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I have a rare blood cancer. It is Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia (WM), a type of non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL), but some doctors say it has the same characteristics as POEMS syndrome.

I have very painful neuropathy, and it affects my legs and feet to the point that some days I cannot walk.

I have a spinal cord stimulator with the battery implanted in my back.

I am thankful to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) for my grants and all the other assistance, especially through this COVID pandemic.



I beat stage 4 lymphoma last year after six months of aggressive chemotherapy. Honestly, I wasn't given much information from my centers, but The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) reached out to me to inform me about all the aid and grants they offer to help those going through cancer. Their representative stayed on the phone with me for over 40 minutes and was one of the most helpful people. When you're going through cancer with very little education, EVERYONE helps. 



In 2011, I was given two months to live after I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

I had to stay at the Bone Marrow Transplant Center at the Salt Lake City Hospital for a very long time and undergo a very hard fight.

My aortic valve failed this year from the chemo, but I had open heart surgery in May 2017 and I am grateful to be alive!

I live in honor to all that passed in our family and those who are still fighting blood cancer. 

Dr. Adams

Jerry M. Adams, Ph.D., leads an LLS Specialized Center of Research grant.

His team is investigating apoptosis, the nature process of cell death. When apoptosis goes wrong it can lead to proliferation of cancer cells. It cells fail to die when they are supposed to they can develop into leukemia, lymphoma or multiple myeloma, and become more resistant to treatment. To improve treatment, the team is studying new drugs, used either alone or in combination with other therapies, to flip on the cell death switch.



As you can see, she's the beauty in the grey sweatshirt, mi amor. My daughter Erica survived leukemia, she was diagnosed when she was only two years old.

I'm the blessed momma that gets to celebrate this amazing woman of courage, who is now 28 years old!

Thanks to her awesome team at children's Hospital of Denver and the numerous supporters along the way. You’ve made the celebration of an important life possible.

Blessings, Erica’s mom, Rhonda Lee Salazar.

Relapsed and Refractory

Some patients have residual leukemia cells in their bone marrow even after they receive intensive treatment. In these cases, the disease is referred to as being “refractory” (or “refractory ALL”).

Other patients achieve remission but later have decreased numbers of normal blood cells and a return of leukemia cells in their bone marrow. This is referred to as a “relapse” of the disease (or “relapsed ALL”). 

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms vary from patient to patient and depend on the type of CMML. Click here to learn more about subtypes of CMML. 

Those with a myelodysplastic subtype (MD-CMML) tend to present with low blood cell counts. Signs and symptoms may include:



When I was born, I was healthy and hardly ever got sick. Well, when I turned one, I had fevers that would come and go and then my mom started to notice I would limp and bruise easily. My mom decided to take me to the hospital after a persistent fever and the limping and bruising got worse. The doctors then referred us to Valley Children’s where they did blood work on me.

After the results came in my parents heard the words no one ever wants to hear: their one-year-old daughter is now diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).



As Mia started her third grade year at elementary school she began complaining of pain in her legs. At first, her mom just thought it was normal growing pains. But then Mia started sleeping a lot more, lost her appetite and just didn’t have her normal level of energy. Mia’s parents, Alma and Ernesto, decided it was time to take her to the doctor.

Lillian and Jerry

Lillian & Jerry

In 2011, our son, Jerry, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) at three years old, and he has gone through two bone marrow transplants. Though he has been in remission since 2014, he has developed many other diseases due to the treatment and drugs, such as kidney failure, low vision, a compromised immune system, and heart issues. While Jerry was going through cancer treatment, his little sister, Lillian, was born and grew up to be a vibrant and sweet girl. Yet, in an unimaginable twist of fate, the same devastating cancer diagnosis shattered our hope.



I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) the summer of 2017, right before the start of my junior year in high school. Due to slow immune recovery after chemotherapy, I experienced many delays in treatment. By spring of the following year, I had a CNS and marrow relapse, requiring me to have a life-saving bone marrow transplant in June of 2018. Following the transplant, my body struggled to produce enough T-cells, which put me in medical isolation for the entirety of my senior year in high school.



(As told by Russ Parker’s wife Karen A. Parker) In the fall of 2004, Russ was looking forward to a surfing trip to Fiji with his son Rusty and a group of good friends.  He was a real estate developer, surfer, soccer coach, swimmer and runner.


LLS Researchers

Partnering for Cures – Our Unique Collaborations Span Continents



I got started with The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) when our good friend, Tim Mauro, ran for Man of the Year and my husband, Larry, was his “campaign manager.” Tim’s father-in law, Bob, was battling non Hodgkin lymphoma. Watching them battle with him and seeing everything they did to help was such an inspiration, and seeing how many people were bonded together, raising money to find a cure, was amazing.



My daughter is Madeline Conley.  On January 7, 2014, three days after her 15th birthday,  she was diagnosed with leukemia (AML/MDS).  She was a high school cheerleader and cheer coach who was basically ripped out of her normal active life and immediately admitted to the hospital, where she spent the next five months. It was the scariest thing we've ever been through.

CML Andrea


In October 2015, my family had just moved to Texas for a new start.  I had a new career, and two young boys ― a 2-year-old and a 7-year-old.

I wasn’t feeling well and went to urgent care one day where we discovered my white blood cell count was 113. They sent me straight to the ER where I was all alone because we had no one here yet and couldn’t bring the kids to the hospital. Three days later, I was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML).



Heads or tails? The medical research was clear. Soon after making his way into the world, this beautiful and innocent boy was given the chance of making it to 5 years with the same odds as the flip…of…a…coin. Juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) has a 5-year event-free survival rate of 50%. Half of the young children that receive this diagnosis don’t make it. Heads. Or. Tails.



Hello, my name is Nikolas. I am 16 years old, almost 17, and have been battling acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) for eight years.



Hi, my name is Carley and I am an angel.  I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in 1995 and I died in 1996. I was 3 ½ years old when I died and I tried so hard to live, but AML was just so terrible and there weren’t a lot treatments back then. My parents were so sad when I went to heaven. I’m still 3 ½ years old because up here in heaven we stay the same age and none of us are sick anymore. It’s truly wonderful up here, but there are still way too many of you coming up here from earth because of AML.



In August 2019, I developed pneumonia for the third time in two years. I had been finding that my ability to fight off illness was not as good as it used to be. Once it got to the point that I was having problems breathing, I decided to go to urgent care. Two years prior, I had been hospitalized for pneumonia, and I wasn’t looking forward to it happening again. I Googled the nearest urgent care, and it was closed. There was only one nearby that was open, but I had never been before.



I was alone with my doctor in the hospital when she told me I had no bone marrow matches in the world. I cried a lot that day. I was admitted two weeks prior, after relapsing from acute myeloid leukemia (AML), an aggressive blood cancer. As a husband, father and criminal prosecutor, I’ve dedicated my life to caring for my loved ones and protecting my community. Now, leukemia was threatening my life and there was no one that could protect me from it. 



My blood cancer story started in 1987 when I was diagnosed and treated for testicular cancer with surgery and chemotherapy. As I progressed to the end of the chemo regimen, my blood counts would not return to normal. A bone marrow biopsy showed that I had developed treatment-related acute myeloid leukemia (AML) as a result of the chemotherapy for the testicular cancer.



Feb 10, 2012 has forever changed our lives. Joseph was 6 years old and in his fifth month of kindergarten.  Joe's journey actually began many months prior. Shortly after starting kindergarten there were ear infections, fevers, belly pain, joint swelling and bone pain.  All this from a child who was always very healthy.  Feb 10, 2012, the definitive diagnosis of pre-b cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) was echoing through my head. Joe was admitted to the hospital immediately and taken to the pediatric hematology/oncology floor.


Because of acute lymphoblastic leukemia's (ALL's) rapid growth, most patients need to start chemotherapy soon after diagnosis.

Chemotherapy drugs kill fast-growing cells throughout the body including cancer cells and normal, healthy cells. The damage to normal, healthy cells can cause side effects. Yet, not everyone experiences side effects the same way. 

ALL treatment consists of:

Stem Cell Transplantation

Allogeneic stem cell transplantation has been used to treat and sometimes cure chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) patients. However, because of the high, sometimes life-threatening risks associated with stem cell transplantation, doctors rarely use it in elderly patients or patients in poor health.