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Inspirational Stories


T-cell lymphoma (NHL)

Well, it all started when I felt sick all the time, not knowing what was going on with me, and the doctors couldn't figure it out either, so they would give me pain medicine and other medicines for pain. I had backaches all the time, symptoms of pregnancy and not pregnant, and I was feeling tired and fatigued all the time. I was living day-to-day, not knowing the whole time I really was sick on the inside. 

So, years passed, my kids were grown, and my daughter had my first grandchild in 2017. That was the happiest I had been in a long time due to always feeling sick and tired, but my granddaughter gave me energy. Time passed, and she started getting big. I couldn't hold a job because I was in pain and always calling in sick. I really didn’t know what to do. But I can say I didn't know God that well back then like I know him now, that he was always there, and I didn't know it.

Time pressed on, and I really got sick when I worked this job dealing with tobacco and a lot of fumes and smells that were so strong. I couldn't stand it, but I needed work. I moved to Prattville where it all started in 2021. I was vomiting, in pain, and couldn't hold food down. That’s when I was diagnosed, but it still took a while for them to find anything in Prattville, so my family transferred me to Birmingham. I knew right then in my heart, I was at the right place. I was about to give up, but my God saw things differently because my daughter had another baby. And during every stick, every ultrasound, and everything I went through, I saw my grandson’s face. I knew I had to live for him. And his sign is Cancer. I give thanks to God and the whole staff God put his hands on who put their hands on me. I keep the faith because my fear is thinking it can come back, but I know my God was with me then, and he is with me now. This is my story.

black woman with her hair pulled back wearing black glasses and a yellow shirt resting her chin on her arm