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Inspirational Stories


ALL Survivor

In February of 2020, at 32 years old, Martin was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Soon after being diagnosed, the COVID pandemic struck the world, and Martin was laid off from his job along with hundreds of others working for the major airline Avianca. With this, he lost his income and health insurance.

Despite this devastating loss, he persevered and underwent his initial treatment with chemotherapy, and by April 2020, things were turning a corner. His brother had been identified as a perfectly matched donor for the next and final step of his treatment, a bone marrow transplant. By September 2020, the bone marrow transplant was underway. This was his last option in his home country of Peru. However, during his follow-up appointment right before the holiday season, Martin learned that the bone marrow transplant had failed.

The doctors said, "Go home and live out the rest of your life at home with your wife and children." This would be the last Christmas that Valentina (6 years old) and Catalina (3 years old), would spend with their father.

However, after endless research, Martin came across an opportunity for another chance at life at MD Anderson Cancer Center. After starting the treatment in February, the first bone marrow examination showed he was in complete remission, meaning there was no evidence of the disease. Martin's body responded well, and it continues to this day. Martin and his family have been able to overcome some financial obstacles to pay for the treatment, but at this moment it is already very difficult to continue. We reiterate our total gratitude to all the good-hearted people who, without hesitation, upon learning of Martin's struggle, have collaborated and continue to do so in every possible way. Thanks a lot!
