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International Resources

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Abrale (Brazilian Lymphoma and Leukemia Society)

Contact: Website or +55 11 3149-5190
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, health professionals


To support cures and improve the quality of life for people living with blood cancer in Brazil.

  • Serves Brazil and Latin America
  • Provides disease, treatment and clinical trial information as well as materials about blood cancers
  • Offers psychological, legal, nutritional support and more
  • Advocates for patient access to treatment

Acute Leukemia Advocates Network (ALAN)

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Healthcare professionals, patient advocates


To change the outcomes of acute leukemia patients by strengthening patient advocacy.

  • ALAN is an independent global network of patient organizations which aims to increase awareness about the acute leukemias, share best practices, advocate for better access and treatment, and improve education for healthcare professionals.

American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)

Contact: 215-440-9300
Population Served:

Patients and health professionals


To prevent and cure cancer through research, education, communication, and collaboration. Through its programs and services, the AACR fosters research in cancer and related biomedical science; accelerates the dissemination of new research findings among scientists and others dedicated to the conquest of cancer; promotes science education and training; and advances the understanding of cancer etiology, prevention, diagnosis, and treatment throughout the world.

Aplastic Anemia & MDS International Foundation

Contact: 800-747-2820 or
Population Served:

Patients and families living with Aplastic Anemia, Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS), Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria (PNH), and related bone marrow failure diseases


To support, connect and educate patients, caregivers and health professionals on bone marrow failure diseases worldwide

  • Free educational materials: Information on research, treatment, and clinical trials
  • Online Academy: Live webinars, webcasts, interviews with experts, and interactive learning modules
  • Peer Support Network: Patients and caregivers can speak with trained patient volunteers who share treatment experiences and provide emotional support
  • Community Connections: Volunteer-led regional support groups connecting patient and families
  • Educational Conferences: Our free conferences in cities around the country offer learning opportunities from leading medical experts, and the ability to connect directly with other patients and caregivers
  • Find A Specialist: online search tool.

Castleman Disease Collaborative Network (CDCN)

Contact: 610-304-0696
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, health professionals worldwide


Dedicated to accelerating research and treatment for Castleman Disease (a group of inflammatory disorders) to improve survival for all patients.

  • Provides disease and treatment information, online patient forum, patient registry, lists of publications and resources.

Cleveland Clinic 4th Angel Mentoring Program

Contact: 866-520-3197
Population Served:

Adults over the age of 18 impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide


To provide personalized peer support empowering those affected by cancer and its treatment

  • Matches individuals impacted by cancer for one-on-one support with a trained volunteer mentor. 
  • English and Spanish-speaking mentors available.
  • Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one.

CML Advocates Network

Contact: Website only
Population Served:

People diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), worldwide


To facilitate and support best practice-sharing between patient group organizers across the world.

  • Informal online organization designed, published and moderated by CML patients and carers who are registered patient group advocates and organizers.
  • Provides a worldwide web directory of CML patient groups, to allow patient groups to find national support groups in another country
  • Provides a platform of communication for CML patient advocates
  • Builds a knowledge base in the form of a Wiki (like Wikipedia, but dedicated to CML patient advocacy)
  • Provides an area where educational material is ready for download to patient advocates.


Contact: 212-209-6700
Population Served:

Individuals willing to donate bone marrow or organize a donor drive


To fight against blood cancer and blood disorders by creating awareness, recruiting bone marrow donors, raising funds, improving therapies and supporting patients.

  • Formerly known as Delete Blood Cancer DKMS, this international nonprofit provides information about registering to be a donor, organizing donor drives, and the process of donating bone marrow.
  • DKMS is affiliated with the National Marrow Donor Program, so every person registered with DKMS is listed on the Be The Match Registry®.

ECD Global Alliance

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Patients, family members, and caregivers affected by Erdheim-Chester Disease, health professionals, worldwide


Dedicated to awareness, support, education, and research related to Erdheim-Chester Disease, a rare multi-system histiocytic syndrome.

  • Provides disease and clinical trial information, publications, referrals to physicians and care centers, patient registry, educational events, online supports
  • Funds research exploring the diagnosis, cause, treatments, and cure of Erdheim-Chester Disease
  • Advocates on behalf of Erdheim-Chester Disease patients

Hodgkins International

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, healthcare professionals, and researchers.


Hodgkin’s International is an organization dedicated to improving the quality of life for Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors promoting education and medical research in the area of survivorship to foster a better understanding of the particular needs of long-term survivors, and to advocate for the interests of Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors around the world.

Icla da Silva Foundation

Contact: Website or 212-593-1807
Population Served:

Those in need of a stem cell transplant or anyone looking to be a bone marrow donor


To save lives by recruiting bone marrow donors and by providing support services to children and adults with leukemia and other diseases treatable by marrow transplants.

Imerman Angels

Contact: 866-463-7626
Population Served:

Anyone impacted by cancer or caring for someone with cancer worldwide


To provide personalized connections that enable one-on-one support among cancer fighters, survivors and caregivers. These one–on–one relationships inspire hope and offer support from someone who is uniquely familiar with the experience.

  • Provides a unique matching program in which a volunteer peer “Mentor Angel” is partnered with an individual seeking cancer support.
  • Also connects those caring for or grieving the loss of a loved one with “Caregiver Mentor Angels” who can help provide support and comfort throughout the journey.

International Association for Hospice & Palliative Care (IAHPC)

Contact: 866-374-2472
Population Served:

Palliative care and hospice workers


To collaborate and work to improve the quality of life of patients with advanced life-threatening conditions and their families, by advancing hospice and palliative care programs, education, research, and favorable policies around the world.

  • Works with individuals and organizations in developing multiple strategies targeted to raise awareness among the affiliates of the civil society and decision makers so that palliative care is provided and available to those individuals in need, to increase access and availability to analgesics and other medications, to increase the provision of services by adequately trained professionals and caregivers.

International Cancer Information Service Group (ICISG)

Contact: Website only
Population Served:

People with cancer, their family and friends, the public and health professionals worldwide


To help cancer organizations around the world establish or enhance their Cancer Information Service to provide high quality, reliable information and compassionate support resources on all aspects of cancer to those concerned or affected by cancer.

  • Provides and shares information and tools for management, evaluation, training and quality
  • Promotes collaboration between Cancer Information Services in different countries throughout the world
  • Acts as a forum for exchange, discussion and support
  • Develops and updates service core values
  • Increases awareness of cancer information and support services
  • Offers links to general cancer information in multiple languages
  • Supports the development of new services throughout the world by providing required tools, education and mentors.

International Myeloma Foundation (IMF)

Contact: 800-452-2873 (US & Canada) or 818-487-7455 (Worldwide)
Population Served:

Anyone needing information on myeloma, including patients, caregivers and health professionals


To improve the quality of life of myeloma patients and their families while working toward prevention and a cure through four founding principles: research, education, support, and advocacy.

  • Offers disease and treatment information via toll free number and publications in multiple languages
  • Makes referrals to support groups and hosts an on-line support group
  • Offers seminars, workshops and webcasts
  • Provides Veterans Against Myeloma (VAM), a resource for patients who have served in the military and developed myeloma through their service
  • IMF Advocacy group helps guide individuals to advocate for critical health issues that affect the myeloma community
  • Supports research initiatives.

Kids Kicking Cancer Heroes Circle

Contact: Website or (248) 864-8238
Population Served:

Children (ages 3-18+) with serious/chronic illness, siblings, as well as children of adult cancer patients


To ease the pain and trauma of children impacted by a serious illness while empowering them to heal physically, spiritually, and emotionally, by offering evidence-based martial arts therapy to kids. 

  • Offers therapeutic martial arts classes through both virtual and in-person programming.
  • All martial arts are non-contact and adapted to the needs of the child.
  • Classes are offered globally and in multiple languages.

Leukaemia Foundation of Australia

Contact: Website or 1800 620 420 in Australia
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers, health professionals


To fund research and to provide free services to support people with leukaemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders, and their families in Australia.

  • Provides assistance over the phone, online and in person
  • Offers disease, treatment and clinical trial information
  • Helps with ground transportation, utilities and lodging
  • Provides support groups, peer matching and counseling
  • Funds research into the causes, epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment, psychosocial impact, management and cures of blood cancers and related disorders. 

Make-A-Wish International

Contact: 602-230-9900 (US) or
Population Served:

Children with life-threatening medical conditions that have reached the age of 3 and are under the age of 18 at the time of referral. Children must not have already have had a wish granted by any other wish-granting organization.


To grant the wishes of children with life-threatening medical conditions to enrich the human experience with hope, strength and joy.

  • Every wish experience is driven by the wish child’s interests, creativity and personality
  • Healthcare professionals, parents, legal guardians and potential wish recipients can initiate the referral inquiry process. The child's treating physician will be contacted to determine whether the child meets our eligibility criteria at the time they are referred
  • There are currently 39 affiliates outside of the USA.

MPN Research Foundation

Contact: 773-977-7216
Population Served:

People diagnosed with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (MPN) worldwide


To stimulate original research in pursuit of new treatments -- and eventually a cure for polycythemia vera, essential thrombocythemia and myelofibrosis, known collectively as myeloproliferative neoplasms; to promote collaboration in the scientific community to accelerate research; and to serve as a powerful advocacy group for patients and their families.

  • Links patients to support groups worldwide
  • Educates and empowers the MPN community of patients, family members, doctors and researchers
  • Distributes MPN patient brochures and a newsletter to inform patients on key advances in MPN research
  • Sponsors patient conferences
  • Interfaces with government organizations on key patient issues

MPN Voice

Contact: Website or call 07934 689 354
Population Served:

People diagnosed with myeloproliferative neoplasms and their families, caregivers, health professionals worldwide


To provide information, community and advocacy for patients diagnosed with a myeloproliferative neoplasm (such as essential thrombocythemia, polycythemia vera or myelofibrosis), families, caregivers and health professionals

  • Based in the United Kingdom, this volunteer-run nonprofit provides disease and treatment information, tips for coping with everyday challenges, and information on clinical trials
  • Support services including peer to peer matching, online support group/chat
  • Offers newsletters, blog, publications and videos
  • Sponsors several forums per year in London.

Myeloma Euronet

Contact: Website or ++ 49 (0) 6142 / 3 22 40
Population Served:

Myeloma patients and their families in Europe


To provide information on appropriate diagnosis, treatment, care and support for myeloma patients and their families.

  • Advocates for myeloma patients and their needs among European Union health care policy makers
  • Ensures equal access to the highest standards of treatment and care
  • Builds partnerships to share experience and expertise
  • Encourages the growth of new multiple myeloma patient groups throughout Europe
  • Raises European awareness of multiple myeloma amongst relevant stakeholders and the public.

Oracle Health Foundation

Contact: 816-201-1569
Population Served:

Children with serious illness 18 years old or younger, or ages 19 to 21 if they have a child-like mental state


Oracle Health Foundation (formerly Cerner Charitable Foundation/First Hand Foundation) is building healthier tomorrows and stronger communities around the world by providing individual medical grants and wellness programs, engaging volunteerism, community initiatives and strategic partnerships. Applications are accepted from the United States & Canada, and through select international providers.

  • Treatment: clinical procedures, medicine, therapy, prosthesis, etc.
  • Equipment: wheelchairs, assistive technology equipment, care devices, hearing aids, etc.
  • Displacement: lodging, food, gas, parking and transportation for families of seriously ill children who must travel during treatment
  • Vehicle modifications: lifts, ramps and transfer boards.

Parents Guide to Cord Blood Foundation

Contact: Website or (301) 774-4915
Population Served:

Caregivers, patients, and healthcare professionals 


Parent's Guide to Cord Blood Foundation is a nonprofit whose primary mission is to educate parents about cord blood banking and medical therapies. Their second mission is to analyze new developments in medical research or public policy which could expand the use of cord blood.

  • Offers databases of both public and family cord blood banks throughout the world.
  • Offers a list of programs providing free or discounted cord blood banking for families with medical need. 
  • Provides education on cord blood banking and therapies in multiple languages and for multiple countries. 
  • Hosts a searchable portal of worldwide clinical trials that employ cord blood and are currently recruiting.
  • Offers monthly newsletters for healthcare professionals in the cord blood industry.


PV Reporter

Contact: Website only
Population Served:

Patients with MPNs, caregivers and healthcare professionals worldwide


To provide a comprehensive, easy to navigate resource hub for the study of Myeloproliferative Neoplasms (MPNs) such as Polycythemia Vera, Essential Thrombocythemia and Myelofibrosis.

  • Provides MPN Search, a custom search engine and MPN News Feed for regular updates
  • Offers electronic newsletter, blog and videos
  • Lists MPN-related events, resources, and links to online support groups
  • Offers a patient-sourced directory of MPN specialists reviewed by an MPN expert

Ronald McDonald House Charities

Contact: 630-623-7048
Population Served:

Seriously ill or injured children and their families in the U.S. and some international locations; non-profit organizations; students


To create, find and support programs that directly improve the health and well being of children.

  • 290 local chapters in 57 countries and regions
  • Ronald McDonald Houses provide a home-away-from home for families so they can stay close to their hospitalized child at little or no cost
  • Ronald McDonald Family Rooms offer a place to rest and regroup right at the hospital
  • Ronald McDonald Care Mobiles deliver pediatric health care services
  • Provides grants to non-profit organizations that also focus on the needs of children
  • Offers scholarships to students across the U.S.

St. Jude Global

Contact: 888-226-4343
Population Served:

Pediatric blood cancer patients, their caregivers, and healthcare providers specializing in pediatric catastrophic diseases worldwide


To improve the survival rates of children with catastrophic illnesses worldwide, through the transfer of knowledge, technology and organizational skills.

  • Program develops partnerships with medical institutions and fund-raising organizations to facilitate the involvement of other agencies and organizations to support key programs and the education of local personnel.
  • Sharing knowledge and technology with the local governments, healthcare providers, and the private sector to increase the survival rates of children all across the globe.
  • Pediatric specialty committed to caring for and supporting children with cancer regardless of the family’s financial or healthcare resources.
  • Clinical trials designed to provide the best available care while answering important research questions.
  • Hosts visiting fellows at its campus in Memphis, Tennessee.
  • Partner sites in various countries. Please see the website for more details on locations.

The Eye Cancer Foundation Eye Cancer Network

Contact: 212-832-8170
Population Served:

Eye cancer patients and their families, health professionals worldwide


To create a world-class center of excellence for patients and their families diagnosed with ocular tumors, macular degeneration, and related ophthalmic conditions.

  • Provides Find A Doctor search tool to locate an eye cancer specialist
  • Offers an online support community through Facebook
  • Funds research to find cures for patients with ocular tumors and related eye diseases
  • Provides eye cancer specialists for unserved and underserved countries.

The MAX Foundation

Contact: 888-462-9368 International: + 1-425-778-8660
Population Served:

People with a diagnosis of a blood cancer or rare cancer, caregivers, health professionals


To improve the lives and survival rates of people living with blood cancer and rare cancers worldwide, with a focus on underserved populations in developing countries.

  • Provides free services of advocacy, emotional support, informational referrals and fundraising mentorship.
  • Facilitates access to treatment, partners with healthcare providers and builds advocacy efforts in communities around the world.

The Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS) Foundation, Inc.

Contact: 800-637-0839
Population Served:

Patients with MDS, caregivers, health professionals worldwide


A multi-disciplinary, international organization devoted to MDS support, research, treatment, and education for patients, caregivers, physicians, nurses and other health care providers. The organization is based upon the premise that international cooperation will accelerate the process leading to the control and cure of these diseases.

  • Provides disease information, insurance information and publications

  • Offers patient advocacy groups, research funding, and professional educational initiatives

  • Referrals to MDS Centers of Excellence and clinical trials

  • Conducts international symposia.

The National Childrens Cancer Society

Contact: 314-241-1600 or 800-532-6459
Population Served:

Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, survivors, health professionals


To improve the quality of life for children with cancer and their families worldwide.

  • Provides financial and emotional support to families throughout the United States during their child’s cancer treatment. Financial assistance includes transportation fund and emergency assistance fund (See website for specific financial eligibility criteria.)
  • The "Beyond the Cure" Survivorship Program (BTC) provides the most up-to-date information on survivorship to help survivors and their families adapt and celebrate life after diagnosis
  • Online community provides a private network for parents, caregivers and survivors of childhood cancer to connect, share and offer support to one another
  • Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship Program awards college scholarships to childhood cancer survivors who have demonstrated the ability to overcome the difficult challenges of cancer with determination and motivation; call or see website for details
  • Provides resources to healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of childhood cancer and the many challenges associated with survivorship
  • Global Outreach Program partners with pharmaceutical companies to distribute donated cancer treatment drugs and medical supplies around the world.

Union for International Cancer Control (UICC)

Population Served:

Cancer organizations, public health and oncology professionals worldwide


To unite and support the cancer community to reduce the global cancer burden, to promote greater equity, and to ensure that cancer control continues to be a priority in the world health and development agenda.

  • UICC is a membership organization working in cooperation as expert groups and task forces
  • Convenes international events; offers fellowships, training courses, and master classes; advocates for cancer prevention and equitable access to care.

Wings of Hope

Contact: 800-448-9487 or 636-537-1302
Population Served:

Individuals who need specialized medical care and air transportation to treatment, primarily within a 600-mile radius of St. Louis, Missouri.


To change and save lives through the power of aviation.

  • Provides medical air transport services, free of charge, to individuals who need specialized medical care not available to them locally.  Aircraft are specially outfitted with stretchers to accommodate fragile and non-ambulatory patients.  Individuals are flown to hospitals and treatment centers in 26 states within a 600-mile radius of St. Louis, Missouri
  • Has global partnerships in Latin America, Africa and Asia.