Inspirational Stories
Family Member, Supporter
In December 2010, my fiancé, Darla, was diagnosed with stage 4 small B-cell lymphoma (NHL). Her doctors developed a plan to start her on chemotherapy as soon as possible. She became very sick over the next couple of weeks. When she went to her first treatment three weeks after diagnosis, they could not administer the chemotherapy due to her being so ill. They put it off for a day and began Rituxan® treatment the next morning. She began having an allergic reaction to the drug. They stopped the treatment and tried to stabilize her, but later that evening, she passed away. Her loss was devastating and left huge voids in our lives.
I have always believed in cancer treatments and know there are millions of lives saved by them each year. Later that spring, I found a Light The Night (LTN) walk in Greensboro, North Carolina. I went to several meetings and formed Team Darla. That was in 2011, and my family still participates in fundraising with the Triad Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) program. The leaders of that walk have become some of my best friends and have helped me in so many ways.
In 2014 and 2015, I was a member of Team In Training (TNT) and rode two-century cycling events to raise money and awareness for blood cancer. The teams I rode with were made up of some of the best people on the planet. Their stories surrounding blood cancer provided motivation for me.
For the past two years, I have been a reviewer for the LLS Scholarship for Blood Cancer Survivors program. I have been honored to read the life experiences of young people who have overcome a blood cancer diagnosis and are pursuing goals and dreams. They kicked cancer's butt, and LLS is there to provide avenues that can help them move to the next chapter of their lives.
The people I have encountered through LLS over the past 14 years are the most inspirational individuals I have ever met. The dedication each of them exhibits in helping save lives is amazing and motivating. My family's blood cancer journey began in 2011 in a dark place, but LLS and the many people involved in their programs have encouraged us to continue the fight against blood cancer.