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Kylie Lynn Branch was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) on January 22, 2015, just two days before her second birthday.



As a First Connection® volunteer with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) for almost two years, I have had the opportunity to connect with patients and survivors to share their stories and experiences while battling this deadly illness. Every day I come across so many touching and courageous stories that inspire me to do more and more to support this cause.



My wife, Lynn Isaacson, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in October 2018. After three failed treatment approaches, she passed away on March 26, 2019, 162 days after diagnosis. From her diagnosis to her death, just 162 days passed. Of the 20,220 days she lived here on Earth, and the 12,047 days we loved each other on Earth – the disease was only with us for 162 days.

Dr. Ghobrial

Irene Ghobrial, M.D., is trying to identify what causes myeloma cells to become drug resistant.  She is also leading research to try to understand how to treat premalignant conditions like monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance (MGUS) and smoldering myeloma before they become the more deadly acute myeloid leukemia and myeloma, respectively. Dr. Ghobrial, along with DFCI’s Robert Soiffer, M.D., also leads LLS and DFCI’s collaboration through LLS’s Therapy Acceleration Program to bring clinical trials to local community cancer centers. Dr.



I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) in 2000 and had seven months of chemotherapy (ABVD) and 20 rounds of radiation. I have not had a reoccurrence of HL, but in 2014, I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). I see my oncologist every four months to check my white blood count, and so far, I am still in a watch-and-wait situation. I work full-time in a high-level, stressful job, have two children, and thankfully, have the energy to do it all and have not had to resort to any treatment yet.



In June 2018, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) while living in Italy. I was shocked. After six months of mysterious rashes and illnesses, the pieces finally came together at a walk-in clinic off Piazza di Spagna. Sounds romantic, huh? It wasn’t.



It all began in 2010 after my friend Cara and I ran the LA Marathon. We had already trained on our own for the 26.2 miles race. I thought, “Why not just keep running?” That’s when I found the nonprofit The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society and their fundraising program called Team In Training (TNT)! TNT was the only program you could volunteer with to get a secured race entry into the San Francisco Nike Women's Marathon. So, I registered for an informational meeting at the mall near my parents' house, listened to the staff and coaches, as well as a survivor, and I was hooked.



I’m from Hungary. I’m 34 years old and just recently moved to Durango, Colorado, to marry my husband, Joe. For two years, we worked through a long-distance relationship during COVID and thought we would never face a tougher task in life than facing an uncertain future beset by travel restrictions, an eight-hour time difference, and thousands of miles. We wed in July, settled into our house we’d moved into in March, and I had just qualified for my work permit and landed a wonderful job as the Communications Specialist at a local non-profit.



Christine Attia knows first-hand how overwhelming and terrifying a blood cancer diagnosis can be. She lost her 27-year-old fiancé three years ago after a courageous six-month battle with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a blood cancer which has seen few improvements in treatments in more than 40 years.


On March 10, 2015 I reached another milestone and turned 60 years young. I have been blessed with good health and the ability to swim, bike, and run. For over a decade I have been involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) as a board member and participant in more than a dozen fundraising triathlons/marathons for Team In Training events all over the world. My efforts will continue until cures for blood-related cancers are realized.



I am Grayton Bliss and I am a survivor! I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in December 2008, at four years old. Today, I am 13 years old and I have conquered the disease and am in remission. My mother and father tell my story with a full and happy heart. We look back at photos taken just a few months prior to diagnosis and we can see the physical characteristics of the disease. My face was pale, my body thin and my skin bruised. Every photo I look at show a little more of the illness as if slowly my body giving into the disease.


Ciara and Liliana were born a few years apart and grew up in a happy home with their mother, Heather and father, Danny. I would describe Ciara, age 7, and Liliana, age 5, as always smiling, always playing, always pretending, always hiding and always giggling. Happiness was contagious when you were around them. Both girls had big brown eyes and long brown hair and their beauty was only matched by their genuine kindness.


My caregiver journey began in 2005, when my husband found a lump on his neck and was diagnosed with a rare form of non-Hodgkin lymphoma. After being admitted to the hospital for nine rounds of chemotherapy, he went into remission.



I am currently on the Board of Trustees for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Minnesota chapter. The reason why I decided to dedicate my time, talents and networks to this organization is because I am passionate about finding a cure for cancer. This passion runs so deep in me, it serves as a constant reminder of how fleeting life can be. And, that everyone deserves a lifetime.


Jaimie Potvin

Finding cures for cancer is especially close to my heart. In 2011, my brother, Cory was diagnosed with large B-cell lymphoma. Our dad was already a two-time survivor of non-Hodgkin lymphoma, so we truly believed he would survive blood cancer too. When his treatment showed no signs of improvement, it was devastating. Cory died six years ago and I still miss him so much every single day.



In the fall of 2017, Lincoln was not feeling well and had typical cold virus symptoms. He also had a recurring fever and an unexplained rash. After two trips to the pediatrician, the doctor thought he had a persistent virus and then bronchitis. On our third visit, they thought he may have mono, so bloodwork was taken, and we were told to go to Children’s Hospital immediately. We were scared and had no idea what was wrong. Cancer was not even a thought.



Exactly a month before my 24th birthday, I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). As a young adult, hearing the words “you have cancer” come from a physician’s mouth was earth-shattering, to say the least.

Prior to my diagnosis, I had been working in clinical research and was enrolled in a Biomedical Science Master’s program with hopes of continuing to medical school and becoming a physician. However, my career aspirations were placed on hold when I received my diagnosis. Immediately, my dedicated student lifestyle turned into one of a full-time patient.


Mary Elizabeth

When Mary Elizabeth was 10 years old, she noticed a large lump on her neck. Her parents also noticed her lack of energy, but doctor after doctor couldn’t find anything wrong.

“On a family vacation, she wasn’t looking right, and we took her back to the doctor and insisted on bloodwork. The doctors were convinced it was mono,” said Mary’s mother, Mandy.



In April 2020, three-year-old Cayden began experiencing leg pain and developed an unusual limp that alarmed his mother, Courtney. Soon, the pain progressed to a stiff neck and loss of appetite. Just two weeks later, after multiple tests and doctor appointments, Courtney and her husband would hear the words that every parent fears, "your child has cancer". Cayden was diagnosed with a high-risk form of blood cancer, Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL).



Toben had entered preschool at 3½ years old, and within a few months, he was getting sick often. He started getting random fevers that would go away in a day. When he got leg and arm pains, we started to get concerned. The pains were so bad that he couldn't walk and would wince when we picked him up or moved him. At his four-year check-up, he wasn't showing any signs or symptoms, so we chalked it up to growing pains. Most of the summer he was fine, but by the end of July, the symptoms were stronger and lasted longer and longer.



I will never underestimate my parents' sacrifices to provide my siblings and me with the millions of opportunities we have due to their hard work. My parents were born and raised in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Both were born to families who instilled the traditional family value of grit in every walk of life. My parents both obtained a high school diploma with the intent of seeking higher education, but the obstacles of living in a developing country robbed them of the chance.

Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia (PH + ALL)


The best thing and the worst thing to ever happen to me happened at the same time. On my birthday, I found out that I was pregnant. That explained (I thought) why I felt so run down and lethargic. My husband and I were over the moon as this was our first child. 

As weeks went by, what I thought was morning sickness hit me hard. I couldn’t keep food down. My doctor gave me meds; nothing helped. 

Air Guitar competition stage 4 non-Hodgkin Burkitt lymphoma

Bryan (Hennessy)

My name is Bryan, but most know me by my stage name Hennessy Williams. I was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin Burkitt lymphoma (BL) on July 1st, 2005. I was 20 years old.  It was the hardest battle I ever faced, I am lucky to be here, I am lucky to be alive. I am alive because I had a tremendous amount of support from my family and friends, not everyone is blessed with this option.