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Inspirational Stories


Lymphoma Survivor

In January 2021, I received my diagnosis after five months of multiple doctor visits, blood work, and biopsies. I had no common symptoms such as night sweats or fatigue, just a small lump behind my ear. It was removed, and the pathology came back as non-cancerous. About six or so weeks later, another lump showed up. I decided to switch doctors, and they also didn't feel it was cancer based on my chart. But after they removed it, the pathology shared a much different story.

After receiving the news, I met with an oncologist who specializes in blood cancers who let me know I had stage IV diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), a type of non-Hodgkin Lymphoma (NHL). I asked how quickly I could start treatment because I was ready to go that day! But unfortunately, there is more involved in starting chemo, like pet scans, EKGs, more blood work, and genetic testing to ensure the best treatment plan.

Soon after my diagnosis, I reached out to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). The case manager did a great job in helping me prepare for the journey ahead. She sent me information on diet, financial support, and items to keep me busy during my infusions like coloring books and colored pencils.

I completed my treatment in May and was given the amazing news of CANCER-FREE in July after my six-week, post-chemo pet scan. I have a different perspective on life now and have started to fundraise for cancer research, as well as kicking off development for a website that will help cancer patients, and sharing videos of my journey on TikTok for other newly diagnosed patients. I know not everyone is as fortunate as me on their cancer journey, but I am committed to helping as many patients as I can feel supported and cared for during their journey.
