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The Cost of Cancer Care and its Impact on Patients

LLS is on the frontlines of the battle against blood cancers, and we are alarmed by the stories that patients and their families are sharing with us about their struggles to access affordable, high-quality and stable care. Last year, our free Information Resource Center received more than 26,000 calls from patients and families – the majority included concerns about financial stress and difficulties accessing treatment.

On World Cancer Day: LLS Honors International Researchers

World Cancer Day is February 4, when people across the globe come together to work toward reducing the global burden of cancer. An integral part of this work is scientific research that leads to innovative treatments, ultimately saving lives.

Despite promising advances in treatment, cancers are among the leading cause of disease and deaths worldwide. Cancers know no boundaries, and have devastating impacts on families across the globe.

Choosing a Blood Cancer Specialist

Hematologists specialize in internal medicine with a subspecialty in hematology, the study of diseases of the blood. A “hematologist-oncologist” is a doctor who specializes in treating people with blood cancers. Pediatric hematologist-oncologists treat infants, children, and adolescents with blood cancers. Blood cancers are uncommon diseases, so it can be to your advantage to be treated by a doctor specially trained to focus on treating patients with blood cancers.

Understanding Blood Cancers and Treatment Options

Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are types of cancer that can affect the bone marrow, blood cells, lymph nodes and other parts of the lymphatic system. See the Disease Information pages to learn more about the different types of blood cancer.

Blood Cancer and Treatment Options

Treatment Options

After your child is diagnosed with a blood cancer, you will work with members of the healthcare team to determine the best treatment plan. Treatment options vary depending on the patient's diagnosis, age, overall health, and other factors. Your child’s treatment plan might include

Sailing In One Direction to End Childhood Cancer

In the treatment of children with acute myeloid leukemia “We have plateaued. The tools in our toolbox are all sledgehammers.”

This grim assessment was how Dr. E. Anders Kolb, of Nemours/Alfred I DuPont Hospital for Children, characterized the state of treatment for children with this devastating form of leukemia.

Dr. Kolb was among a group of pediatric oncologists to join The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in hosting an event in Atlanta this week to discuss LLS’s new $50 million Children’s Initiative, a multi-faceted effort to:


Walgreens helps raise more than $6 million for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and Susan G. Komen to Advance Cancer Research and Increase Access to Care

Join us in thanking Walgreens stores and customers across the country for raising over $6 million for LLS and Susan G. Komen during their spring campaign. Donations made at checkout at more than 9,000 U.S. Walgreens locations will be split evenly between the two organizations.

During this multi-year partnership, Walgreens has helped to donate more than $25 million by 2024 to advance research for tough-to-treat cancers and increase equitable access to care.

A Special Delivery for Mom with Cancer

On April 8, 2016, I was diagnosed with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), a subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML). I was 23 weeks pregnant. For almost five years, my husband, Allan, and I battled unexplained infertility. After three failed fertility treatments, we finally found ourselves pregnant the “au natural” way!

Advances in Cancer Research and Treatment in 2020

Progress in new cancer treatments is accelerating so rapidly that the standard of care for many cancer patients is changing right before our very eyes.

Since 2017, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a remarkable 53 therapies just to treat patients with blood cancers, and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has helped advance 46 of these treatments.

I have no reason to believe the next few years won’t be as productive and groundbreaking as the last few. With that, here are some of my predictions for 2020:

A Cancer Survivor Gives Back

When I meet newly diagnosed cancer patients and their caregivers, a familiar look greets me. I have seen this look countless times. In waiting rooms, during a weekly support lunch for patients and caregivers, and on my own mother’s face.

It is a look of fear, confusion and doubt. It is a look that expresses the need for survival at all costs, yet without any assurance of success. It is a look that I can still see when I look in the mirror.

That look is often replaced almost immediately after I say: “Hi, my name is Ron. I am a leukemia and stem-cell transplant survivor.”

Honoring a Devoted UFCW “Cancer Kicker”

Frank Meehan spent two decades spearheading the United Food & Commercial Workers’ (UFCW) effort to raise money to defeat blood cancers. As president of the Long Island, NY Local, he was one of the first leaders to act upon the union’s national relationship with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

Then last spring, in a twist of fate, he ended up losing his life to one of the aggressive leukemias he’d been hoping to see cured.

Cancer Researcher Runs Alaska Half Marathon to Raise Funds for Lifesaving Treatments

Not only has Irene Ghobrial, M.D. dedicated her professional life to finding lifesaving treatments for cancer, but over the past few months she has dedicated her leisure time to training for a half marathon in Alaska, to raise funds for cancer research. Ghobrial has trained with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Team In Training (TNT), the non-profit’s endurance training program.

#ASCO17 – Making a Difference in Cancer Care

The annual American Society of Clinical Oncology (#ASCO17) meeting kicked off Friday, drawing a multinational gathering of more than 38,000 cancer researchers, clinicians, patient advocates, and pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to Chicago to share the latest advances in cancer care.

Cancer and Sun Safety: What You Need to Know

Summer is in full swing, and many of us are enjoying outdoor activities and lots of time in the sun. For cancer patients, being mindful of sun exposure before, during and after cancer treatment is extremely important.

According to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Information Specialists, a team of master’s level oncology social workers, nurses and health educators, sunlight has benefits, but it is important to protect yourself from too much sun exposure.

Renewed focus on a national initiative to cure cancer

For more than 66 years The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) has dedicated its energy and resources to finding cures for blood cancers, investing more than $1 billion over that time. Last night in his State of the Union address, President Obama appointed Vice President Joe Biden to take the lead in a “moon shot” mission to cure cancer. We at LLS agree the time is right.

“It’s personal for everybody,” the Vice President later said in a statement.

Diverse Crowd

Three Ways My Connection to Cancer Reveals the Importance of DEI & Health Equity

Cancer has touched my life in immense ways.  

Many of my loved ones would still be here today if it weren’t for various cancers taking them before their time. As a member of the Black community, I am reminded that these loved ones might still be alive if it weren’t for the color of their skin or their socioeconomic circumstances. The heartbreaking reality is anyone can be diagnosed with cancer—but not everyone can get the care they need.   

Attention Hockey Fans: LLS and The National Hockey League Fight Cancer Together

LLS is teaming up with the National Hockey League (NHL®) and the National Hockey League Players’ Association’s (NHLPA) joint initiative, Hockey Fights Cancer™ annual campaign. This is LLS’s seventh season participating in HFC. The 18th annual Hockey Fights Cancer campaign kicks off on October 24 and runs until November 18.