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Inspirational Stories


acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)

Tessa surprised our family when she came rockin' an extra chromosome. She spent 11 days in the NICU and left with oxygen but seemed in good health otherwise. When Tessa turned 18 months old, she became very sick. She had multiple infections that wouldn't go away, became lethargic, and wasn't her cheerful self anymore. After a blood test, her pediatrician suspected leukemia. More tests confirmed Tessa had acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). She went through chemotherapy for two and a half years and finished treatment in May 2020. The medications necessary to treat Tessa's cancer made her extremely ill and almost took her life multiple times. She endured more than any child should have to, but she continued sharing her light and joy with those around her. Tessa's love for life and will to fight is inspiring, and she is truly our hero.

Tessa ALL