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Inspirational Stories


Myeloma Survivor

In 2013 I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma and cardiac amyloidosis and that is when my journey began. I fought them two with chemotherapy which put it in remission, and as of today I am still in remission thank god.

In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer, which caused me to have a mental breakdown, as I was not ready to fight again, but  I had a double mastectomy. I went through two chemo treatments and my body couldn't take it, you see I still have amyloid deposits in my body even though it is in remission, but making my body super sensitive to the chemo. I had to stop the chemo. I also denied radiation to because I think my body probably couldn't deal with it either.

As of today, I am doing good but I am limited to doing certain things such as lifting over 5 pounds. It is frustrating but I try to focus on just getting through for now. I truly believe god got me through the battles I have endured.