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Inspirational Stories


myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS)

I was diagnosed in September 2017 with myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS), and by May 2019, I was told of the need for a bone marrow transplant (BMT). And even though they told me about a "new life after transplant," my life has completely changed. I could not go back to work because of graft vs. host disease (GVHD) and multiple infections during and post-transplant. I’m still on immunosuppressants and chemo-brain with cognitive issues. It has been very hard not to return to practicing Family Medicine since my patients could literally kill me. I'm very grateful to my Moffit Cancer Center's BMT team, from my physician, social workers, nurses, medical assistant, chaplain, and psychologists, for the physical, emotional, and spiritual support provided. My friends and family provided me with great support, including meals, driving me to appointments, offering prayers, and helping my wife. Then in a survivorship BMT meeting, I learned about The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and Imerman Angels mentorship program which helps me give back to my community and support other patients going through this process. I had the pleasure of meeting my donor in person who is from Germany and developing a rapport with her and her husband. Next month, I will be celebrating on September 19, 2024, my five-year remission, or as we called it at Moffitt, my new birthday!

middle aged balding hispanic man with bushy eyebrows wearing black glasses and an Oktoberfest t-shirt