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Inspirational Stories


acute bilineage leukemia (ALL T-cell and AML)

In the fall of 2017, Lincoln was not feeling well and had typical cold virus symptoms. He also had a recurring fever and an unexplained rash. After two trips to the pediatrician, the doctor thought he had a persistent virus and then bronchitis. On our third visit, they thought he may have mono, so bloodwork was taken, and we were told to go to Children’s Hospital immediately. We were scared and had no idea what was wrong. Cancer was not even a thought. The doctors would run further tests, and eventually, Lincoln was diagnosed with acute bilineage leukemia (ALL T-Cell and AML) on November 13, 2017. It took about a week for an official diagnosis because it was so rare.  

Lincoln’s treatment plan was 3-½ years long. His treatment involved chemotherapy, steroids, spinal taps, bone marrow aspirates, and blood transfusions along with many nights and countless hours at Children’s Hospital. To help pass the time while Lincoln was in the hospital or isolation at home, he learned to play video games. The amazing nurses often had his video game set up ready in his room when Lincoln was going to be inpatient at the hospital for an extended period of time. That would always bring a smile to his face. We are so grateful for the wonderful doctors, nurses, and staff that care for Lincoln.

We are happy to report Lincoln completed his treatment on March 20, 2021. He is doing well but deals with a few negative side effects from treatment. Lincoln is a fun-loving kid who enjoys shopping, sports, music, video games, and playing with his siblings and friends. We could not be prouder of our brave boy and his immense strength during this difficult journey.

Our family has become accustomed to the world of childhood cancer, and it is part of our lives. We have learned to roll with the punches and be flexible. A childhood cancer diagnosis is something that affects the whole family in many ways. Lincoln’s brother and sister have been amazing, supportive, understanding, and loving. As parents, we are constantly on high alert for any tiny indication of fever or possible symptom of relapse. We try to live in the moment and not in fear of what might happen.

We are so very fortunate to have the support of organizations like The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). We look forward to working with LLS for many years to come to spread awareness and help their efforts in providing support for families like ours and researching groundbreaking new treatments that will save lives.
