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Inspirational Stories


acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL Philadelphia Chromosome +).

In July 2021, I began to notice that I was not feeling like myself. I became tired very easily, and keeping up with my children was increasingly difficult day to day. There were also odd bruises and spots on my skin. At this point, I figured something different was going on and got in to see my primary care physician. After an appointment, I received a phone call that night alerting me that I needed to head to my nearest hospital for a platelet transfusion. This was something I assumed would take a little bit and then I’d be back home once I was finished. Unfortunately, by the morning, the doctors informed me that they suspected I had leukemia. Sure enough, after being transferred over to VCU, it was confirmed on August 14 that I had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL Philadelphia Chromosome +).

I began treatment (Hyper CVAD), and by that December, I had reached remission. On February 8, 2022, I am proud to share that I had a bone marrow transplant and am still in remission. This has been one of the most earth-shattering experiences my family and I have ever been through, and I am truly thankful for all of the support. I would also like to thank my team of wonderful doctors, care partners, and nurses at VCU for providing excellent care for me.

I would like to leave you with this. To anyone on this journey, it takes a village. Be patient with your body as it heals, and know with every fiber of your being that you are strong beyond measure.
