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From Fighting Fires to Fighting for His Life: One Firefighter’s Journey with Cancer

In late 2014, Eric Wirtz, a firefighter for the Boston Fire Department, lost his 64-year-old mother to pancreatic cancer. During that time he had been experiencing pain in his lower right back and hip area and frequent bouts of flu-like symptoms. Eric says that overall he “just did not feel too good.” Little did he know he was about to face his own battle with cancer. Tests of Eric’s lower abdominal area revealed a large tumor that were inflamed lymph nodes in his hip area.

Towards Equity in Specialized Cancer Care for Adolescents and Young Adults with Newly Diagnosed Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia

Our study is designed to directly inform the pathways through which health insurance influences access to care at an SCC for individuals with AYA ALL using a combination of cancer registry, survey, and cost-benefit analyses.
Fredia with her Team In Training team, Kristen's Klimbers

4 Perspectives on How Nonprofits Help

If you want to change the world, there’s more than one way to do it. You could start in your community, helping friends and neighbors. You could also turn to a nonprofit organization—as a volunteer, donor, advocate, or even by joining the staff—to widen your impact.  

We know a lot of changemakers at The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS). Passionate, amazing people who work hard to help us make life better for blood cancer patients, survivors, and their families. They know that we can make the most progress toward a world without blood cancer together.  

Caregiver hugging patient

5 Ways to Support Blood Cancer Patients

Have you ever Googled, “what to do for someone with cancer”? 

Have you felt helpless or frustrated when trying to think of something meaningful to offer them or do for them? You want them to know you’re ready to help, but don’t know how to help. 

We’re often told to just ask the person what they need. But the truth is, they probably don’t know what they need. And figuring it out can be tough on top of all the new questions that come with their diagnosis. 

So now what? 

21st Century Cures Act Victory

As Vice President of LLS’s Office of Public Policy, Bernadette O’Donoghue leads strategic public policy development at the federal and state levels, providing input from patients to help improve access to care and accelerate cures. 

This week was a monumental victory for cancer patients. The 21st Century Cures Act, which will significantly speed access to new lifesaving therapies, was signed into a law. Now, cancer patients, survivors and their families are closer to improved diagnostics, treatments, and ultimately, cures.

Celebrating Our Amazing Volunteers This National Intern Day

I can’t think of better partners to join us in the fight against cancer than the future nonprofit and healthcare executives of the world. Whether students, recent grads or professionals transitioning to a new career path, LLS embraces the support of volunteer interns throughout the year as we work tirelessly toward a world without blood cancer.

Ask the Doctor Part 2: Five Questions about Lymphoma

Lymphoma survivor, Jessica Melore talks to Dr. Nichols about the Latest in Lymphoma Research and Treatment

Ask the Doctor Part 3: Five Questions about Myeloma

Myeloma Survivor, Sharon Clark Talks to Dr. Nichols about the Latest in Myeloma Research and Treatment

Holding Hands Image

Top Mental Health Resources For Blood Cancer Patients & Caregivers

From physical symptoms of blood cancer itself to treatments and their side effects, the experience puts a patient’s body through a lot. But how does cancer affect you emotionally? 

Bottom line: Learning that you or someone you love has a serious illness is scary. 

It reaches beyond blood tests: You might feel hopeless, irritable, or lose interest in things you once enjoyed. That’s why taking care of your mind, just as much as your body, is crucial when you’re facing blood cancer.  

Attention Hockey Fans: LLS and The National Hockey League Fight Cancer Together

LLS is teaming up with the National Hockey League (NHL®) and the National Hockey League Players’ Association’s (NHLPA) joint initiative, Hockey Fights Cancer™ annual campaign. This is LLS’s seventh season participating in HFC. The 18th annual Hockey Fights Cancer campaign kicks off on October 24 and runs until November 18.

Volunteers making an impact together

Because You Volunteer, Your Impact Creates a Ripple Effect

When you commit time and talent to a nonprofit’s mission – no matter how you choose to get involved – you become a volunteer, and the impact of your efforts runs far deeper than the specific project or task you work on. For example, volunteers don’t always realize that the hours they spent stocking shelves meant hundreds of families would have food for two weeks. Or that the time spent fundraising not only raised critical mission dollars but also added value upward of $1,250 to the organization’s bottom line.

Cancer and Sun Safety: What You Need to Know

Summer is in full swing, and many of us are enjoying outdoor activities and lots of time in the sun. For cancer patients, being mindful of sun exposure before, during and after cancer treatment is extremely important.

According to The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society’s (LLS) Information Specialists, a team of master’s level oncology social workers, nurses and health educators, sunlight has benefits, but it is important to protect yourself from too much sun exposure.