Inspirational Stories
Leukemia Survivor
D'Nya was six years old when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). That day in 2009 was the scariest moment of our lives.
It all started with lots of pain in her stomach and back. She also had many black and blue bruises on her legs and arms. My husband and I didn't know what was happening and thought someone must be hurting her. We took her to the ER for the stomach pain and she was discharged with pneumonia and "The PINK MEDICATION." She hated that. Several days later, she was in more pain and back to the ER we went. Again, discharged with a good EKG and was told to relax from school for a few days.
At this point I was seeing my daughter lose weight, At only 50 pounds, I had to do something. My baby was going through some huge changes. I then told my husband to take her to the pediatrician and not to leave until her blood was tested.
We got a call from the lab at University of Maryland and was told to take our daughter to the nearest ER. My heart left my chest!! We were at Dave and Busters having fun and had to end it with a trip to the ER. The one thing that stood out that evening was the fact that D'Nya was so strong. She didn't want to go to the ER because she says," Mommy, I feel fine. But I will go to see what they are talking about." From that point on I knew she was going to be alright with whatever that was going on with her. I knew God was with us all the way.
In the ER, we were told that my daughter has leukemia. I nearly passed out!! My husband and my oldest daughter was crying uncontrollably. She was admitted into the hospital and chemo started. We stayed for three long weeks. D'Nya had a three-yearr treatment plan. Through it all, she was the Happiest Little Girl, No complaints at all.
Today, D'Nya is a vibrant smart eighth grader and is doing excellent in school. She has never had any setbacks throughout her treatment. Her health is great!!