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Inspirational Stories



What started as an internship opportunity turned into so much more for Tasnim Al-Smadi when she began working with LLS in the summer of 2021. Tasnim, who is pursuing her bachelor’s degree in Healthcare Management at the University of Texas at Dallas, was initially drawn to an internship at LLS because she is interested in working at a non-profit healthcare organization after graduation. Throughout her internship, Tasnim worked with data entry, which combined her interest in working in the health care field and the technological field.

She also called patients to inform them about educational programs LLS offered and participated in community outreach by updating patients on therapy services, financial services, and health and nutritional services. Tasnim researched Dallas area health care events that could provide opportunities for LLS to attend, set up a booth, and increase its outreach to the community. She also planned a lunch and learn event where she contacted health care professionals at clinics in the area to speak on how lymphoma impacts the underserved clinics of Dallas.

When her internship ended in August 2021, Tasnim knew she wasn’t done working with LLS. She found the experience so welcoming and loved the work so much that she has continued as a volunteer working on similar projects such as data entry and patient outreach. After graduation, Tasmin is pursuing a master’s degree in IT and is very excited about the opportunity to continue as an LLS volunteer.

Written by Lindsey DiCesare, LLS Story Volunteer
