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Fertility and Pregnancy

In addition to our programs and services for blood cancer patients, families and caregivers, The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is pleased to offer an extensive directory of national and international resources. These organizations can help with cancer-related issues like financial assistance, support and counseling, assistance with transportation, and summer camps.


Population Served:

Everyone in the U.S. (check the website for availability in your area)


2-1-1 is the telephone number of a call center that offers information and provides referrals to health and human services for everyday needs and in times of crisis. Examples of service referrals include:

  • Basic human need resources: food banks, clothing, shelters, rent assistance and utility assistance
  • Physical and mental health resources: medical information lines, crisis intervention services, counseling, drug, and alcohol intervention
  • Employment support: unemployment benefits, financial assistance, job training, transportation assistance and education programs
  • Support for older adults and persons with disabilities: home healthcare, adult daycare, congregate meals, Meals on Wheels, respite care, transportation, and homemaker services
  • Support for children, youth, and families: childcare, family resource centers, summer camps and recreation programs, mentoring, tutoring and protective services

Alliance for Fertility Preservation

Contact: 925-290-8950
Population Served:

Cancer patients, survivors, health care professionals


To increase information, resources and access to fertility preservation for cancer patients and for the healthcare professionals who treat them.

  • Website provides information about fertility preservation, costs, and financial resources.  Includes podcasts and videos.
  • Advocates to raise awareness for patients to be fully informed about their options as well as the ability to access these options.

American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)

Contact: 205-978-5000
Population Served:

Patients, caregivers and health professionals in the U.S.


ASRM is a multidisciplinary organization dedicated to the advancement of the art, science and practice of reproductive medicine. The Society accomplishes its mission through the pursuit of excellence in education and research and through advocacy on behalf of patients, physicians, and affiliated health care providers.

  • Provides educational materials on infertility, menopause, contraception, reproductive surgery, endometriosis, and other reproductive disorders
  • Offers Find a Health Professional Search tool via the website.

Expect Miracles Foundation's Samfund Grants Program for Young Adult Cancer Survivors

Contact: or 617-938-3484
Population Served:

Young adult cancer survivors between the ages of 21 and 39, finished with active treatment and live in the U.S. (no legal resident status required)


Expect Miracles Foundation's Samfund Grants Program supports young adult cancer survivors in the U.S. as they recover from the financial impact of cancer treatment. Through direct financial assistance, in-person, and online support, Expect Miracles Foundation helps young adults move forward towards their personal, professional, and educational goals.

  • Grants cover a wide range of post-treatment financial needs (must be related to the cancer experience), such as car payments and repair, rent/mortgage supplementation, dental, cosmetic and reconstructive procedures, continuing education expenses, laptops, utilities, family-building expenses, and basic needs such as groceries and gas
  • Applications are offered twice each year in the Spring and Fall (usually around January and September) 
  • Webinars and other resources provide information on a range of Young Adult issues and challenges including dealing with medical debt, employment, insurance, and fertility.

Heart Beat

Contact: 888-347-3415. Residents of AR, MA or NJ call 877-252-0553.
Population Served:

Female patients with a diagnosis of any cancer


For patients pursuing fertility preservation services prior to cancer treatment, Ferring Pharmaceuticals and Walgreens Specialty Pharmacy have developed the Heart Beat program to help ease some of the financial burden.

  • The Heart Beat program offers fertility medications to eligible patients at no cost and with no financial requirements
  • Patient must be a US citizen or permanent resident with cancer treatment not yet initiated
  • No chemotherapy within the previous 6 months
  • Oncologist and reproductive endocrinologist have determined that fertility preservation treatment is medically appropriate
  • Note: Patients with a federal health care program or State Medicaid are not eligible.

Hope for Two ...The Pregnant with Cancer Network

Contact: 800-743-4471
Population Served:

Women who are currently pregnant with cancer


Dedicated to providing women diagnosed with cancer while pregnant with information, support and hope.

  • Connects women who are going through a pregnancy with cancer to other women who have experienced a similar cancer diagnosis.
  • Provides support internationally.


Contact: 866-626-6847
Population Served:

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding


A service of the non-profit Organization of Teratology Information Specialists (OTIS), MotherToBaby is dedicated to providing evidence-based information to mothers, health professionals, and the general public about medications and other exposures during pregnancy and while breastfeeding.

  • Offers confidential telephone services that provide accurate and current information about the possible effects of a particular drug or substance on a pregnancy or while breastfeeding
  • Supports and contributes to worldwide initiatives for teratology education and research.

The Oncofertility Consortium

Contact: 517-884-6434
Population Served:

Cancer patients, health professionals, researchers and educators


The Oncofertility Consortium® is a national, interdisciplinary initiative designed to explore the reproductive future of cancer survivors.

  • Provides information about fertility preservation or referral to a fertility preservation center
  • is a web-based resource which educates healthcare providers, patients, and patients' families about fertility preservation options when faced with a cancer diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


Contact: 855-220-7777
Population Served:

Cancer patients, survivors, and caregivers in the U.S.


To inspire and empower people affected by cancer; to provide support to guide people through the cancer experience, bring them together to fight cancer—and work for a world in which their fight is no longer necessary.

  • Provides free, confidential, one-on-one support to anyone affected by cancer, not just patients, through education, guidance, and referrals.
  • Offers The LIVESTRONG Guidebook and other materials to help cancer patients and survivors as they navigate the health care system.
  • Additional resources include a prescription discount card, cancer-focused education resources for teachers/families, and cancer survivor exercise programs through the YMCA. 
  • LIVESTRONG Fertility - Dedicated to providing reproductive information, resources and financial support to survivors whose cancer and its treatment presents risks to their fertility.

Pregnancy & Cancer Registry

Contact: 877-635-4499
Population Served:

Pregnant women with cancer, caregivers, survivors, health professionals


To collect information about the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in pregnancy, and to study the health of pregnant women with a history of cancer and their children.

  • Gathers information about cancer found and treated during pregnancy at various hospitals into a single database.
  • Designed to follow women and their children through diagnosis, treatment, delivery, childhood, adolescence and beyond.

Resolve: The National Infertility Association

Contact: 703-556-7172
Population Served:

Men and women with infertility


To provide timely, compassionate support and information to people who are experiencing infertility and to increase awareness of infertility issues through public education and advocacy.

  • Offers infertility and family-building information, online resources and support, educational podcasts and webcasts, newsletter, speaker bureau, support group directory, professional services directory.

Worth the Wait

Contact: Website
Population Served:

Adolescents and young adults with cancer ages 13-39 in the U.S.


Ease the burden for young adult cancer survivors pursuing parenthood by providing financial support for fertility treatments, adoption and surrogacy.

  • Offers grants for fertility treatment (pre- or post treatment), adoption or surrogacy
  • Grant process is online and rolling, and grants are provided directly to the clinic/agency

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