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Lymphoma is the name for a group of blood cancers that develop in the lymphatic system. The two main types are Hodgkin lymphoma and non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL).



Just after I turned 12 years old, I was diagnosed with blood cancer. LLS supported me and my family as I endured chemotherapy treatment to be cancer free and beat Burkitts lymphoma. Now 16, I am inspired everyday to work hard in school to achieve my goal of becoming an oncologist to help kids, like me, beat blood cancer. Thank you LLS!



My blood cancer story started in 1987 when I was diagnosed and treated for testicular cancer with surgery and chemotherapy. As I progressed to the end of the chemo regimen, my blood counts would not return to normal. A bone marrow biopsy showed that I had developed treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as a result of the chemotherapy for the testicular cancer.


When five-year-old Sasha had her birthday in June, there was more to celebrate this year — she had just gotten her port removed and was officially done with blood cancer treatment.

Sasha was just 2 years old when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia in October 2017.  She began intense treatment right away, which continued until right before her fifth birthday. Sasha spent countless days at the hospital fighting for her life and enduring the brutal side effects that came with treatment, but she never lost her charming personality and bright smile.



My name is Jesse Jordan. I'm a 37 year cancer survivor. I was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) when I was 17 months old. Cancer has been one of the defining moments of my life and it helps me keep the right perspective towards life. The moment I take life for granted, cancer reminds me of how precious life is and how blessed I am to be here. I believe I am meant to share my cancer story with others. Cancer increases my awareness of life every day and reinforces my commitment to help others. My hope is that my personal cancer story can give hope to others.



Hello, my name is Nikolas Davison. I am 14 years old (almost 15 in July) and have battled acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for the past four years, but I am now done with chemo and getting my port removed soon.

In November 2016, I was misdiagnosed with appendicitis and was taken to the hospital by my father, where they took my blood and ran several tests. This was a painful experience to go through and I was very scared. After more tests, they knew that I had cancer. I was shocked, scared and horrified. I never thought in a million years that I would get cancer.

Coloring App

The free coloring app allows children to express their creativity and also offers activities to help them learn about blood cancer and its treatment.

Jim & Leslie

Jim & Leslie

Jim and Leslie Donigan have been married for almost 50 years. Currently retired with three adult children, they have both faced a cancer diagnosis, but are in remission today.

In October of 2003, Leslie was diagnosed with a stomach cancer called GIST (Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors) and was told it was terminal. But then her doctor tried a medication intended for blood cancer—and it worked.



On December 29, 2011, I heard those numbing words “you have cancer.” I was 23 years old, about to turn 24 and my whole world came to a screeching halt. After months of feeling “off,” multiple visits to all kinds of doctors, repeat blood work, scans and biopsies, it was finally determined that I had non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.



Blake was recently diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), and is now in interim maintenance.

It all started with unexpected wrist and ​leg pain that turned into three years worth of treatments and procedures. We were told he was anemic so we took him in for iron supplements. He then got very constipated and had terrible side and tummy pains, which led us back into the ER. They gave us laxatives and sent us home.



I was a recipient of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Scholarship for Blood Cancer Survivors this year. I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) on December 23, 2014. I received over 80 doses of chemotherapy, 40 blood product transfusions, and had six infections. One of these infections landed me in the pediatric intensive care unit for seven days with acute respiratory failure and sepsis. I spent 133 days in-patient at the hospital. In May 2015, I left the hospital for good and am celebrating seven years in remission.



Meet Matt. Hodgkin Lymphoma Survivor. Goalkeeper of major league soccer's Columbus Crew. After donating blood when he was 17 years old, Matt learned he had Stage 4 Hodgkin lymphoma. While all of his friends were going off to college, Matt was going to chemotherapy. But thankfully, by September, 2007 Matt was cancer free. Today, Matt is doing all he can to help others with blood cancer.


Cancer. That is a word that is scary. So many of us have friends, family and co-workers that are impacted by some type of cancer, but you never think it will be you. The word conjures up fear. Fear of treatment, fear of death and fear of what will be expected of you to deal with and hopefully survive. 



In January 2021, I received my diagnosis after five months of multiple doctor visits, blood work, and biopsies. I had no common symptoms such as night sweats or fatigue, just a small lump behind my ear. It was removed, and the pathology came back as non-cancerous. About six or so weeks later, another lump showed up. I decided to switch doctors, and they also didn't feel it was cancer based on my chart. But after they removed it, the pathology shared a much different story.

JOhn leukemia


I first got involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) shortly after the passing of my boyfriend, John, in 2020. John "Poochy" fought a very long and hard battle against leukemia that came to an end in August 2020.  I was absolutely devastated and lost in a world without my love.

About two weeks later, a friend posted something about an event called Light The Night (LTN) for LLS, so I checked it out and immediately signed up a team of John and my friends for my local LTN event. We raised over $1,000 in less than 24 hours!



In October 2015, Gisenia Reyes heard the words "You have cancer." Diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML), an aggressive type of blood cancer. She immediately underwent chemotherapy treatment to save her life.

Gisenia attained remission status, however, she still had a mutation in her blood work, which could cause her to relapse.

Myeloproliferative Neoplasms

Myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are types of blood cancer that begin with an abnormal mutation (change) in a stem cell in the bone marrow. The change leads to an overproduction of any combination of white cells, red cells and platelets.



As a popular entertainment anchor on the “Good Day LA” morning show in Los Angeles, Amanda Salas has always kept busy. But after she was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in June 2019, she has had to refocus all her energy and time on fighting for her life.



I was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin lymphoma in May of 2003.  The diagnosis came after three or four months of tests attempting to diagnose a lump from my neck (which was ultimately removed).  My wife and I were told that I had a disease that was considered treatable but not curable.  My particular sub-type, follicular, has a tendency to reoccur.  I was referred to MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.  The staging test results showed I had a very small amount of the disease on the whole, but it was present in my bone marrow, which is considered Stage IV, or



Jack is a particularly big fan of the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  His is an active Patient Advocate managing a local support group for patients and caregivers interested in his rare blood cancer, he participates in LLS' First Connection program, has helped with LLS' Team in Training and Light the Night recruiting efforts.  He received LLS' appreciation award "For Outstanding Commitment and Support of Advocacy and Patient Quality of Life" in June 2104.



We have been involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) since Steve's diagnosis with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in May of 2002.  Steve's CML continues to be successfully treated with a drug called Gleevec, which was funded in part by LLS.  This year we celebrated his 15 years of remission from CML by taking a trip to Florida with family.  Thank God for survivorship AND cancer research! 

Sally large b cell lymphoma


In January 2021, my new life journey was about to begin. After doctor visits, bloodwork, testing, and finally complete shock, the diagnosis of cancer was given to me and my family, large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL). We were in disbelief but ready to fight. As my oncologist stated, “You have an aggressive form of cancer, we will treat you aggressively, and it is potentially curable.” Those last two words were what I needed to hear. Let the fight begin. 

Young man in black t-shirt with leukemia in a hospital bed with a medical professional standing next to him wearing a mask


I’ve lived a mostly normal 26 years on this earth. A life filled with wonderful academics, Division 1 athletics (pole vault), financial internships, and fantastic sales roles at companies I really enjoyed.

However, my life changed drastically on February 28, 2023.

Early in the morning on February 28, at about 3:00 a.m., I was woken up by a call from an unknown number. I let it ring through . . . maybe it was spam? Then they called again.