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A Parent’s Guide to School and Childhood Cancer
This guide helps the school and larger community to assist young people with cancer in maintaining continued involvement in school and other normal life activities. This book can also help guide conversations between you and your child’s teachers and school staff.

A School’s Guide For Children With Cancer
This guide helps the school and larger community to assist young people with cancer in maintaining continued involvement in school and other normal life activities.

A Teen's Guide to Everything Cancer
The ultimate teen guide to self-advocacy and self-care during and after treatment. Topics covered include:
- Navigating healthcare
- Managing side effects
- Caring for hair, skin, and nails
- School
- Mental health and body image
- Nutrition and movement
- Survivor stories
- Survivorship
To access a digital version, click here.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL ) in Adults
This booklet provides information about acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for patients and their families.

Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in Children and Teens
This booklet provides information about acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in children and also includes information about ALL in young adults.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Adults
This book provides information about acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in adults.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children and Teens
This booklet provides information about acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in children and teens.

Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia Facts
This fact sheet provides information about acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL), which is a unique subtype of acute myeloid leukemia (AML).
Advance Care Planning
This booklet provides information about how to legally provide direction for your future medical care, if you become unable to make decisions or speak for yourself.

ALL Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
This booklet is for patients with ALL, their families and caregivers.
Also available in Spanish.

AML Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
The AML Guide is for people with AML and others who want basic information about the disease.

This fact sheet provides information about amyloidosis, which is not a cancer, but can be associated with certain blood cancers, such as multiple myeloma.

Biomarker Testing for Cancer Treatment
This fact sheet provides information about biomarker testing, which offers a way to look for genes, proteins, and other substances that can provide information about cancer.
Also available in Spanish.

Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation
This booklet provides information about blood and marrow stem cell transplantation for the treatment of blood cancers.

Blood and Marrow Stem Cell Transplantation Guide
This easy-to-understand guide will provide you with basic information about stem cell transplantation.

Blood Cells/Lymphatic System
Two-sided color chart with information about blood cells and the lymphatic system that can be used by healthcare professionals as a patient education tool.

Blood Transfusion
This booklet provides information about blood transfusion and answers blood cancer patients' frequently asked questions.

Cancer and Your Finances
This booklet describes health insurance options and resources to help patients and their families who are coping with the financial aspects of cancer care, and includes worksheets to help you stay organized.

Cancer-Related Fatigue
This fact sheet addresses some common questions that people may have about cancer-related fatigue.

CAR T-Cell Therapy Process
One-page description of how the CAR T-cell therapy process works.
Also available in Spanish.

CAR T-Cell Therapy Resources Card
This resource card helps you learn about chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, a type of immunotherapy that uses a person’s own immune cells (T cells) to identify and attack cancer cells.
Also available in Spanish.

Chapter 10: End of the Caregiver Role
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 10: School
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 11: Financial and Legal Information
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 12: Caring for Yourself
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 13: Beyond Treatment
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 14: End-of-Life Care
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 1: Introduction
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 1: Introduction to Caregiving
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 2: Communicating as a Caregiver
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 2: Talking to Your Child About Cancer
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 3: Coping With a Childhood Cancer Diagnosis
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 3: Understanding Blood Cancers
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 4: The Healthcare Team and Treatment Center
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 4: Treatment Options
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 5: Side Effects and Supportive Care
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 5: Understanding Blood Cancer
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 6: Caregiving During Treatment
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 6: Treatment Options
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 7: Nutrition
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 7: Side Effects and Supportive Care
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 8: Caring for Your Child During Treatment
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 8: Financial and Legal Information
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 9: Caring for Yourself
Part of the The Caregiver Workbook, which provides information for caregivers of adult patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chapter 9: Nutrition
Part of the The Caring for Kids And Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, which provides information for caregivers of child and adolescent patients.
Caregivers may order a copy of the full workbook by calling (800) 955-4572.

Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy
This fact sheet provides information about chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy, which is a type of immunotherapy.
Also available in Spanish.

Choosing a Specialist or Treatment Center
Information about choosing a blood cancer specialist or treatment center.
Also available in Spanish.

Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
This booklet provides detailed information about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) for patients and their families.

Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
This booklet provides information about chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) for people who have CML and their families.

Chronic Myelomonocytic Leukemia (CMML) and Juvenile Myelomonocytic Leukemia (JMML) Facts
This fact sheet provides information about CMML and JMML diagnosis, treatment, clinical trials and support resources.

Chronic Neutrophilic Leukemia
This fact sheet provides information about diagnosis, treatment, expected outcomes and available support resources for chronic neutrophilic leukemia (CNL).

Clinical Trial Support Center (CTSC) Bookmark
Please check back soon to order copies.
Bookmark outlining the Clinical Trial Support Center (CTSC) process for supporting patients.

CLL Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
This booklet includes basic information about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).
Also available in large print.

CLL Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers (LARGE PRINT)
Large Print: This booklet is printed in large print and includes basic information about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

CML Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
This booklet is for people with chronic myeloid leukemia and others who want basic information about the disease.

CML Tracker Pages
Available in PDF format only.Stay on track by using these CML Tracker PAGES to monitor doctors' appointments, test results and more.
Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needing Additional Treatment
Many factors can affect a treatment choice. Weigh your treatment options carefully and talk through each option with your healthcare team.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Needing Additional Treatment (Card)
A companion card to the full version.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly Diagnosed
For a cancer patient, being able to talk openly and honestly with your healthcare team is very important. Good communication helps you receive the best care.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Newly Diagnosed (Card)
A companion card to the full version.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survivorship
All cancer survivors should receive a survivorship care plan. If you do not, ask for one.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Survivorship (Card)
A companion card to the full version.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treatment
It’s important to communicate with your healthcare team once your treatment plan is in place. Maintaining good communication is as important as ever.

Communicating With Your Healthcare Team: Treatment (Card)
A companion card to the full version.

Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma
This booklet provides information about cutaneous T-cell lymphomas (CTCL), relatively uncommon types of non-Hodgkin lymphomas.

Dental and Oral Complications of Cancer Treatment
This fact sheet can help you understand the dental and oral complications of cancer treatment, and what you should do before and during treatment.

Doctor’s Guide for Discussing Measurable/Minimal Residual Disease with Patients
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS. This guide accompanies the fact sheet, Facts About Measurable Residual Disease (MRD).

Each New Day
This booklet can help you identify what you need to know and do to cope with your diagnosis, treatment and recovery.

Erdheim-Chester Disease
Erdheim-Chester disease (ECD) is a rare, slowgrowing blood cancer and a type of histiocytosis. Histiocytosis is a disorder marked by the excessive production of histiocytes, a type of immune cell. The histiocytes invade tissues and organs and cause inflammation and damage.

External Beam Radiation Therapy
This fact sheet includes information about external beam radiation, which is the most commonly used type of radiation therapy and delivers radiation from a machine outside the body to target cancer cells.

Facts About Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

Facts About Biomarker Testing
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about biomarker testing.

Facts About Blastic Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell Neoplasm (BPDCN)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about BPDCN.

Facts About Blood Cancer Survivorship Treatment and Ongoing Patient Care
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about long-term and late effects of therapy, follow-up care and monitoring, survivorship care planning, health promotion, and resources for blood cancer survivors and healthcare providers.

Facts About Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T-Cell Therapy
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T-cell therapy.

Facts About Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL).

Facts About Facilitating Optimal Survivorship Care for Blood Cancer Survivors
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about facilitating optimal survivorship care for blood cancer survivors.

Facts About Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant (HSCT)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT).

Facts About Lymphoma
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about lymphoma.

Facts About Measurable Residual Disease (MRD)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about measurable residual disease (MRD). Click here to access A Doctor’s Guide for Discussing Measurable/Minimal Residual Disease with Patients.

Facts About Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs)
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: The latest information for healthcare professionals about myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs).

Facts About Pediatric Acute Leukemia
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: This fact sheet has been developed to provide essential knowledge regarding diagnosis, treatment, clinical trials, and long-term management, as well as key resources to help patients and families along this lifetime healthcare journey.

Facts: Updated Data on Blood Cancers
Facts 2023 -2024 is an update of data available for blood cancers.

Family Wall Calendar
This magnetic/dry erase wall calendar was created to help keep your family organized. It includes both treatment-related magnets and general magnets for the patient, siblings and family to keep track of activities like school, events, or family time. In addition, there are emoji magnets for kids to express their feelings.
To order a calendar, call an Information Specialist at (800) 955-4572.

Fertility and Cancer
This fact sheet can help you understand how blood cancers and treatment for blood cancers can affect fertility.

Firefighters and Cancer Risk
Firefighters are at an increased risk of developing cancer and there are steps to take that can reduce that risk. Share this postcard to help raise awareness.

Food and Nutrition During Cancer Treatment
This fact sheet discusses how eating well helps people living with cancer to feel better and stay stronger.
Also available in Spanish.

Food Assistance Resources and Tips
This fact sheet provides resources and tips that can help you save money and access healthy foods.
Also available in Spanish.

Food Insecurity
FOR HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS: Healthcare providers play an important role in identifying patients with food insecurities and addressing the needs of these patients. This fact sheet helps to understand food insecurity and identify patients at risk. It also includes a number of resources.

Foods To Manage Constipation
This graphic one-pager provides food suggestions to help manage constipation.
Also available in Spanish.

Foods To Manage Diarrhea
This graphic one-pager provides food suggestions to help manage diarrhea.
Also available in Spanish.

Foods To Manage Nausea
This graphic one-pager provides food suggestions to help manage nausea.
Also available in Spanish.

Free Healthcare Professional Resources
Available as PDF only. Palm card flyer listing the latest free resources for you and your patients.

Graft-Versus-Host Disease
This fact sheet provides information about graft-versus-host disease (GVHD).

Hairy Cell Leukemia
This fact sheet provides information about hairy cell leukemia, including treatment, clinical trials and support resources.

Healthy Behaviors
During cancer treatment, healthy lifestyle habits can make treatment more tolerable, help you to manage side effects, and decrease the risk of complications.

Help With Finances / Ayuda con los asuntos financieros
The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) offers financial assistance to help individuals with blood cancer.

Hodgkin Lymphoma
This booklet provides information for Hodgkin lymphoma patients, their families and caregivers.

Hospice Care
Hospice is a special type of palliative (supportive) care that includes delivering compassionate and specific care to those who are nearing the end of life. The main goals are to maintain quality of life and provide symptom relief.

This fact sheet gives an overview of several types of immunotherapy and their role in the treatment of blood cancer.

Integrative Medicine and Complementary Therapies
This fact sheet provides an overview of how integrative medicine and complementary therapies are being incorporated into blood cancer treatment plans.

Knowing All Your Treatment Options / Conozca todas sus opciones de tratamiento
This bilingual English/Spanish booklet provides information to help you talk with your doctor about all your treatment options.

Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis
Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare cancer in which the body produces an excessive number of immature cells called Langerhans cells.

Learn About Clinical Trials: An Important Treatment Option for Everyone
This fact sheet provides information about clinical trials, includes a "myth vs. fact" section, and provides a list of questions to ask your healthcare team.
Also available in Spanish.
LLS Coloring for Kids™ Brochure
Highlights features of the LLS Coloring for Kids™ mobile app and provides instructions on how to download for free.

LLS Community
This palm card includes information about LLS Community, our online gathering place for patients, caregivers and healthcare professionals.

LLS Health Manager™ Brochure
This is currently out of stock. Please check back soon to order copies.
Highlights features of the LLS Health Manager™ mobile app and provides instructions on how to download for free.

Lymphoma Guide
This booklet has sections with information for Hodgkin lymphoma and for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

Managing Stress: How stress affects you and ways to cope
This is currently out of stock. Please check back soon to order copies.
Information about how stress affects you and tips for stress management.
Also available in Spanish.

Mantle Cell Lymphoma
This fact sheet provides information about the diagnosis and management of mantle cell lymphoma.

Marginal Zone Lymphoma
This book provides information about marginal zone lymphomas for patients and their families.

Mastocytosis is a rare condition. It is a type of cancer in which an abnormally large number of mast cells accumulate in the body’s tissues and organs.

MDS Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
This booklet provides basic information about myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) for patients and their families.

Measurable Residual Disease (MRD)
This fact sheet provides information about measurable residual disease (MRD), which refers to the small number of cancer cells that remain in the body after treatment.
Also available in Spanish.

Measurable Residual Disease (MRD) Chart
Easy-to-read information about measurable residual disease (MRD).
Also available in Spanish.
Teddy bear that fits over IV and feeding tube bags to conceal the contents.
To order, call an Information Specialist at (800) 955-4572.

Medication Resource for Blood Cancer Patients
Use this calendar as an easy way for you and your family to manage medications and doctor’s instructions.

Mental Health
The term “mental health” includes your emotional and psychological well-being. Your mental health guides how you handle stress, manage relationships and make decisions. Caring for your mental health is as important as caring for your physical health.

Monoclonal Gammopathy of Undetermined Significance (MGUS) and Related Conditions
Provides information about monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS).

Myelodysplastic Syndromes
This booklet provides detailed information about myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) for patients and their families.

Myeloma Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers
This is currently out of stock. Please check back soon to order copies.
This booklet is an easier-to-read version of the Myeloma booklet.
Also available in large print.

Myeloma Guide: Information for Patients and Caregivers (LARGE PRINT)
Large Print: This booklet is printed in large print and includes basic information about myeloma.

Myeloma: In Detail
This booklet provides detailed information about myeloma for patients and their families.

Myeloproliferative Neoplasms: In Detail
This booklet provides information about myeloproliferative neoplasms (myelofibrosis, polycythemia vera and essential thrombocythemia).

Need information, support or financial help?
This bilingual postcard highlights LLS resources in English and Spanish.

Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
This booklet provides information about the more common types of non-Hodgkin lymphoma for patients and their families.
Also available in Spanish.

Nutrition Handbook
The Nutrition Handbook provides tips and resources that you can use to help you prepare healthy meals for you and your family.
Also available in Spanish.
Pediatric version also available: Nutrition Handbook for Parents: Feeding your children and building healthy habits

Nutrition Handbook (LARGE PRINT)
This is currently out of stock. Please check back soon to order copies.
Large Print: This booklet is printed in large print and provides tips and resources that you can use to help you prepare healthy meals for you and your family.

Nutrition Handbook for Parents: Feeding your children and building healthy habits
This handbook can help you provide your child with healthy foods and teach them healthy eating patterns. Also included is a children’s booklet called Food Fun: Nutrition to learn, grow and play, so your child can learn about nutrition too!
Also available in Spanish.

Oral Treatment Adherence Facts
This fact sheet provides information about oral treatment adherence, including tips and resources to help you remember to take your medications.

Palliative Care Fast Facts
Two-page information sheet about palliative care, which can help you maintain a better quality of life during and after cancer treatment.
Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection® Program
This brochure describes LLS's Patti Robinson Kaufmann First Connection® Program, which connects patients and their loved ones with a trained peer volunteer who has gone through a similar experience.

Peripheral T-Cell Lymphoma
This fact sheet provides information about the diagnosis, stages and treatment of peripheral T-cell lymphomas.

Personalized Nutrition Consultations
Our registered dietitians offer free nutrition education and consultations to patients and caregivers of all cancer types.
Also available in Spanish.

Personalized Support
This card includes information about personalized, one-on-one support and other educational and support resources.

Pictures of My Journey
This activity book for kids with cancer can help children cope with their cancer experiences.

Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Disorders (PTLDs)
This fact sheet provides information about PTLDs, which are diseases in which cells of the lymphatic system grow uncontrollably after a solid organ or stem cell transplant.
Resistant Chronic Myeloid Leukemia: A Guide for Patients & Caregivers
This booklet and DVD provide information for people who have CML that is resistant or intolerant to treatment.

Sexual Health and Intimacy
This fact sheet covers a range of sensitive topics related to intercourse, sexual health, intimacy and cancer. Although not always discussed, sexual health and intimacy are an important part of your wellbeing, even after a cancer diagnosis. Please note: If you have experienced any type of sexual trauma, we recommend that you seek support and help from a trusted healthcare professional before reading further.

Side-Effect Management: Caring for Skin, Nails, Hair and Mouth
Two-page information sheet about managing side effects that affect skin, nails, hair and mouth, and improving quality of life.
Side-Effect Management: Effects of Childhood Cancer Treatment on Learning
Two-page information sheet about managing the cognitive effects of childhood cancer treatment.
Side-Effect Management: Managing Blood Clots and Deep Vein Thrombosis (DVT)
Two-page information sheet about blood clots and deep vein thrombosis (DVT) with information on prevention, treatment and emergency complications.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Diarrhea and Constipation
Diarrhea and constipation are common side effects of cancer treatment. Managing side effects is an important part of cancer treatment.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Low Appetite and Weight Loss
Cancer and its treatment may cause people to experience a loss of appetite. Loss of appetite can lead to unhealthy weight loss and poor quality of life. Side-effect management and good nutrition are an important part of cancer treatment.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Low Blood Cell Counts
Blood cancer and certain treatments such as chemotherapy can lower blood cell counts. Low blood cell counts can lead to serious complications during cancer treatment.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Mouth and Throat Side Effects
Treatment can damage the lining of the mouth and throat causing pain, sores, difficulty swallowing, and dry mouth. Side-effect management is an important part of cancer treatment.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Nausea and Vomiting
Many cancer treatments can cause nausea and vomiting. Relieving side effects is an important part of cancer treatment.

Side-Effect Management: Managing Peripheral Neuropathy (Nerve Damage)
Two-page information sheet about managing peripheral neuropathy.
Side-Effect Management: Memory and Concentration Problems in Adults
Two-page information sheet about managing memory and concentration problems in adults.
Side-Effect Management: Reducing Your Risk Of Infection
Cancer patients, especially those undergoing chemotherapy, are more likely to get infections because of their weakened immune systems.

Stars Will Twinkle, The Sun Will Shine
Follow Olivia and her family in this 3-book series as Olivia is diagnosed with leukemia, goes to the hospital for treatment, and returns to school.
Click here to watch these books be read on video, or to read them on an e-Reader device.

Survivorship Workbook for Adults (Navigating Life During and After a Blood Cancer Diagnosis)
Use this workbook to collect all the important information you need throughout diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and long-term management of a blood cancer.
This PDF is editable so you can type your information in the blank fields and save to your computer or device.
Workbooks are also available for Children and Adolescents, and for Young Adults

Survivorship Workbook for Children and Adolescents (Navigating Life During and After a Blood Cancer Diagnosis)
Use this workbook to collect all the important information you need throughout diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and long-term management of a blood cancer.
This PDF is editable so you can type your information in the blank fields and save to your computer or device.
Workbooks are also available for Young Adults and Adults

Survivorship Workbook for Young Adults (Navigating Life During and After a Blood Cancer Diagnosis)
Use this workbook to collect all the important information you need throughout diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and long-term management of a blood cancer.
This PDF is editable so you can type your information in the blank fields and save to your computer or device.
Workbooks are also available for Children and Adolescents, and Adults.

The LLS PedAL Master Trial: A Clinical Trial for Acute Myeloid Leukemia Pediatric Patients
This study is designed to speed up the approval of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) drugs and bring safe and effective treatments to pediatric patients.

The Stem Cell Transplant Coloring Book
The Stem Cell Transplant Coloring Book is for children with blood cancer who are coping with having a stem cell transplant.

Understanding Blood Cancers
This booklet provides information for anyone interested in learning more about blood cancers. It explains the main types of blood cancers, how they are diagnosed, general methods of treatment, some side effects and how The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) can help patients and their caregivers.
Also available in Spanish.

Understanding Clinical Trials for Blood Cancers
This booklet will help you to decide if a clinical trial is right for you.
Understanding Genetics
This book explains genetics, genetic testing, and precision medicine as a treatment approach.
Understanding Lab and Imaging Tests
This booklet describes a number of diagnostic and monitoring tests and what to expect.
Understanding Lab and Imaging Tests (LARGE PRINT)
Large Print: This booklet is printed in large print and describes a number of diagnostic and monitoring tests and what to expect.

Waldenström Macroglobulinemia
This fact sheet provides information about diagnosis, treatment and expected outcomes for Waldenström macroglobulinemia.

Watch and Wait (Active Surveillance)
Two-page information sheet about watch and wait, which involves closely monitoring a patient's condition without administering treatment until symptoms appear or change.

Where do Blood Cancers Develop?
Chart illustrating where blood cancers arise in normal blood cell formation.Worksheets from The Caregiver Workbook
To access each of the worksheets from The Caregiver Workbook, please visit
Worksheets from The Caring for Kids and Adolescents Workbook
To access each of the worksheets from The Caring for Kids and Adolescents with Blood Cancer workbook, please visit
Write it Out Journal
Journal includes blank pages, prompts, tips, coloring pages & more. Comes with colored pencils, sharpener & glue dots.

Young Adult Resources
As a young adult with cancer, you will likely face challenges specific to your age group. We are here to help.

Young Adults and Cancer
Information about the issues young adults with cancer need to be aware of.