Inspirational Stories
myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN)
My name is Angela, and I have myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), a rare blood cancer. I was diagnosed when I was 16. I had a series of blood tests done after being raped, and that began my cancer journey. I began cancer treatment even though at that time (the late 90s) my condition was known as a “blood disorder” not cancer. In my early 20s, I suffered strokes, a heart attack, and a brain hemorrhage. I survived. I struggled to get and stay pregnant and was on life support after having my daughter prematurely at 26 weeks and six days. And I survived. I’ve had clots in my brain, my heart, my spleen, and my eye. And I survived. I’ve worked in healthcare almost as long as I’ve been dealing with cancer, have earned degrees and certificates, and continue to want to make healthcare a better place ― for patients and providers. I have now spent more of my life with cancer and on cancer treatment than lived without it. I want to share my story to let others know they aren’t alone and that you can thrive with cancer.