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A phase 1 study of DR-0201, a bispecific myeloid engager, in patients with B-NHL

In November 2022, LLS made an equity investment in Dren Bio to "Support Clinical Development of the DR-01 Program for Rare Leukemia & Lymphoma Indications Including Large Granular Lymphocyte Leukemia (LGLL) and Cytotoxic Lymphomas."

A phase 2 expansion study of ICT01, an anti-BTN3A monoclonal antibody, in combination with azacitidine and venetoclax in patients with AML

In June 2022, LLS made an equity investment in ImCheck Therapeutics to "Support Clinical Development of the ICT01 Program for Blood Cancer Indications." ImCheck Therapeutics is designing and developing a new generation of immunotherapeutic antibodies targeting butyrophilins, a novel super-family of immunomodulators.

Developing Novel CAR-T Cell Therapy For Hematologic Malignancies

We observed that patients with many hematologic cancers expressed high levels of DKK1 and generated novel human DKK1-A2 CAR-T cells that can kill cancer cells from HLA-A2+ patients with myeloma, lymphoma, or leukemia. We also found that Th9-polarized T cells have enhanced antitumor effects in vivo. In this proposal, we will determine 1) whether and how Th9-polarized DKK1-A2 CAR-T cells are promising effector T cells for immunotherapy of human patients, and 2) whether Th9-polarized DKK1-A2 CAR-T cells are associated with reduced on- and off-target toxicities.

A phase 2 study of Bexmarilimab, an anti-Clever1 monoclonal antibody, in combination with azacitidine in patients with high-risk MDS

In June 2022, LLS made an equity investment in Faron Pharmaceuticals to "Support Clinical Development of the Bexmarilimab Program for Leukemia Indications." Faron is a clinical stage biopharmaceutical company developing novel treatments for medical conditions with significant unmet needs caused by dysfunction of our immune system. The Company currently has a pipeline based on the receptors involved in regulation of immune response in oncology, organ damage and bone marrow regeneration. 

Development of Immunotherapy Targeting U5 snRNP200 for the Treatment of Hematologic Malignancies

The therapeutic landscape of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) has witnessed considerable expansion following recent U.S. FDA endorsements of novel therapies; however, the 5-year survival rate for most adult patients remains below 10%. The absence of immunotherapeutic options for AML can be attributed, in part, to the dearth of identified antigens that selectively discriminate between AML cells and normal hematopoietic precursor cells.

The Immune Niche in the Development of Hematological Malignancies and Implications for Novel Therapy

Our SCOR Program, composed of four complementary Projects supported by three shared Cores, is designed to determine how the immune niche and factors in its composition and regulation affect the initiation and progression of hematopoietic malignancies. Using genetically engineered mouse models, cell cultures and patient samples, the power of multi-omics analyses will be brought to bear to identify common drivers and expose underlying mechanisms.

A phase 2 registration-directed clinical study of ziftomenib (KO-539), a menin inhibitor, in patients with NPM1-mutant relapsed or refractory AML

Starting in July 2010, LLS TAP supported a promising University of Michigan research project led by <a href="" target="_blank">Jolanta Grembecka, PhD</a>, to develop new treatments for patients with a rare and lethal subtype of leukemia. Through TAP, LLS engaged chemists to improve the properties that produced lead compounds that exhibited potent anti-leukemic activity.

Novel CD7 CAR T-cells for refractory T-cell malignancies affecting pediatric and AYA patients

T-cell leukemias and lymphomas have devastating outcomes if they recur after or don’t respond to standard treatment, with the only hope of cure being bone marrow transplant (BMT). Unfortunately, many pediatric, adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients are unable to achieve clinical remission (and thus unable to proceed to BMT) with standard salvage therapies, which are often even more toxic than upfront therapies.

Pharmacological strategies to enhance T- and NK-cell-based therapies in blood cancers

Although they represent a major therapeutic progress for blood cancers, CAR-T cells and other T-cell based therapies are subject to eventual development of resistance to many patients. Natural killer (NK) cell-based therapies are highly active against many types of blood cancer cells which are resistant to T cells, but in our CRISPR studies death receptor signaling defects emerge as a common downstream mechanism of resistance to both T- and NK-cell therapies.

A phase 2 study of RVU120, a novel CDK8 inhibitor, in genetically defined cohorts of patients with AML and high-risk MDS

In August 2017, LLS TAP partnered with Ryvu Therapeutics (formerly known as Selvita) to support "A Phase 1b Study of SEL120 in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia or High-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome." Ryvu Therapeutics is a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company focusing on novel small molecule therapies that address emerging targets in oncology using a proprietary&nbsp;discovery engine platform.

A phase 2 study of RVU120, a novel CDK8 inhibitor, in combination with venetoclax in patients with AML

In August 2017, LLS TAP partnered with Ryvu Therapeutics (formerly known as Selvita) to support "A Phase 1b Study of SEL120 in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia or High-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome." Ryvu Therapeutics is a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company focusing on novel small molecule therapies that address emerging targets in oncology using a proprietary&nbsp;discovery engine platform.

A phase 2 study of RVU120, a novel CDK8 inhibitor, in patients with low-risk MDS

In August 2017, LLS TAP partnered with Ryvu Therapeutics (formerly known as Selvita) to support "A Phase 1b Study of SEL120 in Patients With Acute Myeloid Leukemia or High-risk Myelodysplastic Syndrome." Ryvu Therapeutics is a clinical-stage drug discovery and development company focusing on novel small molecule therapies that address emerging targets in oncology using a proprietary&nbsp;discovery engine platform.

Targeting mutated MYD88 pro-survival signaling in B-cell malignancies

Our laboratory and those of others discovered highly recurring mutations in the gene MYD88 which are found in patients with various B-cell cancers including Waldenstrom’s Macroglobulinemia (95-97%), ABC Subtype of Diffuse B-cell Lymphoma (30-40%), Primary Central Nervous Lymphoma (80%), Marginal Zone Lymphoma (10%) and Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (5-10%).

KT1, a novel NK trispecific antibody for the treatment of AML and MDS

New treatments for AML and MDS are urgently needed. We have developed and performed preliminary testing of a novel, patent-protected, trispecific NK cell engager named KT1 which targets AML blasts and leukemia stem cells (LSCs) expressing CD33 and CD123 for elimination by effector cells that express CD16a/b.

Financial and Legal

Balancing Work

The many responsibilities of caring for someone often leads to job conflicts. Work is a financial necessity and a major source of personal satisfaction, but for many caregivers, it is often difficult to balance the twin responsibilities of caregiving and working. Each caregiver’s working conditions are different. Talk to your supervisor and look in the employee handbook or other human resources publications to learn about your company’s policy on caregivers.


Food provides valuable nutrients for cancer patients. Eating well during cancer treatment helps to speed recovery, ease side effects, and keep the treatment plan running smoothly. 

Understanding Blood Cancers and Treatment Options

Leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma, myelodysplastic syndromes (MDSs) and myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs) are types of cancer that can affect the bone marrow, blood cells, lymph nodes and other parts of the lymphatic system. See the Disease Information pages to learn more about the different types of blood cancer.

Other Financial Assistance

LLS is part of the Cancer Financial Assistance Coalition (C-FAC), which helps cancer patients manage their financial challenges by:

  • Helping members communicate and collaborate
  • Educating patients and providers about resources and links to other organizations that provide information about C-FAC's resources
  • Advocating for cancer patients regarding the financial burdens of cancer care


stefan_bjelosevic LLS researcher


Not that long ago, leukemia was an invariably fatal disease. These cancers presented with such ferocity and aggression that in many cases patient decline was rapid, usually within weeks of initial diagnosis. This all changed in the 1940s when Dr. Sidney Farber pioneered the use of antimetabolite chemicals as a means of killing leukemia cells, the birth of the chemotherapy revolution.



When I was twelve years old, I was diagnosed with a very rare type of leukemia found in children. I was life-flighted, had various treatments and procedures, and even had four blood transfusions. As incredibly shocking and terrifying as it all was, I pulled through in only a week of treatment. My type of leukemia is called chronic myeloid leukemia (CML). This leukemia is something that will be a part of me forever. Even still, I take a daily oral chemotherapy pill. Despite all of this, I maintain my path in life and will not let anything stop me.

LLS volunteer


I lost my dad to leukemia 20 years ago, fundraising all year in his honor for the year he knew about his diagnosis but didn’t tell anyone. We also lost his mom (grandma) to leukemia in 2002 and my mother-in-law in 2007 to leukemia. I proudly support The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS) and try to donate every year, but this year, I hope to donate a big chunk to help current patients and their families.


Pam Katten died on September 24, 2002 after a year-long battle with acute myeloid leukemia (AML).  



Our Matthew was first diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) in August 2015 at the age of 12. He relapsed with ALL in December 2016 and underwent his first bone marrow transplant in February 2017 with marrow from an anonymous male donor from New Jersey.

In January 2019, he was diagnosed with mixed phenotype acute leukemia (MPAL). He underwent his second bone marrow transplant in February 2019 with marrow from his first donor's twin brother. Our two families have become very close since we were able to meet after the first transplant.



In July 2014, my defibrillator fired while I was at a diner. Upon testing at the hospital I found out I have acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). Much to my surprise, it was discovered by a simple blood test.



Our Journey On June 26 2013, at six years old, Mateo was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL). Our world was completely upside down since that night. Our hearts shattered when we processed the words "your child has cancer ".