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International Myeloma Foundation (IMF)

Partner Link

Partner Contact
800-452-2873 (US & Canada) or 818-487-7455 (Worldwide)

Population Served

Anyone needing information on myeloma, including patients, caregivers and health professionals


To improve the quality of life of myeloma patients and their families while working toward prevention and a cure through four founding principles: research, education, support, and advocacy.

  • Offers disease and treatment information via toll free number and publications in multiple languages
  • Makes referrals to support groups and hosts an on-line support group
  • Offers seminars, workshops and webcasts
  • Provides Veterans Against Myeloma (VAM), a resource for patients who have served in the military and developed myeloma through their service
  • IMF Advocacy group helps guide individuals to advocate for critical health issues that affect the myeloma community
  • Supports research initiatives.