Inspirational Stories
acute myeloid leukemia (AML)
We were first sent to Children’s Mercy on January 5 with suspicion of an abscess in her neck. After multiple diagnostic tests, referrals to various medical specialists, and labs drawn, they came to a rheumatologic diagnosis of systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (SJIA). After three treatments her, symptoms and bloodwork were not improving, thus the medical specialist decided to recommend a bone marrow biopsy. On January 12, we were informed of an acute myeloid leukemia (AML) diagnosis and immediately began chemotherapy treatment on January 13 on the hemo/oncology unit located at Children’s Mercy in Kansas City, Missouri.
Once news hit home about Raeleigh’s diagnosis, we began to have a flood of support come rushing in from a multitude of people. Raeleigh quickly began to build an army of supporters, and we even created a Facebook page to help keep everyone updated on her treatments and so that they could express their love, support, and prayers towards our beloved daughter.
The Facebook group is called “Rae of Sunshine,” and we encourage anyone who wants to help us through this journey to take a look and send your love and support to our little Rae. Our daughter has always been a little bundle of joy and brings smiles to everyone who crosses her path.
She very much enjoys her four dogs that live inside with us and a herd of cows that roam outside in the pasture behind our home. We have plenty of fun videos and photos of her expressing her joy and laughter, and we just pray that one day she can continue to gain new experiences like those after she has won her battle.
She has been a fighter throughout this first round of chemotherapy, and even though she has become hesitant towards some nurses and doctors, she still gives them a little smile or giggle from time to time. Her soul still finds ways to shine through the dark rain clouds. Raeleigh’s next steps include two more rounds of chemotherapy followed by a bone marrow transplant. This process will take place over the next several months, and she will need all the support and love to remain strong, positive, and healthy.