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Inspirational Stories


acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL)

My son was diagnosed with acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL) in 1992 at 7 years old. Needless to say, it was a devastating blow to our family, and we were so scared! I had just gone through cancer illnesses with two other members of my family and knew how this diagnosis went. But my son, I never thought in a million years!

It started with what his pediatrician thought was a common sinus infection, but it never went away after three rounds of antibiotics. I finally took him to our family physician, and he drew blood to determine what was going on. He had our results the next morning and sent us an hour and a half away to get a bone marrow biopsy to confirm the results. Our lives had just been turned upside down, to say the least. They wouldn’t let us leave the hospital because they said it was acute, and we were lucky we found out when we did or he would have been dead in two weeks! So, they started chemo right then and there. We couldn’t get treatment in Tulsa because the pediatric cancer doctor didn’t have any openings, so we had to go to Oklahoma City for at least the first part of his treatments. He was put into a study to see if he would receive traditional treatment or a new one. He was able to do traditional treatment.

We are a very strong Christian family and believe that God heals and doctors treat. Our son was in remission from the first treatment! We did eventually get back to Tulsa to where we belonged. Dr. Kirkpatrick is an amazing man and led us through his treatments. When he told Daniel he would be a chubby, little, bald-headed kid, Daniel looked at him and said, “Well, I’ve got everyone praying for me, and I’m not gonna lose my hair!” And he didn’t lose it, but he was a little chubby.

So many treatments, office visits, spinal taps, etc. The doctor said he probably wouldn’t be able to have children when he was older because of the chemo and all, but you know when God heals, he heals 100%! My son is now 38 years old, and I am the proud grandmother of two beautiful, healthy grandchildren. Daniel is healthy and has stayed in remission. I thank God each and every day.

Written by family member.