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Inspirational Stories



I am nominating an extraordinary person, that I have never met in person before.  This person truly changed my life in many ways.   He has performed many positive actions that changed my perspective and outlook of people for the better. He truly has the power to change millions of people's and or their family's lives, and my family and I were fortunate to be the recipients of access to his extensive knowledge base and his immediate comforting support.  

I have not had the opportunity of living an easy life, but who truly has.  What is easy to one person may be extremely difficult to another.  When I was 12 my dad was given 2 years to live, when I was 5 months pregnant my mom passed away from a blood clot due to surgery, when my son was 12, my husband, passed away unexpectedly, in December of 2019, I was diagnosed with Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), and recently as of a week ago, September 2021, I was told I need a liver transplant from a living donor. 

Please know that I strongly believe that there are silver linings to every gray cloud you experience.  I am grateful to wake up every morning.  I am beyond blessed to have an outstanding, heart of gold son, I am ecstatic that the doctors were wrong with their diagnosis and my dad is alive today and will be turning 80 soon.  I am appreciative that I can provide my son and I so that our basic needs and some more are met.  Last, but not least, I am thrilled to have crossed paths with the person I am nominating today, Mr. Lenny.  

Mr. Chesal heard about my family's difficulties, knew he had valuable information to share about the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS), and did not hesitate to share it.  He took time from his day and family, to share action steps to make life a little less of a challenge for my family, a group of total strangers to him.  As a result of his selfless actions, my family is receiving the assistance and guidance it needs.  Mr. Chesal is an amazing representation of an extraordinary person who is willing to share acts of kindness and provide help to others just because, not for any other reason.

Please take the opportunity to recognize him as a life changer for others and to let him know his actions deserve ongoing positive recognition.   Thank you.

Written by friend.
