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Inspirational Stories


ALL Survivor

Eight-year-old Auden was diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in May 2015 – one month after him and his twin sister, Emery, celebrated their third birthday.

Immediately, Auden underwent aggressive treatment causing him to have blood stream infections, anaphylactic reactions, kidney stones and broken bones, just to name a few. But he kept a positive attitude through it all and Emery has been by his side, cheering him on at every stage of his cancer journey.

Auden’s treatment continued until August 2018, and today, he is proud to say he is cancer-free!

“There may be dark times, but both my children are here in my arms at the end of the day, and that’s more than a lot of people dealing with cancer can say,” said Auden’s mom, Lauren. “LLS has provided our family with hope and something to look forward to. And sometimes that’s all you can ask when you’ve endured what we have.”

Auden Emery