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Inspirational Stories


T-cell lymphoma (TCL)

Nathan is a young, T-cell lymphoma (TCL) survivor. He just rang the “end of treatment bell” a couple of months ago. His dad, Andy, is a member of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Minnesota/North Dakota/South Dakota board and a major donor to The LLS Children’s Initiative through their family foundation’s fundraising.

Their family foundation is Super Herber Bros. ( If you check out the website, you’ll see that Nathan and his brothers are ALL ABOUT VIDEO GAMES. Each of the three boys has medical conditions, and video games have been a godsend during their treatment and convalescence. In fact, the main way they raise funds for their foundation is through a MarioKart tournament held in Rochester, Minnesota, on September 18.

Nathan is featured in many of the most recent LLS Dare to Dream Project print materials, and Andy serves as a member of the patient advocacy group.
