anyone with a cancer diagnosis or receiving a bone marrow, stem cell or cord blood transplant 
  • Your Transplant Journey Handbook provides comprehensive transplant information and resources

The Patient Story

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Cancer survivors, caregivers, and healthcare providers wanting to share their story (English and Spanish)


To humanize every cancer diagnosis by helping to improve quality of life and health outcomes.

  • Provides cancer survivors a chance to share their stories with those who need that help the most, empowering them to help turn their experiences into something positive.
  • Provides a community to connect with others who are navigating life with a cancer diagnosis.

Twist Out Cancer

Contact: Website or (847)-802-9183
Population Served:

Cancer survivors, previvors (individuals who are genetically predisposed to cancer), and caregivers


Twist Out Cancer provides psychosocial support to cancer survivors and their loved ones through creative arts programming. We are a global community that enables anyone touched by cancer to connect, create, support and inspire. 

  • Virtual and in-person programming throughout the United States and various other countries.
  • Brushes with Cancer: Program that matches those touched by cancer with artists to create a unique piece of artwork that reflects on their journey with cancer.
  • Twistshops: Art therapy-focused workshops that promote healing, relaxation, and emotional recovery.
  • Podcast featuring stories of extraordinary artists and courageous individuals who have been touched by cancer.