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Population Served:
Everyone in the U.S. (check the website for availability in your area)
2-1-1 is the telephone number of a call center that offers information and provides referrals to health and human services for everyday needs and in times of crisis. Examples of service referrals include:
- Basic human need resources: food banks, clothing, shelters, rent assistance and utility assistance
- Physical and mental health resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, counseling, drug, and alcohol intervention
- Employment support: unemployment benefits, financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance and education programs
- Support for older adults and persons with disabilities: home healthcare, adult daycare, congregate meals, Meals on Wheels, respite care, transportation, and homemaker services
- Support for children, youth, and families: childcare, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring and protective services
Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)
Population Served:
Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, young adults, healthcare professionals and researchers related to childhood cancer
To change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.
- Travel For Care Program offers financial assistance to eligible families for travel for childhood cancer treatment at medical institutions in the U.S. and Canada. Patient must be diagnosed by age 18 and be under 21 and in active oncology treatment following a relapse, or enrolling in or currently participating in a clinical trial for active oncology treatment or a treatment innovation not available at their local institution. Applications must be submitted by a social worker or medical representative.
- Childhood Cancer Treatment Journal is a free treatment organizer for families of childhood cancer to help parents keep track of important treatment information.
- Ambassadors Program involves family members and friends of a childhood cancer hero who choose to get more involved with ALSF.
- My Childhood Cancer: Survey Series aims to better understand how childhood cancer affects families.
- SuperSibs Programs aim to comfort, encourage and empower siblings during their family’s battle against childhood cancer and has a Grief & Loss Program that sends age-appropriate support to children ages 4-18 residing in the U.S. who have experienced the death of a sibling from childhood cancer.
- Offers a free guide for education professionals to help patients, their siblings, and classmates cope with a diagnosis or death in their school community.
Angels for Change
Population Served:
U.S. and International, anyone affected by drug shortages
Angels for Change is a volunteer supported organization on a mission to end drug shortages through advocacy, awareness, and a resilient supply chain.
- The focus is to advocate on behalf of any patient in a life-saving drug shortage, while building relationships with patients and members of the pharmaceutical supply chain ending all healthcare crises created by drug shortages.
Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation
Population Served:
Patients and families living with Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), and related bone marrow failure diseases
To support, connect and educate patients, caregivers and health professionals on bone marrow failure diseases worldwide
- Free educational materials: Information on research, treatment, and clinical trials
- Online Academy: Live webinars, webcasts, interviews with experts, and interactive learning modules
- Peer Support Network: Patients and caregivers can speak with trained patient volunteers who share treatment experiences and provide emotional support
- Community Connections: Volunteer-led regional support groups connecting patient and families
- Educational Conferences: Our free conferences in cities around the country offer learning opportunities from leading medical experts, and the ability to connect directly with other patients and caregivers
- Find A Specialist: online search tool.
Population Served:
Individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved in the U.S. affected by a cancer diagnosis
To provide free, professional support services to individuals, families, caregivers and the bereaved to help them cope with and manage the emotional and practical challenges of cancer. (English and Spanish)
- Professional resource navigators and oncology social workers are available to provide telephone resource navigation to people living with cancer, post treatment survivors, and caregivers affected by cancer.
- Offers short term counseling to residents of NY and NJ.
- Offers online support groups, educational programs, and local community support programs.
- Healing Hearts Family Bereavement Camp - a free retreat for families with children coping with the loss of a loved one to cancer
- Financial assistance for transportation, home care, childcare, pet care (through PAW program), or medication/durable medical equipment may be available for patients in active treatment. Eligibility guidelines vary depending on diagnosis, gender, and geographic location.
- Financial assistance for insured cancer patients in treatment in the US to help with co-payments for chemotherapy and targeted treatment medications who meet certain financial, medical and insurance eligibility criteria. Check the website for funding availability ( or call 866-552-6729 for details.
Cancer Commons
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals impacted by cancer in the U.S.
Cancer Commons is a non-profit network of patients, physicians, and scientists united by a shared goal to optimize each patient’s outcome and maximize collective learning to benefit the next patient.
- Navigators and oncology experts will review a patient’s current care, explore options for further testing and/or treatment plans, and offer personally curated resources and options with no charge for services.
Cancer Hope Network
Population Served:
People diagnosed with cancer and their families in the U.S. and Canada
To provide one-on-one support to people undergoing treatment for cancer and their families.
- Provides training to individuals who have recovered from cancer so they can be matched with cancer patients currently undergoing a similar experience.
Cancer Support Community (CSC)
Population Served:
People affected by cancer in the U.S. and Canada
To provide support, education and hope to people affected by cancer; to ensure that all people impacted by cancer are empowered by knowledge, strengthened by action, and sustained by community.
- Offers support through a network of more than 52 local affiliates and 175 locations
- Cancer Support Helpline® - offers resources and emotional support via phone or live chat, and is staffed by licensed mental health professionals
- MyLifeLine - create a private, personal webpage to help keep family and friends stay involved and informed
- Frankly Speaking About Cancer® – education series that provides trusted information on a variety of topics important to people affected by cancer; information is available in a variety of formats
- Virtual Home - resources to connect you to education, support, and action opportunities to enhance your health and well-being from the comfort of your computer
- Open to Options – provides general information about clinical trials, helps patients identify important questions about treatment options and decisions based upon personal needs
- CancerSupportSource® - a tool that assesses distress in key areas (such as sleep, nutrition, worry about the future) and provides referral and follow-up care for all patients
- Cancer Experience Registry - a unique online community that brings people impacted by cancer together to make their voices heard, connect with each other, share experiences, learn from and help others
- Cancer Transitions – an evidence-based programs for cancer survivors who have completed their treatment (in partnership with LIVESTRONG)
Caregiver Action Network
Population Served:
People in the U.S. who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease, or the frailties of old age
To promote resourcefulness and respect for the more than 65 million family caregivers across the country; to educate, support, empower and speak up for caregivers.
- Formerly the National Family Caregivers Association
- Family Caregiver Forum to connect with other caregivers to share support and advice
- Peer Network offers over 100 volunteers in more than 40 states who are available to provide localized advice, information, and support
- Story Project to share your own story and read the stories of others to open yourself to the idea that you are not alone as well as to learn how other caregivers have handled difficult challenges
- Family Caregiver Toolbox provides tips, questionnaires, booklets, and organization tools
- Offers 10 Tips for Family Caregivers on website
- Listings of other caregiver organizations, home care agencies, advocacy organizations, senior living options, respite resources, and disease-specific websites
- Coping with Alzheimer’s information and videos.
Population Served:
Anyone who is coping with illness and seeking online support and connections
To amplify the love, hope, and compassion in the world, making each health journey easier; to ensure families can connect, share and receive support during any type of health event; to create a grateful, engaged community of volunteers, supporters and donors.
- Offers protected, online space where you can connect, share news, and receive support 24/7
- Family and friends can visit the site to stay informed and leave supportive messages
- SupportPlanner is an online calendar that helps family and friends coordinate care and organize helpful tasks, like bringing a meal, offering rides, taking care of pets and other needs.
Population Served:
To provide information and support for people caring for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones.
- Provides elder care information and support, including information about senior living options and in-home care
- Offers an online section covering a wide variety of relevant caregiving-related topics (e.g. insurance, benefits, coping)
- Offers one-on-one guidance with a Family Advisor at no cost.
Cleveland Clinic 4th Angel Mentoring Program
Population Served:
Adults over the age of 18 impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide
To provide personalized peer support empowering those affected by cancer and its treatment
- Matches individuals impacted by cancer for one-on-one support with a trained volunteer mentor.
- English and Spanish-speaking mentors available.
- Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one.
Eldercare Locator
Population Served:
Older adults, caregivers in the U.S.
To connect older adults and their caregivers with trustworthy support resources.
- Links those who need assistance with state and local agencies on aging as well as community-based organizations that serve older adults and their caregivers
- Provides information on topics such as housing, insurance, transportation, etc.
- Is a public service of the Administration on Aging, an agency of the U.S. Administration for Community Living.
Elephants and Tea
Population Served:
Adolescent and young adult cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, and healthcare professionals worldwide
To help adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, survivors, and caregivers know they are not alone in their fight with cancer
- Provides a free quarterly print magazine and online site with stories and experiences written by young adult cancer patients and survivors
- Offers digital programs and events to bring the AYA community together to interact and empower each other
- Collaborates with AYA organizations across the US.
Family Caregiver Alliance
Population Served:
Families and friends providing long-term care at home
Family Caregiver Alliance is a public voice for caregivers, illuminating the daily challenges they face, offering them the assistance they so desperately need and deserve, and championing their cause through education, services, research and advocacy.
- Provides information on topics such as care strategies, stress relief, community resources, family issues and hands-on care
- Offers online support groups for caregivers, including LGBTQ+ Community Support
Get Palliative Care
Population Served:
Patients with life-threatening illness and their caregivers
To increase the availability of quality palliative care services for all people living with serious illness.
- Provides information about palliative care: specialized medical care which provides patients with relief from symptoms, pain and stress
- Explains how palliative care helps people with specific diseases
- Provides a directory of hospitals with palliative care teams
- Offers videos, blog, printed material and other resources including a quiz to help individuals know if palliative care is right for them.
Give an Hour
Population Served:
Rare disease caregivers, military/veterans and their families, and other communities in need
To create resilient communities by improving mental health and emotional wellbeing, one hour at a time.
- Free individual mental health counseling services for military service members, veterans, and their loved ones. Services are donated by community mental health professionals.
- 1:1 Peer Support and Group Peer Support for the military community, as well as rare disease caregivers and individuals affected by interpersonal and community violence.
Healthy Ukulele
Population Served:
Adult cancer survivors, caregivers, and family members
Healthy Ukulele exists to provide all adults who are impacted by cancer's challenges with the fun of music and learning the ukulele in the hawaiian style. Provides free virtual live group ukulele classes.
Hirsch Wellness Network
Population Served:
Cancer patients 18 and older, caregivers, healthcare professionals in the U.S.
To support the emotional and physical needs of cancer survivors, patients in treatment, and caregivers by providing therapeutic arts and wellness programs that celebrate the power of self-expression and self-healing to cultivate strength, renew spirit, and foster hope.
- Offers virtual/online national programs and in-person programs in Greensboro, NC
Imerman Angels
Population Served:
Anyone impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide
To provide personalized connections that enable one-on-one support among cancer fighters, survivors and caregivers. These one–on–one relationships inspire hope and offer support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience.
- Provides a unique matching program in which a volunteer peer “Mentor Angel” is partnered with an individual seeking cancer support.
- Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one with “Caregiver Mentor Angels” who can help provide support and comfort throughout the journey.
Lotsa Helping Hands
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers and volunteers worldwide
Lotsa Helping Hands offers free online tools designed to make life easier for caregivers and volunteers.
- Provides a caregiver-focused online calendar, which enables members to schedule and sign up for tasks that provide respite for the caregiver (such as meals for the family, rides to medical appointments, and visits)
- Allows communication with one another through message boards, posting personal blogs, sharing photos, and sending well wishes to the family
- Coordinators can safely store and retrieve vital information for the family – from medical and health records to financial and legal documents
- Caregivers benefit from the gifts of much needed help, emotional support, and peace of mind, while volunteers find meaning in giving back to those in need.
Population Served:
Caregivers to children with cancer, healthcare professionals
To help empower, inform, and heal caregivers of children diagnosed with cancer through peer support and evidence-based programs.
- Provides online communities for parents seeking peer connections
- Retreat program offers a weekend of self-care, peer connecting and the opportunity to develop the tools to obtain balanced living in the aftermath of a pediatric cancer diagnosis
- Caregiver Coffee Breaks empower a parent to build an in-person or virtual peer support community
- In-hospital support groups available in certain geographic areas
- Connects caregivers to patient family engagement opportunities and approved caregiver studies.
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers and families before, during and after a blood or marrow transplant (BMT), healthcare professionals, researchers
To create an opportunity for all patients to receive the blood, marrow, or umbilical cord blood transplant they need; to provide free support, information and transplant-related resources
- NMDP (formerly known as the National Marrow Donor Program and Be The Match) manages the largest and most diverse marrow registry in the world; conducts research to improve transplant outcomes; provides legislative advocacy to protect patient access to care; provides clinical education for healthcare professionals
- Certified oncology patient navigators and licensed social workers provide confidential, one-on-one support and reliable, easy-to-understand information from diagnosis through recovery. Emotional support is provided through counseling and support groups as well as through connections with others who’ve been through transplant
- Helps to access financial grants and insurance resources, including NMDP grants for transplant patients and blood cancer patients enrolling in clinical trials
- Provides personalized support to search for and join clinical trials, including the Jason Carter Clinical Trials Program. Visit or call 888-814-8610 for details
- In partnership with Corporate Chaplains of America, offers free, confidential, non-denominational virtual spiritual support services for patients and their loved ones.
Patient Resource Cancer Guides
Population Served:
Patients and caregivers
To empower people who are suffering with life-altering diseases by giving them the most comprehensive and up-to-date guides to treatment and facilities for their disease free of charge.
- Provides free educational materials, written for ease of understanding, in print and online.
PREPARE for your care
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, survivors, healthcare professionals worldwide
To ensure all people are prepared and able to make informed medical decisions for themselves and their loved ones and to have a voice in their health care.
- Offers free easy-to-read advance directives for all 50 states in both English and Spanish
- Information is available in a step-by-step program with video stories
- Provides pamphlets, question guide, and movie with toolkit for group events
- Offers a newsletter and links to related research topics
The Bone Marrow & Cancer Foundation
Population Served:
Cancer and transplant patients and families, caregivers, survivors
To improve the quality of life for cancer and transplant patients and their families by providing vital financial assistance, comprehensive resources, educational information, physician referrals, and emotional support programs.
- CancerBuddy provides a user-friendly digital experience to help people affected by cancer across the US find buddies, share experiences and resources, provide support, and build a supportive community of peers
- Clinical Care Counseling provides confidential individual and family supportive counseling, financial guidance and resource referrals for cancer, transplant patients, and family members
- Patient Navigators provide guidance and support to anyone faced with a cancer diagnosis or needing a bone marrow transplant
- Ask the Expert enables individuals to anonymously pose questions concerning transplantation and to have them answered by transplant specialists
- Lifeline Fund provides financial support to help cover the costs of donor searches, medications, home and child care services, medical equipment, transportation, cord blood banking, housing costs and other expenses associated with transplant
- Carelines provides social media tools for crowdfunding, journaling and a volunteer task calendar for anyone with a cancer diagnosis or receiving a bone marrow, stem cell or cord blood transplant
- Your Transplant Journey Handbook provides comprehensive transplant information and resources
The Patient Story
Population Served:
Cancer survivors, caregivers, and healthcare providers wanting to share their story (English and Spanish)
To humanize every cancer diagnosis by helping to improve quality of life and health outcomes.
- Provides cancer survivors a chance to share their stories with those who need that help the most, empowering them to help turn their experiences into something positive.
- Provides a community to connect with others who are navigating life with a cancer diagnosis.
Together by St. Jude
Population Served:
Families with children and adolescents facing cancer
Produced by St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital, Together by St. Jude is an online resource providing information and education for families facing childhood and adolescent cancer, no matter where the patient receives treatment. The website offers trusted information, practical resources, and shared stories of hope and healing.
- Website offered in multiple languages
- Offers an online peer support platform for families
- Includes mini-site for adolescents and young adults ages 13-25 facing childhood cancer: Together Teens & 20s
Twist Out Cancer
Population Served:
Cancer survivors, previvors (individuals who are genetically predisposed to cancer), and caregivers
Twist Out Cancer provides psychosocial support to cancer survivors and their loved ones through creative arts programming. We are a global community that enables anyone touched by cancer to connect, create, support and inspire.
- Virtual and in-person programming throughout the United States and various other countries.
- Brushes with Cancer: Program that matches those touched by cancer with artists to create a unique piece of artwork that reflects on their journey with cancer.
- Twistshops: Art therapy-focused workshops that promote healing, relaxation, and emotional recovery.
- Podcast featuring stories of extraordinary artists and courageous individuals who have been touched by cancer.
ULMAN Foundation
Population Served:
Young adults aged 15 - 39 who are affected by cancer through their own diagnosis or that of a loved one
To change lives by creating a community of support for young adults, and their loved ones, impacted by cancer.
- Offers programs and services providing cancer support, information on health and wellness, advocacy, and education specific to young adults dealing with cancer
- Promotes awareness through exercise programs to empower individuals in the fight against cancer through active lifestyles
- Provides financial assistance navigation and local support services in the Baltimore, MD and Washington, DC areas
Well Spouse Association
Population Served:
Caregivers, professionals, general public
To advocate for and address the needs of individuals caring for a chronically ill and/or disabled spouse/partner. We offer peer to peer support and educate health care professionals and the general public about the special challenges and unique issues "well" spouses face every day.
- Coordinates national network of support groups, hosts website, provides publications, holds conferences, and organizes respite weekends for caregivers.
Young Adult Survivors United
Population Served:
Young adult cancer survivors diagnosed between ages 18 and 45, co-survivors and family members
YASU provides support for young adult cancer survivors and their co-survivors with virtual programming outreached on a national level, providing emotional, spiritual, and social support under professional guidance and with peers who understand and can relate.
- Offers virtual (national) and in-person (Pittsburgh) support programs to young adult cancer survivors and co-survivors
- Special groups for LGBTQ+, caregivers, and grief support for family members
- Offers additional financial assistance and respite trips for eligible members