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Inspirational Stories


diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL)

In November 2023, on my 40th birthday, I had a biopsy on my neck for a swollen lymph node. We originally thought it was thyroid issues, but several scans and biopsies later led me to Sylvester Cancer Center at the University of Miami. A week later, I was diagnosed with diffused large B-cell lymphoma CD30+ (DLBCL), which I like to say is Hodgkin and non-Hodgkin lymphoma in one big bang, an aggressive rare form of cancer that required a specialized treatment with revolutionary drugs.

My oncologist said I had to follow three things: 1) come to treatment on schedule; 2) take all the required medications; and 3) call if you feel at all sick. Luckily, I only had one ER hospital visit and a wonderful support system with family, friends, and coworkers. After six rounds of chemotherapy treatments ended in April 2024, the final PET scan showed remission! I feel an urge to give back because of all the medical and family support that I received.

bald white woman wearing a knit cap tan sweater and white shirt sitting on a bench next to a statue