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Inspirational Stories



Twenty years ago I did two things that shaped my life.

One: I set a goal to complete the Disney Marathon, and not just run 26.2 miles, but I wanted to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's (LLS) Team In Training (TNT) in memory of a dear friend from college, Fr. Tom Carapella, who passed away my senior year at St. Francis University. This experience not only challenged me physically, but it also made me realize my passion for helping others, mentoring fundraising, and charity. It set me in motion for a now 20-year career in nonprofit. I can’t imagine my life without my career path and the incredible humans I have met along the way.

Two: The morning of my marathon (2:30 a.m. to be exact), my now husband, Efrain Ramirez, proposed to me, and I said YES. Our journey has been like a marathon. Slow at times, but no matter what, always moving forward with one goal in mind. There are moments when I want to throw in the towel, but then I look ahead and remember why I started and how much we have accomplished. And just like this first marathon, when I feel like quitting, Efrain is always there to cheer for me and for us. Together until we cross the preverbal finish line!

One day in my life, 20 years ago, and so much of my success and happiness is owed to this day!

Thank you Team In Training and LLS for shaping the person I have become.