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Inspirational Stories


Leukemia Survivor

Our little Roc was diagnosed with leukemia on June 30. We immediately started treatment at Joe DiMaggio Children’s Hospital on July 1 where Rocco was given a port, bone marrow biopsy, and his first intrathecal chemo treatment. After a 7-day hospital stay, we were able to come home and continue weekly treatments. Unfortunately, on August 2 we received news that Rocco’s body was not responding to treatment the way we all hoped he would.

Our team thought it was best for him to start the second round of chemotherapy as soon as possible. So, on August 4 we started our second round of chemo and are praying this works. This round is 56 days, and our prayer is that Rocco’s body responds well so we do not have to go on to more intensive treatments. We do have next steps in the works in the event that they’re needed.

As a family, we are staying strong and positive! Our house is filled with love and smiles, and we are incredibly blessed to have such supportive family, friends, and community surrounding us. For those of you who know me, know that I would not ask for anything if it wasn’t absolutely necessary. With that being said, we need all the prayers and positivity that you can give. Rocco is such a strong little boy, and we will fight and win this battle together.
