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Inspirational Stories


acute myeloid leukemia (AML)

Ten years ago, at just 29, I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) while being a mother to my 3-year-old daughter. After 83 days in the hospital, countless rounds of chemo, and losing hope when my family wasn't a match for a bone marrow transplant, a miracle happened ― a donor match was found.

Despite all the challenges, including losing my hair and needing constant blood transfusions, I fought to survive for my daughter. On October 6, 2014, my birthday, I received the bone marrow transplant that saved my life. With the help of my amazing doctor and my aunt, who stepped in when I needed support the most, I made it through.

Now, a decade later, I’m married, and my daughter has two wonderful stepbrothers. We are living life with gratitude every day. I hope to meet my donor someday who lives in Pennsylvania to thank her for giving my daughter her mom back.

AML patients like me rely on the kindness of strangers. By taking a few minutes to get swabbed, you could save a life and give a family more time together. Most AML patients are children who desperately need bone marrow donors. Please consider becoming a donor’; you could be someone's miracle.

young white woman with a scarf on her bald head wearing a blue shirt laying in a hospital bed