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The National Children’s Cancer Society

Partner Link

Partner Contact
314-241-1600 or 800-532-6459

Population Served

Children with cancer and their families, caregivers, survivors, health professionals


To improve the quality of life for children with cancer and their families worldwide.

  • Provides financial and emotional support to families throughout the United States during their child’s cancer treatment. Financial assistance includes transportation fund and emergency assistance fund (See website for specific financial eligibility criteria.)
  • The "Beyond the Cure" Survivorship Program (BTC) provides the most up-to-date information on survivorship to help survivors and their families adapt and celebrate life after diagnosis
  • Online community provides a private network for parents, caregivers and survivors of childhood cancer to connect, share and offer support to one another
  • Beyond the Cure Ambassador Scholarship Program awards college scholarships to childhood cancer survivors who have demonstrated the ability to overcome the difficult challenges of cancer with determination and motivation; call or see website for details
  • Provides resources to healthcare professionals involved in the treatment of childhood cancer and the many challenges associated with survivorship
  • Global Outreach Program partners with pharmaceutical companies to distribute donated cancer treatment drugs and medical supplies around the world.