Stars Will Twinkle, The Sun Will Shine
A three-book series for kids with blood cancer
Follow Olivia and her family as she is diagnosed with leukemia, goes to the hospital for treatment, and returns to school.
Order the set for freeAn Introduction by Gwen Nichols, MD, LLS Chief Medical Officer
New to the Stars Will Twinkle, The Sun Will Shine series?
Watch this brief introduction to the books by LLS’s Chief Medical Officer. Dr. Nichols also offers a reminder of one of LLS’s key goals: to support children with blood cancer, and their families, at every step after their diagnosis.
Book Read-Alouds
Add to your reading experience with these video recordings of Olivia’s story.
Discover the Series

Home Sweet Home
In the last story, Olivia has returned home after her hospital stay. She returns to school and soon settles in, having occasional play dates with friends. But when she begins to feel poorly, Olivia must go back to the hospital. Before long, Olivia is feeling better and happy to be home again.