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Inspirational Stories


acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in July 2024 at age 28.

I was working at a veterinary clinic when I started noticing splotches appearing on my skin. I thought it was maybe a case of ringworm I had contracted from one of the animal patients. I was also losing weight and suffering from intense dizzy spells daily.

I ignored the signs my body was giving me until it was almost too late. I felt very sick, and my gums were swelling. I went to Urgent Care where they diagnosed me with COVID-19 and sent me home with some cough drops and a nasal spray.

I felt my health was seriously declining. I had a constant fever, and my mouth was in so much pain I couldn't eat. I went back to the Urgent Care where a different doctor advised me to go to the Emergency Room immediately. An hour later, I was told I had blood cancer in the E.R.

I was taken by ambulance straight to UCSD Jacobs Medical Center with my clothes and purse. They told me I was to be admitted and had to start chemotherapy that night because I was so close to dying from leukocytosis.

After staying in the hospital for a month, I was healthy enough to be discharged. I went back for monthly consolidation chemotherapy until November 2024 when I received my stem cell transplant. I was lucky enough to find a genetic twin in Germany!

Now, I am almost five months post-transplant and doing well! I love spending my time hiking, swimming, and most importantly, healing!

Josie young white woman bald with an orange tatoo and wearing blue pajamas in a hospital bed giving the peace sign