Inspirational Stories
nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma (NSHL)
I'm a 32-year-old woman, and I battled stage III nodular sclerosis Hodgkin lymphoma (NSHL) from ages 27 to 29. It started with the base of my throat being enlarged to experiencing every symptom you could possibly get from this disease as I was misdiagnosed for a year straight.
My cancer was diagnosed as . . . wait for it . . . allergies. For a year. Once I was officially diagnosed in October 2021, I had my staging PET scan which revealed I was riddled with tumors in my head, neck, chest, and near my liver.
After I had my port put in and deemed fit to withstand treatment, I began eight rounds of aggressive chemo (ABVD), and it was grueling. It made me sick as a dog — body aches, bone pain, nausea, vomiting, neutropenia, hair loss. Look up side effects for ABVD chemo, and I check almost every possible box. I have never been so miserable physically in my entire life.
I rang the bell on April 7, 2022 (which would've been my late, best friend's 30th birthday). About a week later, I landed in the hospital for a week with pneumonia. I was poked and prodded, running an insanely high fever, couldn't breathe, scared. I literally asked my oncologist if I was going to die. He said he wouldn't let me (he's the best).
After cancer followed up by pneumonia, you'd think it could only go up from here, right? Wrong! After I got out of the hospital with pneumonia, it was immediately followed by COVID-19 which was immediately followed by shingles . . . on my FACE!!!
But here I am, almost three years into remission. My entire life fell apart. I lost my job and my life's savings due to paying for insurance and other medical bills out of pocket, as well as other bills, and couldn't enroll in my next semester of school. I am happy to report that I am healthy and strong, have graduated, and am working at my dream job! NEVER give up on yourself, and ALWAYS ADVOCATE for yourself.