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Inspirational Stories


acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

Back in 2017, my sister Karley was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). It was a huge shock to her and our family as up until that point she was a healthy 25-year-old woman. She went through a tough battle, including losing her spleen, countless spinal taps, infections, etc. But in November 2017, she received a stem cell transplant (from me! I was a 100% match), and she entered remission. Well, fast forward to this year, Karley just got married to her partner, Allie, and is a labor and delivery nurse at Hartford Hospital in Connecticut. She's a fighter and the strongest person I know. So, to celebrate her five-year remission, we are running the NYC Marathon in November together and with a few friends and family. 
Written by Karley's sister.
