Please note that these resources are regularly reviewed to ensure that links still work correctly and that the resources listed continue to be helpful to our visitors. If you find that a link isn't working or information is incorrect, please email If you would like for us to consider adding your organization to this resource, please complete and submit this form.
Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics
Population Served:
Anyone in need of nutritional information
The world's largest organization of food and nutrition professionals is committed to improving the nation's health and advancing the profession of dietetics through research, education and advocacy.
- Provides reliable and evidence-based nutrition information for the public
- Website offers search feature to find a registered dietician by location or expertise
Acute Leukemia Advocates Network (ALAN)
Population Served:
Healthcare professionals, patient advocates
To change the outcomes of acute leukemia patients by strengthening patient advocacy.
- ALAN is an independent global network of patient organizations which aims to increase awareness about the acute leukemias, share best practices, advocate for better access and treatment, and improve education for healthcare professionals.
Alexs Lemonade Stand Foundation (ALSF)
Population Served:
Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, young adults, healthcare professionals and researchers related to childhood cancer
To change the lives of children with cancer through funding impactful research, raising awareness, supporting families, and empowering everyone to help cure childhood cancer.
- Travel For Care Program offers financial assistance to eligible families for travel for childhood cancer treatment at medical institutions in the U.S. and Canada. Patient must be diagnosed by age 18 and be under 21 and in active oncology treatment following a relapse, or enrolling in or currently participating in a clinical trial for active oncology treatment or a treatment innovation not available at their local institution. Applications must be submitted by a social worker or medical representative.
- Childhood Cancer Treatment Journal is a free treatment organizer for families of childhood cancer to help parents keep track of important treatment information.
- Ambassadors Program involves family members and friends of a childhood cancer hero who choose to get more involved with ALSF.
- My Childhood Cancer: Survey Series aims to better understand how childhood cancer affects families.
- SuperSibs Programs aim to comfort, encourage and empower siblings during their family’s battle against childhood cancer.
- Offers a free guide for education professionals to help patients, their siblings, and classmates cope with a diagnosis or death in their school community.
Alliance for Fertility Preservation
Population Served:
Cancer patients, survivors, health care professionals
To increase information, resources and access to fertility preservation for cancer patients and for the healthcare professionals who treat them.
- Website provides information about fertility preservation, costs, and financial resources. Includes podcasts and videos.
- Advocates to raise awareness for patients to be fully informed about their options as well as the ability to access these options.
American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists (AASECT)
Population Served:
Patients and health professionals
AASECT is a not-for-profit, interdisciplinary professional organization of individuals who share an interest in promoting understanding of human sexuality and healthy sexual behavior. In addition to sexuality educators, sexuality counselors and sex therapists, AASECT members include physicians, nurses, social workers, psychologists, allied health professionals, clergy members, lawyers, sociologists, marriage and family counselors and therapists, family planning specialists and researchers, as well as students in relevant professional disciplines.
- Website offers a search feature to locate a therapist, counselor or educator by country or state.
American Psychosocial Oncology Society (APOS)
Population Served:
Oncology professionals in the U.S.
To bring together professionals working in the psychological, behavioral and social aspects of cancer.
American Society for Radiation Oncology (ASTRO)
Population Served:
Health professionals
To improve patient care through education, clinical practice, advancement of science and advocacy.
- Provides members with the continuing medical education, health policy analysis, patient information resources and advocacy that they need to succeed in today’s ever-changing health care delivery system.
American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers and health professionals in the U.S.
ASRM is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, science and practice of reproductive medicine. The Society accomplishes its mission through the pursuit of excellence in education and research and through advocacy on behalf of patients, physicians, and affiliated health care providers.
- Provides educational materials on infertility, menopause, contraception, reproductive surgery, endometriosis, and other reproductive disorders
- Offers Find a Health Professional Search tool via the website.
American Society of Clinical Oncology
Population Served:
Oncology professionals in the U.S. and across the globe
Conquering cancer through research, education and promotion of the highest quality, equitable patient care.
- Provides a wide range of educational resources and publications for oncology professionals
- Hosts scientific events for oncology professionals, patient advocates, industry representatives, and major media outlets worldwide
- Funds a broad spectrum of research through their Conquer Cancer campaign
- Offers website with patient-focused information produced by ASCO and a toll-free patient helpline: 888-651-3038
American Society of Hematology (ASH)
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers and health professionals concerned with blood disorders, worldwide
To further the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders affecting the blood, bone marrow, and the immunologic, hemostatic and vascular systems, by promoting research, clinical care, education, training, and advocacy in hematology.
- Provides information about blood basics, blood disorders, and clinical trials (through collaboration with LLS)
- Offers Find A Hematologist search tool for US residents to find hematologists who accept new patients, perform case reviews, or provide second opinions
- Lists websites of patient groups with information about blood diseases
- Provides hematology education, meetings, and publications for clinicians and scientists.
Amyloidosis Research Consortium
Population Served:
Individuals diagnosed with amyloidosis, caregivers, health professionals
To accelerate the development of advanced diagnostic tools and effective treatments for systemic amyloidosis.
- Provides disease information, publications and videos
- Free Amyloidosis Clinical Resources app
- Online Clinical Trial Finder Tool
- Advocates on public policy issues related to amyloidosis
Association of Pediatric Hematology/Oncology Nurses (APHON)
Population Served:
Registered nurses, as well as allied health care practitioners who work in the field including child life specialists, social workers, and pastoral care providers, in the U.S., Canada and around the world
To support and advance nurses and their practice in order to optimize outcomes for children, adolescents, and young adults with cancer and blood disorders and their families.
- Mentoring Program links APHON members in their mutual pursuit of higher goals in the areas of: leadership, professional/career development, role integration, pursuit of higher education, research, nursing teaching/education, clinical development and project development
- Offers opportunities to earn continuing nursing education credits online
- Holds conferences several times a year.
Association of Oncology Social Work
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, health professionals
To advance excellence in the psychosocial care of persons with cancer, their families, and caregivers through: networking ,education , advocacy, research, and resource development; AOSW envisions a global society in which oncology care meets the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of all people affected by cancer.
- Provides tips for managing cancer and caregiving
- Sets standards of practice for oncology social workers.
CAC2 Coalition Against Childhood Cancer
Population Served:
U.S. and international childhood cancer foundations, organizations, and advocates, as well as families in the U.S. impacted by childhood cancer.
To foster and sustain greater levels of collaboration, information exchange, and learning across the childhood cancer community through agreed upon initiatives in the areas of advocacy & awareness building, family support & survivorship, and research & treatment.
- Offers professional membership, networking opportunities, and collaboration/advocacy initiatives
- Offers professional/community resources, including the CAC2 Survivorship Toolkit and Childhood Cancer Fact Library
- Offers family resource directories through the Childhood Cancer Hub, which includes the Hope Portal (in-treatment resources) and Better Together (survivorship resources)
Cancer and Careers
Population Served:
People affected by the diagnosis of cancer, their caregivers and health providers in the U.S.
To empower and educate people with cancer to thrive in their workplace by providing expert advice, interactive tools and educational events; to eliminate fear and uncertainty for working people with cancer.
- Offers a comprehensive website with information on a variety of work-related issues
- Free printed publications
- Career coaching
- Support groups and educational seminars for employees with cancer, their healthcare providers and co-workers
- Online comprehensive materials for healthcare professionals
- Resume review available online with career coaches
- Legal and career teleconferences
- In-Service Trainings for Health Care Providers (presented in conjunction with Triage Cancer)
Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (CFAC)
Population Served:
People diagnosed with a cancer in the U.S.
A coalition of financial assistance organizations joining forces to help cancer patients experience better health and well-being by limiting financial challenges.
- Facilitates communication and collaboration among member organizations
- Provides information via the website regarding existing resources and linking to other organizations that can disseminate information about the collective resources of the member organizations
- Advocates on behalf of cancer patients who continue to bear financial burdens associated with the costs of cancer treatment and care.
Center for International Blood and Marrow Transplant Research (CIBMTR)
Population Served:
Anyone seeking information on stem cell transplant research
To collaborate with the global scientific community to advance hematopoietic cell transplantation and cellular therapy research worldwide; is a combined research program of the National Marrow Donor Program® and the Medical College of Wisconsin.
- Conducts research studies to advance understanding and outcomes of hematopoietic cell transplantation
- Collects and maintains outcomes data on every allogeneic transplantation performed in the U.S. This database now contains information on more than 330,000 transplant recipients
- Provides access to outcomes data and research repository samples
- Provides statistical expertise to researchers
- Provides education, guidelines and training
Center to Advance Palliative Care
Population Served:
Health professionals serving patients with life-threatening illness
To increase the availability of quality palliative care services for all people living with serious illness.
- Provides health professionals with the tools, training and technical assistance necessary to start and sustain successful palliative care programs in hospitals and other health care settings
Childrens Cancer Cause
Population Served:
Pediatric cancer survivors, families, healthcare professionals, and advocates
Children’s Cancer Cause is a leading national advocacy organization working to achieve access to less toxic and more effective pediatric cancer therapies; to expand resources for research and specialized care; and to address the unique needs and challenges of childhood cancer survivors and their families.
- Offers college scholarship for pediatric cancer survivors who demonstrate a commitment to cancer advocacy
- Provides information and resources for pediatric cancer survivors and families
- Supports research and advocacy efforts across the country
Childrens Leukemia Research Association (CLRA)
Population Served:
Children and adults with blood cancer in the U.S., healthcare professionals and researchers
To support research efforts towards finding the causes and cure for leukemia.
- Patient Aid Program offers limited funds (up to $3,000 per year) to assist with certain treatments, services and prescriptions; funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis
- CLRA funds grants to doctors conducting promising research about leukemia.
CLL Global Research Foundation
Population Served:
Patients and health professionals interested in CLL information
To abolish chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) as a threat to the life and health of patients.
- Aims to fund patient-oriented projects with rapid clinical applications and to expand the knowledge of CLL on a global scale
- Provided seed money for the formation of two CLL Research Consortiums, one in Australia and one in Israel.
CML Advocates Network
Population Served:
People diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), worldwide
To facilitate and support best practice-sharing between patient group organizers across the world.
- Informal online organization designed, published and moderated by CML patients and carers who are registered patient group advocates and organizers.
- Provides a worldwide web directory of CML patient groups, to allow patient groups to find national support groups in another country
- Provides a platform of communication for CML patient advocates
- Builds a knowledge base in the form of a Wiki (like Wikipedia, but dedicated to CML patient advocacy)
- Provides an area where educational material is ready for download to patient advocates.
Courageous Parents Network
Population Served:
Families caring for children with serious illness and clinicians who support them.
To orient and empower parents and others caring for children with serious illness, by providing resources and tools that reflect the experience and perspective of families and clinicians.
- Shares the voices of families through videos, podcasts, blog posts, and downloadable guides.
- Provides guidance on decision-making, advocating for your child, working with the medical team, caring for siblings, and more.
- Offers monthly educational events on a variety of topics.
- Website available in English and Spanish.
Cutaneous Lymphoma Foundation
Population Served:
Anyone seeking information on cutaneous lymphoma (CL)
To support every person with cutaneous lymphoma by promoting awareness and education, advancing patient care, and facilitating research.
- Provides education and support to patients diagnosed with CL
- Information on website is designed to help physicians, nurses and other health professionals access resources related to cutaneous lymphoma.
Express, Create, Heal
Population Served:
Children and adolescents ages 3 to 18 in the U.S. affected by cancer, along with the healthcare professionals who serve them.
Powered by A Moment of Magic, the goal of Express Create Heal is to improve mental health outcomes for children affected by cancer
- Offers volunteer-led social emotional learning programs (in-person and virtual) to children impacted by cancer
- Virtual resource video library (in English & Spanish) available on their website
- Provides trainings and networking opportunities for community members and healthcare professionals serving the childhood cancer community
Hairy Cell Leukemia Foundation
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, health professionals, researchers
To improve outcomes for patients by advancing research into the causes and treatment of hairy cell leukemia, as well as by providing educational resources and comfort to all those affected by hairy cell leukemia.
- Provides information about hairy cell leukemia, referrals to health care centers and clinical trials
- Organizes annual seminars bringing patients, clinicians and researchers together to learn from each other about the latest advancements in diagnosis and treatment
- Offers an annual research grants program for medical professionals.
Hirsch Wellness Network
Population Served:
Cancer patients 18 and older, caregivers, healthcare professionals in the U.S.
To support the emotional and physical needs of cancer survivors, patients in treatment, and caregivers by providing therapeutic arts and wellness programs that celebrate the power of self-expression and self-healing to cultivate strength, renew spirit, and foster hope.
- Offers virtual/online national programs and in-person programs in Greensboro, NC
International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC)
Population Served:
Palliative care and hospice workers
To collaborate and work to improve the quality of life of patients with advanced life-threatening conditions and their families, by advancing hospice and palliative care programs, education, research, and favorable policies around the world.
- Works with individuals and organizations in developing multiple strategies targeted to raise awareness among the affiliates of the civil society and decision makers so that palliative care is provided and available to those individuals in need, to increase access and availability to analgesics and other medications, to increase the provision of services by adequately trained professionals and caregivers.
International Cancer Information Service Group (ICISG)
Population Served:
People with cancer, their family and friends, the public and health professionals worldwide
To help cancer organizations around the world establish or enhance their Cancer Information Service to provide high quality, reliable information and compassionate support resources on all aspects of cancer to those concerned or affected by cancer.
- Provides and shares information and tools for management, evaluation, training and quality
- Promotes collaboration between Cancer Information Services in different countries throughout the world
- Acts as a forum for exchange, discussion and support
- Develops and updates service core values
- Increases awareness of cancer information and support services
- Offers links to general cancer information in multiple languages
- Supports the development of new services throughout the world by providing required tools, education and mentors.
Lymphoma Foundation of America
Population Served:
Lymphoma patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals
To help lymphoma patients and families, and to fund research for a cure.
- Registered nurses provide medical information and resources
- Provides online list of lymphoma specialists in the US
- Online survivor stories and lists of recommended books
- Funds research grants and awards to scientists at leading universities and cancer centers.
MPN Advocacy and Education International
Population Served:
Patients with myeloproliferative neoplasms (Essential Thrombocythemia, Idiopathic Myelofibrosis, Polycythemia Vera), caregivers, professionals worldwide
To make a difference in the lives of those affected by myeloproliferative neoplasms.
- Offers disease, treatment and clinical trial information
- Website lists online and in-person support groups worldwide
- Offers an email digest, educational events and webcasts
- Provides outreach to the entire MPN community to grow awareness, understanding, and a better quality of life for MPN patients
Engages legislators and governmental bodies on behalf of their constituents to ensure the MPN Community is represented.
Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer
Population Served:
Healthcare Professionals
The Multinational Association of Supportive Care in Cancer (MASCC) is an international, interdisciplinary organization dedicated to the practice, education and research of supportive care in cancer. Their mission is to continually improve the supportive care of people with cancer – from diagnosis through to survival or end-of-life care.
- Provides opportunities to collaborate and network with global experts through study groups, and members also receive access to educational events, resources, and their journal Supportive Care in Cancer.
- Offers patient education and healthcare professional publications in multiple languages.
- In collaboration with ISOO (the International Society of Oral Oncology), each year MASCC hosts the MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting, the pre-eminent international conference on supportive care in cancer.
- Membership includes healthcare professionals from over 70 countries and more than 30 disciplines.
Multiple Myeloma Research Foundation
Population Served:
Patients with myeloma, caregivers, professionals, researchers
To pursue innovative means that accelerate the development of next-generation multiple myeloma treatments to extend the lives of patients and lead to a cure.
- Provides disease and treatment information including clinical trials
- Offers patient and professional educational programs and publications
- Funds multiple myeloma research.
National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys (NAELA)
Population Served:
Elderly, people with disabilities, and their families, attorneys
To improve the quality of legal services provided to people as they age and people with special needs; the primary focus is education. (NAELA does not provide direct legal services.)
- Provides online search tool to find an Elder Law or Special Needs attorney
- Sponsors continuing legal education programs on Elder and Special Needs Law for attorneys
- Provides publications and educational materials to its members on a wide range topics
- Provides support to other organizations serving people as they age and people with disabilities
- Advocates on public policy issues facing seniors and people with special needs.
National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
Population Served:
Professional social workers
To enhance the professional growth and development of its members, to create and maintain professional standards, and to advance sound social policies.
National Cancer Institute's Cancer Information Service
Population Served:
Cancer patients, caregivers, family, friends, healthcare providers, researchers
To provide accurate, up-to-date, and reliable information on cancer that is easy to understand; this free service is a federally funded cancer education program.
- Offers trained information specialists who can answer cancer-related questions on a range of cancer topics (but is not a substitute for medical advice).
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
Population Served:
People in the U.S. seeking scientific information on complementary health approaches
To define, through rigorous scientific investigation, the usefulness and safety of complementary and integrative health interventions and their roles in improving health and health care.
- Responds to inquiries via phone or email, and retrieves information from Federal databases of peer-reviewed scientific and medical literature
- Distributes NCCIH publications and selected other federal publications on complementary health approaches
- Makes referrals to other federal resources as appropriate.
National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN)
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, health professionals
To improve the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of cancer care so that patients can live better lives.
- Alliance of leading cancer centers
- NCCN Guidelines provide comprehensive and frequently updated clinical practice guidelines
- NCCN Guidelines for Patients® translate the information that doctors use to help patients and families understand treatment options
- Offers educational programs and webinars
- Articles and videos give advice on how to help a loved one with cancer and take care of oneself.
- Incorporates treatment guidelines and limited recommendations for surveillance and management of common issues facing survivors.
National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization (NHPCO)
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, professionals
To lead and mobilize social change for improved care at the end of life.
- Membership organization representing hospice and palliative care programs and professionals in the U.S.
- Advocates for the terminally ill and their families
- Develops public and professional educational programs and materials
- Convenes meetings and symposia on emerging issues
- Provides technical informational resources to its membership
- Conducts research
- Monitors Congressional and regulatory activities
National LGBT Cancer Network
Population Served:
Cancer patients, survivors, caregivers, healthcare professionals in the US
To improve the lives of LGBT cancer survivors and those at risk by educating the LGBT community about increased cancer risks and the importance of screening and early detection; training health care providers to offer more culturally-competent, safe and welcoming care; and advocating for LGBT survivors in mainstream cancer organizations, the media and research.
- Resource library contains up-to-date research articles, webinars, videos, fact sheets, etc.
- Maintains directories of LGBT-welcoming cancer screening facilities and cancer treatment facilities in the US
- Provides LGBT cultural competency trainings for health and human service providers.
Oncology Nursing Society (ONS)
Population Served:
Nurses and health professionals worldwide
To promote excellence in oncology nursing and quality cancer care.
- ONS is a professional organization of over 35,000 registered nurses and other healthcare providers dedicated to excellence in patient care, education, research, and administration in oncology nursing
- Educational programs are provided in a variety of formats, including national conferences, regional workshops, online education, and print-based offerings
- Website offers the latest oncology news, online education opportunities, clinical practice and research information, career center, and legislative action information.
Population Served:
Patients, caregivers, families, and healthcare professionals impacted by cancer
To support patients, caregivers, and healthcare providers by providing up-to-date, evidence-based cancer education that addresses needs from risk assessment through diagnosis, treatment, and survivorship
- Provides online educational materials in English and Spanish on all cancer types, including blood cancers, as well as related information on topics such as risk and prevention, treatment, and support.
- Offers survivorship care plans and survivorship clinic listing.
- Offers resources for healthcare professionals, including patient education materials and professional education.
Pablove Foundation
Population Served:
Kids and teens with cancer ages 6-18
Improve the lives of children with cancer through the arts and invests in underfunded, cutting-edge, pediatric cancer research.
- Pablove Shutterbugs: Located nationwide, and now virtually, this arts education program teaches children and teens living with cancer to develop their creative voice through the art of photography.
- Childhood Cancer Research which includes: Seed grants are awarded to the most innovative, groundbreaking childhood cancer researchers around the country and world, committed to improving treatment options and finding cures for childhood cancers. Accelerator Award is a joint venture between Pablove and a partner research institution, this award makes a significant investment in a single promising researcher, with the aim of catapulting their research forward.
Rally Foundation
Population Served:
Children with any type of cancer and their families, supporters, researchers
To empower volunteers across the country to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research, to find better treatments with fewer long-term side effects and, ultimately, cures.
- Become a Rally Researcher- Supports research projects affiliated with Children's Oncology Group or supported by the National Institute of Health and the National Cancer Institute. Awards one year research grants through a rigorous competitive peer review process.
- Rally Family Emergency Fund- Offers financial assistance for children under age 21 in current cancer treatment. Fund has an annual cap of $500 and a lifetime cap of $750. Funds may be used to cover a patient's cancer-related medical bills or other family costs related to treatment, e.g. transitional housing.
- Become a Rally Kid- Personal stories of cancer patients and survivors, which are inspirational and encourage everyone to Rally in our efforts to raise awareness and funds for childhood cancer research.
- Rally Athlete Training Team- Provides independent athletes with personalized fundraising pages and the opportunity to run for a Rally Kid.
Sheets from Home
Population Served:
Pediatric oncology professionals in the U.S.
To bring smiles to children fighting cancer, by transforming their hospital rooms with fun and colorful bed sheets that feel more like home.
- Partners directly with hospital pediatric oncology units to provide donations of bed sheets.
St. Jude Global
Population Served:
Pediatric blood cancer patients, their caregivers, and healthcare providers specializing in pediatric catastrophic diseases worldwide
To improve the survival rates of children with catastrophic illnesses worldwide, through the transfer of knowledge, technology and organizational skills.
- Program develops partnerships with medical institutions and fund-raising organizations to facilitate the involvement of other agencies and organizations to support key programs and the education of local personnel.
- Sharing knowledge and technology with the local governments, healthcare providers, and the private sector to increase the survival rates of children all across the globe.
- Pediatric specialty committed to caring for and supporting children with cancer regardless of the family’s financial or healthcare resources.
- Clinical trials designed to provide the best available care while answering important research questions.
- Hosts visiting fellows at its campus in Memphis, Tennessee.
- Partner sites in various countries. Please see the website for more details on locations.
The Association of Pediatric Oncology Social Workers (APOSW)
Population Served:
Oncology professionals in the U.S. and internationally
Passionate professionals focused on enhancing the lives of children with cancer and blood disorders and the families who care for them. We accomplish this by advancing pediatric psychosocial oncology care through clinical social work practice, research, advocacy, education, and program development.
The Eye Cancer Foundation Eye Cancer Network
Population Served:
Eye cancer patients and their families, health professionals worldwide
To create a world-class center of excellence for patients and their families diagnosed with ocular tumors, macular degeneration, and related ophthalmic conditions.
- Provides Find A Doctor search tool to locate an eye cancer specialist
- Offers an online support community through Facebook
- Funds research to find cures for patients with ocular tumors and related eye diseases
- Provides eye cancer specialists for unserved and underserved countries.
The Lauri Strauss Leukemia Foundation
Population Served:
Health professionals and clinical researchers
To find a cure for leukemia, lymphoma, Hodgkin disease, myeloma and allied cancers by means of awarding Discovery Grants to innovative developmental research projects; to conduct marrow donor drives.
The Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Foundation, Inc.
Population Served:
Patients with MDS, caregivers, health professionals worldwide
A multi-disciplinary, international organization devoted to MDS support, research, treatment, and education for patients, caregivers, physicians, nurses and other health care providers. The organization is based upon the premise that international cooperation will accelerate the process leading to the control and cure of these diseases.
Provides disease information, insurance information and publications
Offers patient advocacy groups, research funding, and professional educational initiatives
Referrals to MDS Centers of Excellence and clinical trials
Conducts international symposia.
Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)
Population Served:
Cancer organizations, public health and oncology professionals worldwide
To unite and support the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity, and to ensure that cancer control continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda.
- UICC is a membership organization working in cooperation as expert groups and task forces
- Convenes international events; offers fellowships, training courses, and master classes; advocates for cancer prevention and equitable access to care.
Wonders & Worries
Population Served:
Parents with serious illness, their children, and healthcare professionals who serve them in the US, Canada, and internationally.
To provide free, professional support for children and teenagers through a parent’s serious illness or injury, so that they can reach their full potential.
- Offers an educational & coping curriculum which addresses a child’s wonders and alleviates their worries when their parent is diagnosed with a serious illness or injury. Delivered through parent and professional apps (W&W2GO), podcasts, webinars, and other online materials which are free and available in 175 countries.
- Provides parent and professional consultation via national helpline along with local in-person Texas-based services.
- Offers an international directory of child life specialists and licensed mental health professionals whose fees vary.
- Provides professional education, credentialing opportunities, and training materials.