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Our Journey On June 26 2013, at six years old, Mateo was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Our world was completely upside down since that night. Our hearts shattered when we processed the words "your child has cancer ".

Giulia Casorati, Ph.D.

A Leading Researcher Advancing Immunotherapy for Acute Myeloid Leukemia

In Italy, Dr. Giulia Casorati is focused on adoptive cell immunotherapy to treat patients with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Immunotherapy is a groundbreaking approach to treatment that involves harnessing the power of the patient’s own immune system to kill cancer. She is developing an immunotherapy approach that engineers T cells to specifically target CD1, a molecule found on the surface of AML cells.



Our daughter, Monica, is a busy mother of three sweet girls, age 12 months, 3 years and 6 years. After a long winter filled with the girls’ colds, infections, and flu, Monica was exhausted.



I lost my father at age 53 to acute myeloid leukemia (AML) after a hard 13-month battle. I want to get involved with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) to spread awareness around leukemia and other blood cancers, to hopefully help other patients and loved ones going through this. My brother, Jack Austin, has run 2 marathons under the team "Running for Rob" and has fundraised over $10K for LLS. I want to get involved and fundraise to not only spread awareness and support to those dealing with this dreadful disease.



I am joining former England and Crystal Palace footballer and leukemia survivor, Geoff Thomas, and 23 other teammates to cycle the full Tour de France route one week ahead of the professionals to raise funds for the UK charity Cure Leukaemia. It's three huge goals — riding the Tour de France, raising $40,000 myself, and the team’s goal of $1 million. But with The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) help, I know I can achieve it. 



My daughter Makenzie was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) in January 2013, when she was just four years old. She had no signs or symptoms of leukemia. One day, Makenzie had a sore throat and we made an appointment with her pediatrician. Turns out she did have strep throat, but an exam also revealed her spleen was very enlarged. At that point, her pediatrician did bloodwork and learned that Makenzie's white cell count was through the roof. We were sent to Texas Children’s Hospital where later that evening she was diagnosed with CML.



Hello Friends — this is my leukemia journey, For those of you who don’t know me, my entire 38-year teaching career was spent with 9-12 year olds. I’ve always relished the authenticity and passion of this age group and that led me to a very satisfying and rewarding chapter in my life.



In 2013, after doing the 60 mile, three day walk in support of breast cancer, of which I am also a survivor of, I realized that something seemed wrong as the walk was extremely difficult for me, unlike the previous 5 walks I had done. I made an appointment to see my doctor that next week and after doing some tests, I was told I had acute myloid leukemia. I was told I needed to check into the University of MN hospital that same day. And so began my journey with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).

acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


My son Evan was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) when he was two years and seven months old. He went into remission a month later. He finished his chemotherapy and treatment, but shortly after he relapsed. He went through radiation and chemotherapy again and was given a bone marrow transplant. He never made it out of the hospital and passed away when he was four and a half.   The reason I fundraise for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) is so other parents won’t have to go through what we went through.

Aiden twins leukemia


Aiden and his identical twin brother, Mason, were born perfectly healthy at 37 weeks. They were great babies and were rarely ever sick. They hit all their milestones on time and were thriving. When they were 2½ years old, I started looking into preschools in the area to begin their education. 



I’m Michael and I’m a two time leukemia survivor. My story is the force that drives me, fuels my energy, and led me to challenge myself to jump rope 1,000,000 skips in 2020. I’m doing it to bring awareness to blood cancer and raise money for LLS. When I heard, “Michael, we have your blood test results. We’ve arranged for your hospital admittance. Please go there now,” I thought ”This can’t be right”. Two days later on Thanksgiving, I had my diagnosis – hairy cell leukemia.



Leukemia Survivor Travels From Egypt to Receive Treatment

At just three years old, Bishoy’s parents uprooted him and his family from Egypt to America after he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. He underwent treatment for most of his childhood until finally receiving a clean bill of health at thirteen years old. 

Sarah AML


My daughter Sarah was a fun, smart, and scrappy kid. She was a great student, was involved in Student Council, was President of her class, played in the marching band, and played rugby. She had caught a cold around Thanksgiving of 2010. By December 7, she was in the hospital. We were told she had acute myeloid leukemia (AML). I wasn’t even sure what leukemia was, but I knew it was serious. I was hoping in a few months she would be okay, and we would move on with life.

acute myeloid leukemia (AML)


Preston was a regular 12-year-old kid who loved being active and was obsessed with playing basketball. He got sick in August and was still having a hard time recovering in late September. We realized he needed a thorough check-up and decided to bypass the doctor’s office and go directly to the ER. He had been extremely lethargic and was losing weight. His lips were pale, and his body was cold to the touch.

Andreas Strasser, Ph.D., MSc, FAA

A Pioneering Researcher Developing Targeted Therapies for Leukemia, Lymphoma and Myeloma

A cancer researcher trained in cell biology, immunology and molecular oncology, Dr. Strasser has made major contributions leading to discoveries that have found that defects in cell death can cause cancer and impair responses to chemotherapy. With this knowledge, his research team is able to develop new treatments. 

chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)

Jayne & Jenny

My sister Jenny and I both have chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL), and I was doing the Facebook challenge, “50 Miles in November,” for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) in honor of us. 

FB challenge for LLS


Hey, I appreciate the work of The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). I did the Facebook fundraiser in honor of my friend Mr. Larry in Florida who is now in remission after being diagnosed with leukemia. He’s a dear friend of mine, and he has a lot of courage and determination to beat this illness. I wanted to do this to help raise money for LLS and for all those who face an uncertain future. I’m planning to do 31 days instead of just 21 because I feel many people exceeded their miles per day in very cold conditions while I just walked mine inside on the job where I walk a lot.



I am a teacher from Texas. My journey to Team and Training wasn’t immediate. I moved to Texas from Louisiana. When I moved to Texas, I decided to start running to meet people and to help with my homesickness.


On July 16, 2014 I had just finished eating out at our local diner. When standing at the register to pay, my defibrillator fired and an ambulance was called. Within two hours of arriving at the emergency room I found out I had leukemia. I had had no symptoms other than the lab work that showed the disease. I was in disbelief when I heard the words "very aggressive form of acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL)." By the next afternoon I was started on a heavy regiment of arsenic and ATRA chemotherapy treatment.

AML, man, glasses, beard, orange shirt, dog


It was November 2023. The doctor looked at me and said, “Mr. Reese, I’m terribly sorry to have to tell you this, but the leukemia has relapsed again. Combined with the graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) that is currently raging, we no longer have options for treatment. Our suggestion is that you start comfort care through hospice.”


It was in May, 2014 that 24-year-old Casey Moore began experiencing her first symptoms of chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). For a week straight, Casey had been vomiting every day and was losing a significant amount of weight. This was unusual, as prior to her symptoms, she considered herself a happy, healthy woman focused on her relationship and career. At the time, she was living with her boyfriend and working full time in a chiropractic office -- with no apparent signs of an illness.



I support LLS because leukemia and lymphoma has impacted my family. On Mother’s Day in 2006, my cousin's six year-old daughter, Sydney was diagnosed with acute myeloid leukemia (AML). After a year of fighting so hard, Sydney passed away.

The doctors at the New York Hospital were amazed and acknowledge that because Sydney did not give up and she fought such a painful battle, she had done so much for the advancement of research in leukemia.

acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


In September 2017, our world crashed when I was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Over the next several years, I experienced numerous chemotherapy sessions, radiation treatments, a stem cell transplant, many side effects, infections, and another cancer. There were moments when I felt near death. Despite these difficulties, our Christian faith was a source of strength and hope throughout this journey. We decided to write a book about our faith journey through leukemia.

acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL)


Brittany, a 37-year-old mother, is currently fighting leukemia for the second time. Known for her generosity and support for others, Brittany enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and above all, loving her son. Unfortunately, on August 6, 2022, Brittany received an unexpected diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) when she was 35 weeks pregnant. This news shattered her perfect pregnancy plans and forced her into a battle against cancer.