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Inspirational Stories


non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL)

I was diagnosed with follicular non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) in preparation for heart surgery. While my disease was stage 3, it was also slow-growing, and I went ahead and had open-heart surgery in January 2022 to repair a valve. Six months later, my disease had advanced, and I began four rounds of Rituxan® which did not work sufficiently. However, in that interim, I signed up for the Boston Marathon ― which goes by my house ― to run for Dana Farber where I am being treated. My oncologist advised that I begin chemo and immunotherapy for six months, which I did while training and running the marathon. I had my fifth cycle of chemo the day after the marathon. I decided early after my diagnosis that I was going to LIVE with my disease, not be defined by it. It was a crazy thing to do running a marathon while going through chemo, after heart surgery, but I share it as an example of what the body is capable of in recovering from serious health challenges.

middle aged white man with beard and mustache shown in two photos one running a marathon one in the hospital wearing a mask