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Inspirational Stories


diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

November 2007 was the start of my journey as a cancer warrior and survivor. I was diagnosed with Diffused Large B cell non-Hodgkins lymphoma (NHL) and it is incredible for me to reflect on the fact that I am coming up on my 15th year anniversary of diagnosis and treatment. I do hear and read powerful stories of other survivors and in so many ways I think my journey with and after cancer diagnosis resonates with those. As a survivor of cancer, I feel blessed to have received so much love, support, and resources to fight that I know I am one of those fortunate ones.

I feel proud to associate with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and hope that I am making a small contribution to pass on my good fortune to those who are fighting this good fight .

I do remember all too clearly when my husband gently announced to me that I have cancer and my first thought was about my then not even 2-year-old little girl and how would we manage this. The next few months of the outpouring of love and support from my family, colleagues, friends, and even unknown random strangers enveloped me creating a stiff armor to fight. I need not have worried. I was not alone in the fight. I think that had been one of the biggest takeaways for me through the process, it does take a village, and never hesitate to ask for help. There were dark days and dismal phases to go through but somewhere when there is determination and optimism the mind seems to have a ‘mind’ of its own and overlooks the pain and discomfort of the body.

It has been 15 years since remission and can I say that life is back to where I was certainly not; Many moments of introspection, deep understanding, and heightened sensitivity. A chance to be reborn in one lifetime how many people get that opportunity. Cancer has taught me to live and laugh and be just a little bit more grateful for my blessings.

A picture to show the world and especially for my fellow survivors and those who are fighting the battle today every day. It is possible. It is not an easy fight and it is a long arduous struggle, there will be so many moments of setback, despair, pain, and disappointments but it is possible to win and the victory is the biggest thrill anyone can experience.   The moments of unadulterated joy and innocence spent with the family …back again. The shadow of fear does loom even today each year during each unusual symptom, during every mandatory annual health check-up, and during every blood test and every scan but the relief of all clear each and every time erases the memory till the next year. Each day spent with precious family members with holidays taken and memories created with friends is cherished so much more and life is valued and appreciated many times over.
