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Inspirational Stories


CLL Survivor

I was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) in April 2009. I was so devastated. The first thing that got me through was a friend who had just won his battle with leukemia. I hadn't seen him in about a year, but he popped up all of a sudden that day and gave me hope.

A couple of months later, the oncologist and I agreed I would go into a wait and see period. He said it would likely be 6-10 years before I needed any treatment. I made it almost 6 years. I began treatment in March 2015.

I continue to take medication daily, but thankful that I have no detectable residual disease. I will be on the medication until it stops working or my body can no longer tolerate it.

What has gotten me through is my husband and my local blood cancer support group. They have taught me that it's okay if the housework, laundry, and dishes are not done. It's okay to rest when I need to. It's okay if I spend the whole day in bed if I need to. It's okay to just take one day at a time and not be in such a rush. I have learned to say no. I have learned it's okay to be disabled and to not be ashamed.