Suggested Reading - Suggested Reading - Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal
Suggested Reading - Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal
Kitchen Table Wisdom: Stories that Heal By Rachel Naomi Remen, M.D.
Berkeley Publishing Group, 1997, 368 pages
ISBN: 1573226106
From her experience as a physician, a professor of medicine, a therapist and a long-term survivor of chronic illness, Dr. Remen offers an intimate relationship with healing and the life force. Sitting around the table telling stories is not just a way of passing time. It is the way the wisdom gets passed along. Loneliness, the hidden wound of our time, is the price many have paid for overemphasizing the values of independence, self-reliance and competence. Remen's parables are an invitation to see below the surface and remember that we are connected and can become one another's healers.