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Stem Cell Transplantation

For some patients who are in remission and can tolerate intensive chemotherapy, the doctor may recommend stem cell transplantation during the consolidation phase of chemotherapy.

Seth HL


It was in my sophomore year at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs right around March 2021 when I first discovered the lump in my neck. I was simply doing homework at my desk, and my hand unconsciously brushed against my neck. I stopped and started to feel the unusual lump in my neck.

Soon after that, the tests started.



After he was diagnosed with blood cancer in 2013, Jamie was told by doctors that he’d never walk again, let alone ride a bike. Despite those predictions, he finished a 540-mile ride in June 2019 to raise money for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS).

Childhood Hodgkin Lymphoma

Because of new and better therapies, cancer survival rates for children have improved dramatically during the last several decades. Scientists continue to search for the causes of childhood lymphoma so they can develop better treatments with less toxic side effects.

Long-Term and Late Effects of Treatment

Some side effects of cancer treatment, such as fatigue, can linger for months or years after therapy. Some medical conditions like heart disease and other cancers may not appear until years after treatment ends.


Diagnosing juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia (JMML) usually involves ruling out other similar diseases such as chronic myelomonocytic leukemia and chronic myeloid leukemia, especially if your child is older than 6 years. Doctors commonly use blood tests and bone marrow tests to diagnose JMML.

The tests used to diagnose JMML include:

Signs and Symptoms

Signs and symptoms are changes in the body that may indicate disease. A sign is a change that the doctor sees during an examination or on a laboratory test result. A symptom is a change that a patient can see and/or feel. A person who has signs or symptoms that suggest the possibility of leukemia is usually referred to a specialist. This is a hematologist-oncologist. A hematologist-oncologist is a doctor who has special training in diagnosing and treating blood cancers such as leukemia, lymphoma and myeloma.

bike riders


I traveled with my friends Karen and Beth to Death Valley in February 2020 for a cycling trip where, despite Beth’s fitness and the amount of cycling we’d done, she became short of breath on the steep climbs. She would stop and catch her breath, then continue cycling. This wasn’t normal behavior, but Beth shrugged it off. “We all have good and bad days on the bicycle,” she said. On our last day of cycling, we were planning another hilly route. “You guys go ahead.

Follow-Up Care

Follow-up care is important with both aggressive and indolent forms of NHL because if the disease recurs, curative options are still available for many people. Follow-up care needs to be individualized and should be based on several factors, including how the disease initially manifested. Patients who are in remission should continue to be monitored by clinical assessment as determined by their doctor. In the past, computed tomography (CT) scans or other diagnostic imaging were done routinely in an attempt to detect relapse.

Treatment Outcomes

A few decades ago, there were very low cure rates in both children and adults diagnosed with ALL. Today, childhood ALL has one of the highest cure rates of all childhood cancers, approaching 92 percent for children younger than 15 years and more than 94 percent for children younger than 5 years.

Follow-Up Care

Find more information about follow-up care, including what to expect, long-term and late effects of treatment, survivorship clinics, and other resources, such as The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) treatment guidelines.



This story is memory of my late fiancé, Jonathan Bentley, who passed away from acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL) at the age of 33 after a week-long battle. Jon was a truly amazing person; the type that you wish everyone could meet once in their lifetime. Although he is now gone, I wish to honor his beautiful spirit by sharing a little bit about him.

Zachary acute myeloid leukemia


Two months after we were married, my husband was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in July 2021. I was 33 weeks pregnant with our first baby when he was admitted to St. Louis University Hospital for the next month of induction treatment. Prior to diagnosis, Zach had been experiencing fatigue and palpitations and would become winded just walking up our flight of stairs. We thought he was having residual effects from some prior illnesses that he was hospitalized for in April and May. We know now that those instances were the beginning of his immune system starting to fail.



In March 2014, I woke up at my normal time to get ready for work. I could barely move - I was so ill and every part of my body hurt. I didn't’t think anything of being sick since I had started to feel ill on Sunday and it was just getting worse. I figured that I would stay home sick and be back to work the next day.



In 2008, I retired from teaching art, mostly because I was feeling tired all the time and didn’t want the program I was running to suffer because I couldn’t keep up. I figured it was old age. I was enjoying my first full year of retirement when I woke up with a backache. After two months of tests, in July 2010, I was diagnosed with multiple myeloma, a treatable but not yet curable blood cancer in the plasma cells of the bone marrow. 

acute myeloid leukemia (AML)


I was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in June of 2022. I was feeling fine and went for a routine physical where it was discovered that my white blood cell count was very low. This was the beginning of my nightmare. I was slotted to give my husband my kidney before I was diagnosed and had to quickly find another donor. We did and he got his transplant and is doing well. I was hospitalized for 8 weeks where I received very aggressive induction chemo that left me malnourished and on death’s doorstep.

primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma, woman, young, Peloton symbol


In February 2023, I developed a cough that would not go away. I went to the doctor twice. Both times I was told it was “long COVID,” and it would eventually go away. I continued with my life as normal and even went on a week-long trip to New York in April where I did a live Peloton Cycle class to celebrate my 400th ride (a milestone and dream come true for me). By the time I got home from New York, I was in bad shape. The cough had progressed, and daily activities were difficult.

Follow-Up Care

Click here for information about follow-up care, including what to expect, long-term and late effects of treatment, survivorship clinics, and other resources such as The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) treatment guidelines.

 Use the Survivorship Workbook to collect all the important information you need throughout diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and long-term management of a blood cancer.

Follow-Up Care

Click here for information about follow-up care, including what to expect, long-term and late effects of treatment, survivorship clinics, and other resources such as The National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) treatment guidelines.

 Use the Survivorship Workbook to collect all the important information you need throughout diagnosis, treatment, follow-up care and long-term management of a blood cancer.



At age 60, I stopped working as a full-time physical therapist and started working PRN at two different facilities. My reasoning was I could help my elderly but healthy parents when needed and help out with my grandkids. Everything was going great until the COVID-19 pandemic hit. I was laid off from both jobs. My father was very afraid of COVID-19 and wouldn’t let my mom leave the house, so I started doing all of their shopping. I had been fatigued for months but attributed this to work or being out of shape.

young hispanic woman sitting in a chair giving the peace sign, hair in ponytail, gray tank and black shorts, red and white tennis shoes


I am 28 years old and was diagnosed with stage 4 non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) when I was 27. I am a mother of two (a 5-year-old boy and a 7-year-old daughter). I am a licensed esthetician in Chicago and have run my own beauty business for six years.


Diagnosing chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML) usually involves a series of repeated tests, including blood and bone marrow tests. Your doctor usually can't confirm a diagnosis of CMML with one lab test result that shows abnormal blood counts. Instead, he or she will monitor you over a period of time with repeated lab tests that show abnormal blood counts. This is done to rule out other diagnoses.

Bone marrow testing involves two steps usually done at the same time in a doctor's office or a hospital:



In August 2019, I developed pneumonia for the third time in two years. I had been finding that my ability to fight off illness was not as good as it used to be. Once it got to the point that I was having problems breathing, I decided to go to urgent care. Two years prior, I had been hospitalized for pneumonia, and I wasn’t looking forward to it happening again. I Googled the nearest urgent care, and it was closed. There was only one nearby that was open, but I had never been before.

mantle cell lymphoma (MCL)


This may be the most vulnerable thing I’ve ever shared. I tend to not like to share too much of my personal life on social media. I am a businesswoman, so a few pictures of my kids, family, or vacations are usually the extent of what I put out there. But if what I’m about to say here about my story helps even one person listen to their gut or body, then I am proud to have helped. Please take a few minutes to read this.