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Inspirational Stories


stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL)

I went from being in the best shape of my life to battling cancer in only a few short months.

Three years ago, I made the choice to change my lifestyle, and I lost 100 lbs., which I can honestly say has saved my life. Prior to my cancer diagnosis, I was sharing my weight loss journey online to help others make positive choices. Little did I know that I was about to fight the biggest battle of my life!

In August 2021, I noticed a lump above my collarbone. I was a little more exhausted than usual, and I couldn’t recover from gym workouts, but I had none of the classic lymphoma symptoms. I am very in tune with my body, and I knew immediately that something wasn’t right. The lump continued to grow for several months, and despite ultrasounds, needle biopsies, and CT scans, everything seemed “normal.”

Following my gut instinct, I asked my doctor again if anything could be done, and he suggested a surgical biopsy. In March 2022, I was diagnosed with stage 2 Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). This was a huge shock to me as there is no history of cancer on either side of my family.

I met with a hematologist and was started on a treatment plan of chemotherapy and radiotherapy immediately. It was a very daunting and frightening time, particularly as I never felt sick. But I had so much support and encouragement from my friends, family, and my online community.

It was time to tackle this challenge head-on in typical Shelley style!

I switched the focus of my online sites from diets and workouts to sharing my cancer experience in the hopes that I could help raise awareness for blood cancer and be an advocate for positivity. (I maintained my sense of humor throughout treatment, don’t worry!)

After my second round of chemotherapy, I started losing my hair, which was a huge part of my identity. I decided to shave it off and donate it to Variety The Children’s Charity, which makes wigs for children suffering from long-term medical conditions such as alopecia and leukemia. I also managed to raise over $12,500 for the charity, which was amazing! While fighting my own battle with cancer, it felt empowering to take control of my situation and to help someone else in the process. I turned what was the worst period of my life into something positive.

I was by far the youngest person in the oncology ward, and that was always challenging for me. I’d use my upbeat energy and humor to make the nurses and other patients laugh, but it also brought with it a sense of guilt. How was it fair that I had a better chance of fighting this disease due to my health and age? What I realized is that none of this is measured or fair. All we can do is play the hand we are dealt, and in my case, I had to learn pretty quickly!

I can honestly say that losing weight has saved my life. After four rounds of chemotherapy and 10 radiotherapy sessions, I finished treatment last week. I look forward to being a lifelong advocate for blood cancer awareness, and I sincerely hope that my story helps save the lives of others.

Shelley B