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Inspirational Stories


Lymphoma Survivor

March 8, 2020: The day my life changed forever. It was the Sunday before my third year of medical school started back up after spring break. It was also the day I found out I had cancer stage 2a Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) to be exact. Nothing that I learned in the past 3-½ years of medical school prepared me for being a patient myself. I spent four months of 2020 undergoing chemotherapy treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center during a worldwide pandemic. I went to my chemo treatments alone and had to remain isolated out of fear of catching COVID. But thankfully, all of that has changed.

On August 28, 2020, I officially entered remission. I was then able to finish my last year of medical school, and a few months later, got vaccinated against COVID and matched into my top OB/GYN residency program in Washington, DC, with my husband John.

Today, I am proud to say I am a blood cancer survivor as well as a brand-new doctor. I hope to use my experience as a patient to advocate for the people I take care of on a daily basis. I hope to inspire other cancer patients to keep fighting and inspire other doctors to truly connect with their patients.
