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Dorothy Spriggs was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in 1999 and is currently doing well. 

Since 2011, “Ms. Dottie” has volunteered with the Baltimore chapter of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society.  She does office work regularly, participates in events and volunteers as a peer counselor to support others living with the same diagnosis. 



Today I would like to give thanks to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. With the fantastic staff, and volunteers we have truly come so far. As an ALL survivor, Team In Training Alumni, and participant it is so amazing to see what we have all done for blood cancer patients and their families.



My brother was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in September 1996 and passed away in April 1997, his senior year of high school and less than a month after turning 18. As a young person watching my brother suffer through his cancer diagnosis and subsequent death, it took away pieces of me that I will never get back. Not only me but my parents, his friends, our church, and strangers alike. Throughout the years, I have felt exhausted in grief as I denied my feelings, only to be hit by it in full force in unexpected moments.



It was 40 years ago that Tony was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) at age 2. Back then, the disease wasn't very well understood, and the technologies and treatments didn't have a great deal to offer. It was a rough road, but Tony managed to make it through with the help of his mother and many experimental drugs. He went through chemotherapy, radiation, spinal taps, and hair loss, and at age 12, his doctors couldn't find any trace of leukemia.

Asistencia Financiera Local

Nuestros programas actualmente están experimentando volúmenes de llamadas, reclamos y envío de solicitudes superiores a lo normal. Nuestra prioridad número uno es brindar apoyo oportuno a nuestros pacientes, cuidadores, farmacias y proveedores de atención médica que buscan asistencia financiera. Estamos trabajando lo más rápido posible para atender todas las solicitudes pendientes.


Meet Chuck a leukemia survivor. He is the Indianapolis Colts Head Coach, "My condition was leukemia. But my position was, I'm walking out of here. For everybody who's battling this disease, for everybody who's going to battle this disease, I would just say, look, your attitude's got to be one of, I'm gonna beat it."



I noticed some lymph nodes popped up on my neck so I went to the Dr. I didn't feel bad at all. My Dr ordered blood work and my white blood count was high. I was sent to The Cancer Center of Acadiana and more blood work, scans, ultrasound and bone biopsy was done. After all the results came in my white blood count was 99,000 and I had 75% leukemia cells in my bone marrow. I was diagnosed with CLL. 4 days later I was in the Infusion room at The Cancer Center of Acadiana. After 5 months of chemo going 2 days every month I am leukemia free.

Cooper leukemia


I am Cooper, and I am a leukemia survivor. I am 26 and creating businesses around the creativity space. I am a healer and author of multiple books. I was diagnosed with leukemia at the age of seven. I did treatment for 2½ years with chemotherapy. I have been in remission for 16 years. I am grateful to be here. I have donated around $100,000 to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). I have done Pennies for Patients (PFP), Student Of The Year (SOY), and been an Honored Hero for multiple events. My high school raised $10,000 in one week for PFP.



I first became involved in Team In Training (TNT) and The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in March of 2020 because I was very interested in running the New York City Marathon. I knew that I wanted to run for a charity that meant something to me, so I knew I had to be a part of this team.



When Noah was born in 2005, we were surprised when the doctor told us he had Down syndrome.  Soon after, we were informed about all of the things that Noah wouldn’t or couldn’t do in his lifetime.  We were also given a laundry list of medical problems that he could potentially have.  Two months after he was born, Noah went into heart failure and had open heart surgery to correct four holes in his heart.  This was a tough time but boy did we have more to come and didn’t know it.  He has since had multiple surgeries, tests, studies, etc.  We were told that Noa

Kayli ALL


My daughter Kayli is a remarkable 22-year-old, six-time cancer survivor of leukemia who is currently undergoing treatment for a relapse of acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) that has been recurrent in her central nervous system (CNS) since she was 8 years old. We are hopeful that the upcoming bone marrow transplant will provide a much-needed, life-saving cure for Kayli.

I am an RN and a single mother of five daughters and one son. My only son, Kayli's brother, Markai, is a full match and will be her bone marrow donor. He just graduated high school in May.

Team in Training Katharine


My mother, Nancy, was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with a FLT3 mutation in March 2022. Over the next year and a half, she went through multiple rounds and regimens of inpatient and outpatient chemotherapy. At every step along the way, every member of my mom's care team kept mentioning how the outlook for patients like my mom was so much better now than it had been even 10 years ago thanks to advances in medicine.

leukemia Riley


On October 17, 2023, my life took a turn I never saw coming. My doctor sat me down and told me, "You have leukemia." It felt like the ground had shifted beneath my feet. I was scared, couldn't believe it was happening, and had no idea what the future held.



This cause is dear to me because my grandmother, Anne Zavorskas, passed away several years ago from Hodgkin’s disease--a form of leukemia. Also, many years ago, my mentor’s son, Ryan Hurley, had a recurrence of leukemia, which he was first diagnosed with at the age of three. He died at the age of 19. Unfortunately, leukemia at the time caused more deaths than any other cancer in children under the age of 20.  These instances led me to my desire to donate time and money to this particular charity. I have volunteered my time and fundraising expertise ever since.



My daughter was a professional dancer out on tour when she was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). She was 25 years old dancing in Detroit, Michigan, at the time, feeling short of breath and having night sweats. Being a dancer, you are in the best shape of your life, and you know when something is going on with your body. So as a mom not knowing what was wrong, I started to panic and told her to start at the urgent care. Two days later I was on a plane heading to Detroit where they told her they thought she had leukemia.



In May 2011, when Kimberly Schuetz was starting to plan her son Austin’s third birthday, he was diagnosed with a high-risk form of acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

Austin was immediately placed on a chemotherapy regimen. However, when a routine blood test revealed that he relapsed in October 2012, their only option was a bone marrow transplant to save his life. After that transplant, his cancer came back for the third time in May 2013.

Caregiving During Treatment

Preparing the Home

During and after cancer treatment, your loved one may find life at home becomes increasingly challenging. If  your loved one is experiencing mobility issues, peripheral neuropathy, pain or weakness after treatment, the following changes to the home may make life easier and safer for your loved one:



In the summer of 2006 I received a letter in the mail much like what you get around the holidays telling of the adventures over the past year.  My friend had recently moved to Tucson with her family.  She shared pictures of their kids and told about the transition from the Seattle area to Tucson.

phil B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia


My sweet and wild 3-year-old son, Phil, was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) in the midst of the holidays in 2019 on December 27. Phil began treatment right away, following a 2½-year treatment protocol for his leukemia type and risk level. With every hospital visit, chemotherapy infusion, medication to take, procedures in the OR, or “job” he was told to do, Phil smiled, he laughed, and he cooperated (with a little encouragement and bribery of course!). There really was something so special about him.



Shaden is fighting against leukemia. He is three years old and was a healthy boy before his diagnosis. Then, out of nowhere, he would get a lot of body aches that were very unusual.

Sometimes Shaden didn’t feel like being the happy, energetic kid he always was. He wouldn’t walk, sleep or eat. We decided to take Shaden to the children’s hospital and they did some testing. They soon told us that he might have leukemia. They did more testing, and Shaden was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).



My only child was my heart and soul!  He was a son to be proud of in so many ways.  Kind, gentle, and caring was only the tip of the iceberg to his character.  He had lots of friends and was always ready to help when called.  He had just finished his freshman year in college when he was diagnosed with Hodgkin lymphoma.  It changed our world.

LLS Volunteer Kessler McLaughlin


Kessler McLaughlin’s life change forever on July 13, 2006. In the months leading up to that day, he was a typical 14-year-old kid, except that he was in pain all the time. Doctors couldn’t figure out why his joints were in so much pain. 



My wife and I would have never heard of The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society (LLS) if it were not for losing our 12-year-old daughter on March 12, 2013 to undiagnosed leukemia. If you've heard me speak of my daughter Sophia, you've heard this word: perfect. Her laugh, her eyes, her beautiful smile were all perfect. Sophia was a loving, kind and compassionate child. She loved her friends, her dogs (Katie & Daisy), and her family. Perfect. Sophia's story is very different from others.



Meet Sal. Chronic Myeloid Leukemia Survivor. Florida. Sal was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) before his daughter Olivia celebrated her first birthday. After multiple courses of treatment proved unsuccessful, he underwent a bone marrow transplant in September 2011. Now, almost three years later, Olivia is almost 5 and her Daddy is celebrating his "three-year post-transplant birthday"! Sal is healthy and strong - and has the energy to play and laugh with her. Most beautiful of all, he can now dream of being at her side for all kinds of birthdays to come.

B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL)


Noah was diagnosed with B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) on January 20, 2021. He was just six years old. We noticed Noah had a lot of bruising, dark circles under his eyes, his skin became very pale in color, and he was very fatigued. We took him to his pediatrician where they ran a lot of lab work. The next morning, we received a call stating that his labs did not look good and that he needed to see a pediatric oncologist right away.