Inspirational Stories
LLS Supporter
I support LLS because leukemia and lymphoma has impacted my family. On Mother’s Day in 2006, my cousin's six year-old daughter, Sydney was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). After a year of fighting so hard, Sydney passed away.
The doctors at the New York Hospital were amazed and acknowledge that because Sydney did not give up and she fought such a painful battle, she had done so much for the advancement of research in leukemia.
At the age of 16, my son Jordan was diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, and he had almost a year of chemo. Thankfully, he is a survivor and today he is now 28 years-old.
Just recently, a co-worker's daughter was diagnosed with blood cancer. She is fighting hard. These three children have inspired me to make a difference, to donate and volunteer to help find a cure for these dreadful diseases.